[S1] Ch17: Fiendedge capital #5

I am laying down on a kinda soft bed, hugging a pillow. I am wearing my usual sleeping pajamas. I am inside a whatever room I am in right now. This is one of the inn's room. It's kinda nice and neat actually. I feel like I'm in a room. Well, the others are also at whatever room they are too right now. I then stopped hugging the pillow. I stared at the ceiling for no reason. I just stared at the ceiling because I wanted to, and I do whatever I want. I don't need reasons. I'm just staring aimlessly.

I couldn't sleep. Well, I know in reality that I'm sleeping but I sleep in my own dream. Yeah, I like sleeping in my dream. I feel like I won't get enough sleep when I wake up. It seemed like waking up had always been a pain. Anyways, I couldn't sleep right now, so I am staring. I made a long sigh. As I was doing so, I heard three light knocks from the door, someone was knocking. I looked at the door.

"Lylia, I'm opening the door." Someone said. And that someone was the one who knocked. It was guy, a very guy who I know, father's voice. He opened the door. He was holding a pillow. He looked at me. I looked at him. We looked at each other. Open eyes, close eyes, and opening.

"... What does papa need?" I asked.

"Well, can papa sleep here with you?" He relied with another question.

"... As in, sleep here beside me?" And I then returned a question again.

"That's right, sleeping by myself can be very lonely. Don't you also find it lonely too?" He said, with a question at the end.

"Sure." I nodded. I smiled. He also smiled. He walked towards me. I moved to the side to give him space. He then first sat on the bed. He then placed his pillow and laid down. We both said good night to each other. He patted me, I liked it. I used papa's arms as a pillow, I finally fallen asleep. Having someone beside me makes my night great.


I woke up. I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes. I then slowly opened my eyes. I scratched my eyes. I was staring half asleep at the moon. The sky was very dark bluish. The moon was large that it seemed like I was close to it. All I could thought was about how beautiful the moon is. However, that also made me realize, where is the ceiling? No, really, there was no roof above me. I wasn't at the inn anymore.

"Hah." I sighed. I sighed because I was kinda tiringly confused. After all, I was not in my bed anymore. The thing that I'm laying down felt softer in fact. I somehow didn't want to get up because of that. However, I still slowly got up. I sat, then stood up. I looked around. Everywhere, all I see are clouds. Yeah, literal clouds. I was standing above the clouds. Seeing so just left me in daze. I tried looking below the clouds, I saw nothingness. I didn't want to fall there. I feel like I'll be falling endlessly if I jumped there, so I didn't dare to.

Suddenly waking up in such a strange place made me remember something. That hot dessert. I had the same sensation of being lost while I am here. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what am I supposed to do. I stood still in nothingness. This is a dream, so I guess I'll just suddenly switch places whenever my mind plans to. Still, why am I even above the clouds? Sigh.

"Did I become god?" I asked to myself. I made a weak and short laugh. I smiled. Well, the only thing I can think of when standing above the clouds is that I became a god, so that's I said just now. I layed down the clouds again. I rolled. I found it fun, so I rolled again back and fort. That was until, I almost fallen to the endless darkness. I stopped.

I didn't what to do. I stared at the clouds below me. I got curiosed and took a part of the clouds to my hands. I ate it. Unexpectedly, it tastes really good. It's sweet, and it felt like I was eating bread. I took a part again, and again, and again, and ate it.

"Can you please stop that? We'll lose our foothold." A voice said. I stopped eating. I looked behind. I saw someone. Seeing that someone made me confused. The someone was a little girl like me. However, she also look exactly like me, my identity as Lylia. What? Yeah, I'm confused. Am I looking at a mirror? No, I don't think so. She looked like me, a doppelganger. It made me confused, but I decided to not care and ignored myself—I mean, her.

"Hey, I told you to stop that!" She said again and tried to drag me by my shoulder. I slapped her face. She backed away. Of course, I slapped my doppelganger out of self defense because she tried to drag me all of a sudden with no consent. I then grabbed her neck aggressively. I squized it. I am choking her. It made me really mad for someone to stop me from what I'm doing, even if she looks like Lylia.

"Wh-why are you acting as if I'm taking away your drugs!? It's just damn clouds! Kah..." She struggled. I stopped. I retracted my hands. I decided to do so because I wanted to hear what she had to say. As if nothing happened, she smiled brightly then said. "Sorry about that, I am Amira by the way. I am you."

"So your name is not the same as mine?" I asked.

"No, but I am still you." She said. She offered a hand shake. I stared at it for a second. I then accepted it. She then added. "Yay! We are friends now! We should make friend with everybody!"

I stayed silent for a moment. I looked at my doppelganger who was smiling brightly. I then smiled brightly too. I then followed her flow and said. "Yeah! We are friends now! So, let's eat the clouds together!"

"Ok!" She replied. We then started to eat more clouds. However, we regretted it as the clouds left for us to stand is about very very small. And the other clouds are very far apart for us to transfer. "Oh no, what are we going to do now?" Amira asked.

I looked at her. I smiled. She also smiled, but still have a hint of worry on her face.

"Let's jump then!" I suggested.

"Great idea!" She replied. We both jumped at the endless black space. We continued falling. It felt like forever. Thankfully, I had myself with me while falling.