After bidding their goodbyes the couple was soon on the road.
You said you wanted to see the movie later today, why are we leaving so soon? Paige asked being a passenger princess she is.
I never practice two days before the race, and you need to rest up for tonight. he said with a smirk.
Just to be clear here we only be watching right?
Yes with a lot of ramen made by me, he teased her as he spoke and she was already flushed. Why are you blushing we are only having Ramen then watch some movies.
I wasn't thinking about anything? she covered her face and looked away.
You clearly where having dirty thoughts about my body, how could you? he jokingly covered his chest with one arm while the other remained on the steering wheel.
"l wasn't even thinking about your body," she guilty denied it. I mean have you seen your body, she thought its the way to heaven most definitely and would even look perfect over me..
Stop imagining me shirtless on top of you, Trevor disturbed her thoughts when she went quiet staring at him.
Caught red handed, Paige could only look away and stare outside and pretended to sleep. its not like you chest and muscles are anything to fancy, she passed her last comment and fell silent again.
The drive back home was quiet for paige ended sleeping for real, After driving for an hour he finally got home, parked the car in the garage and quietly carried paige in bridal style to his room, he put her down slowly pulling a blanket over her and kissed her forehead before leaving.
* * * *
Paige slowly opened her eyes to an unfamiliar place, The bed was soft like she slept on clouds. She sat up adjusting her eyes to the dimly lit room, this is definitely not my room neither is it Trevor's she thought walking out of the big spacious bed with only black blankets infact the whole room had less colors, the walls where painted gray, a black study table at one end of the room, some black curtains over the windows that didn't look like they have been opened before and a big fluffy carpet cycling the bed.
She walked out of the room to a mini passage that was painted pale grey, with three other doors aligned opposite each other, she fought the urge to go through the remaining rooms and moved to the end of the passage and found stairs. There must be a door leading outside she thought and continued her down till the last step.
" Wow", she breathed out, the place maybe empty and lonely but the design is breath taking, it was no mansion but a modern villa fit for a small family. She continued taking in the rest of the house, she visited the dining area, the lounge and an inbuilt mini theater, can you believe this house, she finally made her way to the kitchen and found Trevor leaning on the counter scrolling through whatever he was searching for on his phone. His hair was a little messy which means he too just woke up.
You are up? Trevor asked his face still glued to the screen.
Yes I just got up, where are we? she moved next to him trying to peep on his phone.
A villa, he answered still not facing her.
I can clearly see its a villa but who's villa are we at?.
Oh its mine, I had it renovated when I first came here. he said.
You have a villa here and you still stay at my place.
" yes I have had it for a while now, I couldn't stay here as it was still being renovated, also I couldn't say no to mom when she insisted I stayed with you and i am trying to find a better way to make Ramen", he said now looking at her while holding out his phone to show her what he Was up to.
You didn't have to show me your phone, She said and looked away. Its beautiful by the way, the Villa.
Thank you, Am glad you like it. he replied then they both fell silent, deafening silence. After what felt like forever he asked, "Would You like to shower first While I make us some food?, Its only seven pm anyways"
I would like that, but I don't have change of clothes.
You can use mine from the closet, he offered. just feel free.
Alright thank you, she said and left feeling happier then she came.
She went back up to the room, heading straight for the shower room and locked the door behind her. She scanned the room with only his belongings, two black and grey towels hanging on the rack near the door, his shower gel and shampoos on the other shelf.
Using his stuff feels a little to much but its not like I have an option, she thought and removed her clothes before stepping into the shower, the shower gel smells like him, she couldn't help but imagine him in the shower with her. She pushed are lustful thoughts away and tried to take an innocent bath but there was his hand again moving in motion with her hands while she scrubbed her body, her breath becoming uneven each time his fingers move In circular motion on her inner thigh, moving high up then lowers, You like that, he said.....
Abruptly opening her eyes found no one in the shower room. A little disappointment flushed in her eyes but it didn't last long and disappeared. Did I just fantasize about Trevor, she fanned her face trying to calm down. Its because I haven't been with any man for years, that's why i just need to stay away from Trevor, making a mental note to self. " stay Away from Trevor" she quickly finished bathing and placed everything back I order before heading to the closet.
He definitely doesn't like colorful things, she said going through his closet and all she could find where black, grey and white clothes all neatly put with a few blue pants on the other end. She picked a grey sweatshirt that reached above her knees, the pants where big for her and all that was left were underpants that were neatly put all in packs. Thank God they are knew she said while putting one on.
She just finished pulled her sweatshirt down when a shirtless Trevor pushed the door open.
Am sorry I didn't mean to come in I thought you still be in the shower, he said lowering his eyes to her legs.
All your pants couldn't fit she explained, pulling her shirt lower, then travelled back to his chest.
I came to grab a shirt to change, I used the other room to shower.
"That's fine I will head down first", leaving after she said.
Trevor only nodded in response, still processing how good she looked in his shirt. Feeling good about it, he walked into the shower room only to be greeted by a bra hanging on the rack with a thong right underneath.
His face was flushed at the thought of her being naked underneath his shirt. "What was i even thinking bringing her here in the first place", he Complained internally, I done for.
After grabbing his shirt he went downstairs and avoided looking below her waist area.
I hope I didn't keep you waiting, he said.
No you didn't, can we eat now? I am starved.
Come over, he motioned her to the table while he carried the food to the table.
This smells good, my stomach is complaining already, she said taking in the aroma.
It tastes even better, he said why don't you dig in he said offering her chop sticks.
Thank you, she got the chop sticks from him and sat down making the shirt to lift a little higher up her thighs reviewing part of his underpants which did not go unseen.
So what movie are we seeing? she asked her face stuffed with food.
Anything you like, what do you want to see?.
I feel like seeing pride and prejudice again, She said. Have you seen yet?
No i just read the book, is the movie adaptation better?
" You read?, I mean yes you do but I thought you would be into space ships and those other boring stuff", she joked.
I do read anything that's interesting also spaceships are not boring.
They are childish, so what do you like to watch?
Anything thrilling, horror movies maybe and your movies, he said.
I never get to see any of my movies after they are released.
Why are not curious about your acting?
I am but I don't have the courage to watch.
Then why don't we watch one of your movies tonight, he suggested.
As long as you don't judge me.
I will try not to, he said. let's go then.
Sure, she replied drinking the rest of the soup from the bowel.
She helped clearing the table and soon they were both seated in the mini theater ready to watch.