Lucky for them the roads where nearly empty because of how late it was hence It took him only twenty minutes for them to arrive at the hospital.
Do you want me to wait for you? Trevor asked.
No i will be here till dawn, she said unbuckling her seat belt. I will meet you at the race track later she added. opening the door and was already out.
Alright all the best, he said with a smile and watched her run towards the main inlet only driving off when she's out of site.
The surgery went on for five hours she only left the operating room at three in the morning and stayed by the patients side monitoring him incase the condition changed, she even refused to rest when the nurses offered to stay on her behalf.
She really loves her Job, The younger nurse on duty said.
Yes she does, She loves all her Jobs. Another nurse Susan said.
Have you worked with her for long?.
We started working at this hospital the same year, so yes i have worked with her long enough to know her. Susan explained, both staring at Paige with admiration.
You can get some rest I will stay up with the doctor.
Thank you, the younger nurse said. " Do wake me up if anything goes wrong.
Don't worry, I will.
Paige still stayed by up till eight o'clock in the morning only leaving after assuring her patients' parents and herself as well.
"We will have to keep close watch on him just to make sure the new heart keeps functioning normally before you can take him back home" she explained. you will be able to see him in once his moved to the regular ward but for now only his parents will be allowed to see him from a distance to avoid infections to his wounds.
Thank you doctor, The parents thanked her. We are really grateful for saving our child.
You don't have to thank me I was only doing my job but do give thanks to the donor, they deserve it more than I.
We will do so doctor, thank you once again.
You may now follow the nurse for further instructions, thank for being patient. With that the guardians followed the nurse leaving Paige standing.
You should get some rest too, Susan said.
You know I won't be able to sleep, go home and rest instead.
I would love to but Mike said " you need to see the cars" she quoted him.
Its morning already! Paige exclaimed.
Yes it is, now get going I will stay and see too it that he is fine, his vitals checked and follow closely his heart beat.
But I...
Go Paige now, I will call you every hour to report his faring.
Every Thirty minutes?.. Paige begged.
Every hour nun negotiable, get going now!.
After a few failed attempts to change Susan' mind she accepted her defeat and decided to leave.
* * *
Know that i have seen the cars, I feel positive for this season. Charles said, seated in one of the cars. Do you want to race me?
I will wait for Paige, Trevor suggested. I want her to see the car first.
I have texted her already, Mike said. She will be here soon.
You guys can race without me, I will join you in the second round.
Alright, Mike lets go. Charles said excitedly. soon both cars where already on the race track with Mike taking the lead.
I was going to bet my money on Charles but am second guessing now, Paige said coming to stand next to Trevor.
Hello, i didn't see you coming, Trevor said.
I know, but why are you not racing?
I was waiting for you to see the car before i actually drive it, Trevor explained. For good luck.
Paige let out a small chuck, Alright, Alright i hear you, she said looking towards the parked cars. "Why are they four cars?"
We got one for you, Charles came hurrying from his car. But the color was picked by Trevor.
Really?! she shouted jumping up and down. I mean you didn't have to but thank you I love it, She smiled running to the car taking a closer look i love the color too. Am glad its not pink.
Don't all girls love pink, Mike said looking guilty, he remembered recommending to buy a pink car but was rejected by Trevor.
Not all girls are girly. So would you like to race me? she asked directing her question to Trevor who had been watching her attentively.
Are you sure you can drive? You look sleep deprived. Trevor passed his concerns, saying them after seeing the dark cycles around her eyes.
I assure you I can drive with my eyes closed. she said I know this race track like the back of my palm.
Take her words for it, Mike leaned forward and whispered to Trevor. Don't go easy on her.
Trevor still doubted, I mean how good can she be, he thought she can barely drive herself to work. However even with doubts he still went on to race.
May the best man win, He said before getting into his car.
I won't be easy on you she said back with a teasing smile.
With the help from Mike, he set a five seconds timer and off they went.
But is Paige really that good? Charles asked.
Yes, she's the only one I have never beat in a race. I used to hold back at first then gave my all she still came out first and for the first time i want to see her loose for once.
Wow, Has she been practicing for a long time?
Her father Mr.Brooke was a racer too he used to bring us out everyday to race track that's where it started but she stopped racing some years back when he died trying to save his best friend from a burning car. I saw her die that day as well.
You mean Mr.Patrick Brooke is her father?
Yes that's the man, my uncle as well he.... Is Trevor just holding back or Paige is extremely good, Mike said completely distracted by the current race when he saw Paige taking the lead.
I am positive he's holding back for her Charles replied forgetting about the conversation they just had diverting their attention back to the race.
And in no time Paige indeed finished the race first with Trevor second. She came out of the car feeling proud but it couldn't be matched with how much pride Trevor felt for her.
I told you she's good, Mike said now standing next to Trevor who was starring at Paige celebrate her victory. You did not hold back on purpose did you?
Of course I did, look at how happy she looks winning brushing his eyebrow twice.
Congratulations Trevor said as he moved to where paige was standing. It seems the little birdie was right.
Yes he was, you should have believed him instead believing your girl.
Oh sweetheart I will always pick to believe you in anything, with his left arm around her waist while the left preyed her face drawing it closer to him. Do you want to see a movie with me tonight?
Steadying her breath from all the tension building up, Ain't you supposed to practice some more? she said acting so calm despite her trembling heart.
I won't be practicing at night though, he tried to reason.
But you...mhm hers words where cut off when he suddenly smashed his lips on hers then withdrew seconds later. I will kiss you for every excuse you try to make.
I am not...she tried to explain but was kissed again.
Fine let's see a movie tonight she spoke when he withdrew the second time only to be kissed again.
I wasn't even making an excuse.. she protested.
I know I just love kissing you he said and kissed her again this time he went longer.
Uh get a room, Charles passed a comment from where he stood with Mike.
You jealous? Trevor shot him a side glare while Paige buried her face in his chest from embarrassment. We are heading out now get the cars looked at call me if you need anything.
Enjoy Mike teased the couple leaving.