"F-forgive me for my remarks, Madame." The girl said as she kneeled. Her heart was unstable, it was beating loudly while she was unconsciously shaking. She started to sweat as she kept her look at the woman's feet. Why is the C. E. O. Here? It's not a place where someone as superior as her should visit!

"Ah, you look like you're questioning why I was here and not in my office." She said as she nod her head and looked at her like a pest crawling for power. "Does anyone have the number of the head manager? Call him and say this line, 'You are fired.' And let me know his response. Make it in a loudspeaker." She said as everyone looks at the woman who's been answering Andrea the whole time. They all have his number but they better not say it to the manager, let someone with courage call him and not them.

The girl immediately grabbed her phone, typed a number, and called it as she put it on the loudspeaker. "You, the girl that keeps on answering me, I'll promote you as the head manager. Don't disappoint me as much as I am disappointed with these assholes. You can pick your assistant manager based on how efficient they are." She suddenly uttered making everyone's mouth gape. She suddenly receives a position that is higher than theirs!

All of them cursed and blamed themselves for not answering the C. E. O. If they have known that answering her would give them this much of a position, they should've answered her! Now they lost their chance because she's already been promoted!

"Who's this motherfucker that disturbed me?" Someone shouted making all of them look at the phone. Their attention suddenly shifted towards the phone, excited about what would be Andrea's response, the whole room was quiet. Those who just arrived were shocked as well when they saw the C. E. O. In front of them as they arrived at the floor. It nearly gave them a heart attack. Good thing they didn't shout in surprise.

"You're fired." The girl said with confidence. Alas, her revenge is finally here! After all the years of experiencing torment with this bastard, he's finally out of the job! "Are you fucking kidding me? Who are you? State your name and I'll fucking fire you out of the company!" He said angrily. Andrea motioned her hands towards the girl to move forward close to her. She'll let this motherfucker remind her who's the boss.

"Tell me, who you wanted to fire." Andrea's cold voice made the guy stand up, surprised to hear that his boss was on the phone. "Ah! Good morning Madame! W-why did you call me? Haha, my employees were just joking around and so was I, what can I do for you?" He said, making the atmosphere good. But to no avail, it only resulted in a cold war.

"I want your ass in less than 3 minutes here." She said and called off the call as she faced the woman who was shaking in fear in front of her. She was about to stand up thinking who this lady is for making her kneel when all of the sudden, Andrea held her shoulder and forced her to kneel. It was so hard that everyone heard how the bones cracked. It even causes a few cracks in the floor.

The girl cried out as she glared at Andrea, wishing for her to die. It was so painful that she let out sob after sob, obviously hurt after Andrea forced her to kneel. "Who told you to stop kneeling?" Andrea asked as she rested her face in the palm of her hand, still in cross legs as she looked down at the girl kneeling.

"I-I'm sorry, Madame." She muffled, unable to stop her tears from running from her eyes. Rumors were saying that the woman behind this company was ruthless and cold as if she was born and raised on an icy mountain. It seems those rumors weren't lying after all.

"Five minutes have passed and yet he's still not here." She muttered as everyone held their breath in their lungs, suspense started to drum their hearts as sweat keep pouring into their head. "I originally planned to stay here and use the office since mine was currently in renovation. I didn't expect I would experience some type B company drama that I thought would only exist in some kind of a film. To think someone abuses their power for freeloading—and look who's here." Andrea said as she smiled at the person who was in front of her, the head manager.

He took a breath and tried to smile but seeing how everyone was freezing and didn't't even flinch made him cower in fear. "M-Madame good morning!" He was greeted as droplets of sweat started to roll down his face. "Is everyone present?" She asked, didn't mind the man's greeting.

"Yes, Madame." The new head manager answered as he lowered her head as a sign of respect. "Good job." She praised her as she stood up and stretches her head. "Oh look, what a surprise your here. I thought you'll arrive at 10." Andrea jokingly said but it seems her joke didn't make everyone laugh, rather they were scared.

"I heard some interesting news." Andrea opened up and motioned the guy to approach her. He was having thoughts about whether to approach or not, but seeing how the assistant manager was kneeling on the ground, he too decided to kneel on the ground avoiding her eyes. "Ha, you can't even look in my eyes. But when it comes to them, you have the nerve to shout, glare, and do a thing I won't even do to them. It seems I have a bad judgment when it comes to appointing authority towards my employees." Andrea said as she approached both of them.

Each time she walks, the room was filled with the clacking of her heels as the room was silent and neither of them was making a sound. "You see, I base my people on how efficient they are in terms of how they work hard. Your projects and reports were amazing, but I didn't know," she said as she finally stood in front of them, eyes were glaring as she pulled the man's hair so hard that he was trying to pull away.

"All your reports were made by them, not you." She said and threw him hard, making him lie down on the floor. "M-Madame! I didn't do anything wrong! I-It was him all along! He made me act like this! I'm a victim too! I-I am pregnant with his child!" She exclaimed making Andrea chuckle at her remarks.

"Please, am I in a soap opera or something? Pregnant? The last time I checked this man's health record, he had no balls to keep up." She revealed making everyone, especially the head manager embarrassed. "Wasn't that right, Mr. Amarillo?" Andrea added a question, making him look at the assistant manager. All along he believes a miracle happened and gave him a baby, that's why he's been letting her act on her own accord!

"You! You lied to me you whore!" He angrily yelled and was about to attack the girl but then was immediately kicked off by Andrea. She stood in front, her leg didn't even falter even though she fought a man using her bare leg. "It was very improper for me to kick you, thus I shall fire you and make sure, no one, not even a small grocery store accepts you as its employee." She said as her voice boomed in the room as if the tigress was roaring in a mountain.

"N-No Madame, I beg you! P-please! It was her fault! If she didn't seduce me, none of this will happen! I-I was originally strict! Please give me a chance to redeem myself! A-A chance is all I need Madame!" He shouted while he bowed his head, nearly on the floor while the woman was dumbfounded.

"It wasn't me! It wasn't me Madame! P-please, I know you will listen to me, Madame! As a woman, you know that we're always the victim when it comes to men! Madame! Give me a second chance! I swear I'll do better!" She said, begging Andrea to let her stay.

"A feminist. Do you think just because you are a woman, you're always the victim? Are you fucking dumb? Do you always think that just because we are women, we should blame men for the troubles and problems we created? This bitch." Andrea angrily said as she was about to slap the girl but then remembering that this girl was pregnant, she stopped her hand midway, making the girl's hair flutter.