The clock was clocking. The imaginary clock was going circles. Of course, I see no literal clock, I meant the time. Yeah, the time moved, and it was now night. If only I had a clock, I would've known the exact time. Looking at the sky, it was dark. I'm guessing, it is currently about 7:00—8:00 pm. Unfortunately, my mind is not an accurate time guesser, so I don't really know what am I saying right now. It conclusion, it is currently evening.
Right now, I'm in the first floor of the inn, while father is cooking food at the kitchen for us to eat with the guest infront of me. Yeah, infront of me are three people. The middle one is Epheus. The one leaning on the wall beside the door behind them is a simple looking guy, who was the green hooded guy that was with us earlier. I don't really care about him. Beside Epheus is another human, wearing a whatever the design a dress has. A little girl, about the same age as me. She's about an inch taller than me. She has the same blue hair and blue eyes of Epheus. If I'm going to guess her age, she's about I don't know.
"This is Carmilla, my youngest daughter. And this is Lylia, your cousin." Epheus introduced us to each other. He then added. "Ahh, seeing two kinds of angels makes my pure heart melt. I hope the two of you become good friend so that I can meet Lylia more."
"Do I really need to be here, daddy?" The girl named Carmilla asked, she seemed to dislike it somehow. "I want to go to my room.*
"But, daddy have work here. And, daddy will miss my Carmilla if you're not close to daddy. Your siblings are hard to talk to so Carmilla is my only hope. Aren't you gonna miss daddy? Don't you want to be with daddy?" Epheus replied, acting cute. Only cute guys can act cute, I approve it.
"Fine, but daddy better reward me... For having to stay at a place like this..." Carmilla said, folding her arms while looking around. Somehow, I felt like it will be annoying to interact with this new imaginary character that my mind introduced, so I decided to walk away without saying anything.
I then headed to the kitchen. I saw daddy—I mean, father. He's wearing normal clothes and an airpron. He's chopping some vegetables. I walked towards behind him. I tapped his back, he looked at me. He hmmed. I asked. "Papa, can I help?"
"You want?" He replied. He put his hand on his chin, thinking about something. He then took a chair close by and placed it infront of the sink. He then lifted me up slowly and placed me on top of the said chair. I wondered what am I going to do. After that, he took a chopping board, a knife, and three pieces of some kind of vegetable in front of me. "Can you cut them for me then?"
I nodded. I looked at the vegetable that I'm about to cut. I stared at them. Round, violet things is the description I can give them. That was the moment I realized... "Papa, aren't these onions?"
"Why? Don't tell me you can't cut simple onions when you can pierce through a woman's back?" He asked.
"But papa, cutting onions will make me cry." I replied.
"Do you prefer to see papa crying then?" He added.
"... No..." I said hesitatingly. Though, I won't deny that it seems interesting to see papa cry. Or course, it doesn't to do with fetishes, it's just simply interesting. Still, cutting onions while my eyes are experiencing hell is a no for me, so I added. "... Papa, I give up. I don't want to help anymore."
"Well said. Just sit down there then." He replied. I obediently stayed. He then took the chopping board and everything on top of it back. He proceeded to cut the onions elegantly. I was amazed. How can his eyes not even fidget? But then again, this is a dream, so I guess they're immune to pain.
Seriously though, ever since I did that thingy to Melissa, father's vibe kind of changed. Not that much, but he's kinda getting annoying to me too. He's still my favourite character in my dream so far nevertheless. Is this what I can call a westernal parenting guidance? Cool then. Speaking of Melissa...
"By the way papa, why did you want Melissa dead too?" I asked. I recalled a bit of what he spoke that night.
"Oh that." He said. He stopped mixing some soup. He looked at me. He added. "You see, skilled people with righteous heart can get of the way most of the time. That's why, it's better to remove them before they can be an obstacle, don't you think so?"
"... I'm not getting it, but I understand." I replied. He giggled for some reason. Later on, papa is now finished cooking with my great help, we're now in the dining table. Together with us are Epheus and his daughter Carmilla. They were on the other side. And, I won't forget to mention about the dude with green hood so, he's eating on another table.
"Daddy, this isn't food for commoners, right?" Carmilla asked. She was looking at the food papa prepared as if she was judging it. That comment made me want to glare at her. She really dared to compare father's heavenly cooking skills with commoners?
"Aha, your uncle Linel was the one who prepared everything, you know?" Epheus said.
"Right, please forgive me. Nobles aren't supposed to be in the kitchen after all." She replied to Epheus.
I glared at her. I really knew out, I'm going to find this brat very annoying. This little—since I erased off that Melissa without a problem, should I erase this one too? I feel bad, I really like her daddy. As father said earlier, I should remover things before they became an obstacle for my wonderful dream. I am Lylia, Lylia of the world. Lylia of everything.
"Lylia, say ahh." While I was having my thoughts, papa patter my shoulders and said that. He's holding a spoon that has treasure. I smiled. I opened my mouth. I said ahh. I chomped it down.
"What a cute bonding you father and daughter are having there. I hope that's not flirting." Epheus commented. "Carmilla, do you want me to feed you too?"
"I don't need it." Carmilla replied.
"Ow, even just once?" Epheus pleaded.
"No.". Carmilla immediately refused and took a bite. She then added. "Well, at least it tastes good. Better than I expected."
"My, I appreciate the compliment, my lady." Father said.
I glared at her. I also wanted to be called my lady by father. She noticed it. She looked at me. Her eyebrows moved. She ignored it and resumed eating. We all resumed untill we finished. We then all spent a night in a single building. I had a strange dream.