[S1] Ch15: Fiendedge capital #3

We headed out the inn. After we were out, we were on the streets. The Melissa thing is getting cleaned up. People are starting to leave. It seemed like there was no one to grieve for her, or that's what I can see at least. Who knows? There are many kinds of people in the different part of the our worlds, even in the up or down.

Putting that topic aside for now, we really just gone kinda around. Left right up down sideways. There were many interesting things papa showed me, like this is the statue of this and that. There is also this different kinds of guilds thingy whatever it is and many more. I won't really go to the details for now, maybe next time. They seemed unimportant and uninteresting for me.

Oh, didn't I just say they were interesting? Well, they're all kinda both interesting and uninteresting. They're mid. It was all just kinda. Still, I'll store those informations with me. I don't want to info dumping myself with useless things, or to anyone else whoever it can be. All I can say is that, we go around the capital to what we can go. Just the two of us.

After a long long trip, we finally decided to take a break. We headed to some store. There was a long line, kinda long line. The store seemed popular. Papa said that the store have that much line because of their best seller called yours truly, Creampuff. Yeah, creampuff. Okay. Just from the name, I already imagine what it will be like, a desert. Papa said it taste really good, and it's a bread that feels like you're eating clouds. I'm more interested in eating some real clouds though.

Well, the problem of trying something popular is that I need to wait in this long line. This seems like a pain. A really pain pain. What a pain. Whatever, why won't father just use his title and make them move out of the way? The again, I should think equality—Yeah, didn't the whole thing feel like a date? A date together with papa, ehe. What can I think to keep my mind busy right now, I wonder? Then again, isn't my mind basically busy already?

"Someone, stop that scoundrel!" Someone shouted. There was a very common looking guy with two medieval looking guards, and they seemed to be chasing a kid wearing a black hood. I also noticed that the kid was holding some glass bottle with green liquid that looked like some potion. The kid passed through us, and the kid seemed to be a bit taller than me, so I guess I'm the younger one. Damn, I'm meeting so many people wearing hoods today. Aren't we all just looking like suspicious with hoods on plain daylight?

"... Seems like our creampuffs wil be put on hold." Father said to himself. I stared at him. He was looking to the direction those people playing tags went. He then suddenly ravished me up to his shoulders and started to run to the said direction. I was startled of course. I was very confused. I was in a daze for a moment. I struggled to hold onto his head.

"Papa? What are you doing? I'm going to fly." I asked. Really, father is such a fast runner.

"We'll help them catch the brat they're chasing, of course." He replied. "Don't you want to commit good deeds with me by catching the little thief?"

"... Oh, I get it. What about the creampuff you promised?" I added.

"That—I'll just have someone buy them for now." He answered. So he actually had someone he can order? The father, who wants to do everything by himself? I'll really have a hundred of servants of my own someday. This is my dream, I will be as comfortable as I want. Now, I'm starting to miss Rene.

We—or should I say, father only since I'm just riding, chased after them. Well, I'll just use we as I still belong here. So, back to the topic. We chased them for a while. However, father decided to take a detour to some alleyway at the side for some reasons.

"Papa, we're going losing them." I said while somehow telling him to go back, pointing at the opposite direction.

"Don't worry. I'm using a shortcut. You'll see it later." He replied. There were many alleys. The alleys kinda looks like, you know? Slums. But yeah, father chose to go through here so I didn't really care. After some left right turn left right, we reached to an Alley where there was a kid running towards us.

"Did you predict that he'll come this way?" I asked.

"Not really, it's kind of a coincidence." Fathe replied. The kid backed of and was about to run away from us. Unfortunately for that kid, father first dropped gently me to the floor and managed to grabbed the kid. Then, he—slammed the kid to the floor? Yeah, he really used the kid as a hammer to the floor. That kinda seemed painfully. But well, that's what father did.

"Where do you think you're going?" Father said. He then took the glass bottle thingy from the kids hand. The kid was holding it tightly, but father's strength was greater. He then stared at it as if he's examining it on his eyes. He shaked it a bit. He then added. "This is a second grade healing potion. Just a single of this usually takes about a month to brew. Managing to snatch something valuable, aren't you quite a master thief yourself at such an age? Well, children do have a naughty hand."

"Please... Give it back to me..." The kid said, still struggling to get up after getting slammed so hard. Actually, I can see his face now under the hood, and his a guy. I don't really care about his appearance though, he's just a boy. Yeah. Whatever. "My mom...my mom needs it as soon as possible..."

"I see. Basically, someone needs a treatment with this potion desperately, am I right?" Father asked. The boy nodded. Father smiled. Suddenly, he gripped the glass bottle so hard that it got shattered into crystally pieces. His hands bled. The boy was speechless. To break a glass just like that, I wonder how strong father is? Wow. "Oh, it spilled."

"Papa, is your hand alright?" I asked worryingly.

"It is." He replied. He shaked his hands, some small glass shards falls. He sat on the floor. He moved his face closer towards the boy. He removed the boys hood. He grabbed the boys hair aggressively. The boy seemed frightened. He then slammed the boys head to the ground. It got me startled. The boy became unconscious. It made me wonder why he needed to do that, but I guess it's fine since he stole something.

"People really do commit crimes depending on how desperate their situation can be, hmm." Father started talking again.

"..." I stared.

"This kind of people will try to look as if they're being treated unfairly when all they search is something they can gain in an instant instead of doing actual effort legally. This kind of mindset is one of the reasons that makes it harder for everything peaceful. Acting pitiful while causing trouble to others." He continued. "With circumstances or not, I view everyone based on what they only did."

"Is he dead?" I asked, pointing at the boy.

"He's not, just unconscious." He replied.

After a while, the ones who were originally chasing arrived. They talked with father for moment. They were searching for the potion, but father confessed that he actually threw it. Though, he payed something like a platinum coin something and the pursuers suddenly made a 180 and acted very polite. They then dragged the unconscious one. The rest of the day continued.