"Strawberries... Flour... Eggs... Milk... Cream..." Ray mumbled as she checked the things in her cart.

"Uzen... Do you happen to notice where the chocolate section is?"

Uzen looks up as if thinking about where she saw the section. "Ah! Right! It's in the last aisle on the right side little miss!"

Ray smiled as she hopped toward the direction Uzen pointed out. As she arrives at the Chocolate section, her eyes sparkle at the sight as she loves chocolates, especially those dark ones.

She immediately looks around to choose what type of chocolate she should choose. She was thinking about what would suit their tastes the most and she ended up with the dark chocolates as she knows, most adults prefer that.

As she was about to take a big bar of chocolate, someone decided to interrupt her by taking the chocolate she was grabbing.

"What... The hell?" She lowly grumbled as she glared at the person who took the chocolate that was in her hands.

She immediately recognized the person as she memorized every worker in their company. It was the woman who just got fired by her sister. "Ugh! Why do I bump into some ludicrous and incapable people today?"

Not knowing that she said her thoughts out loud, the woman was shocked to hear those words from a child.

"How dare you speak to me like that! Don't you know who I am?!"

The yell of the woman caught the attention of everyone around them. Ray just stood there as if she heard nothing as if the woman doesn't exist.

"I had a bad day today so of course I need the chocolate kiddo! If you have a problem with me taking it then fuck off. I could buy the whole aisle of chocolates. For I am a successor of a company! You are just a little weirdo—"

The woman stopped talking as she heard Ray chuckling at her words. She was more than shocked when she saw Ray giving her an expression that ridicules her. "Miss, are you done making a fool out of yourself?"

"A successor that argues with a mere child?"

"Ridiculous, I can't even recognize her, what company is she from?"

"Goodness if that was a small company, to begin with, then my oh my, the company is doomed to have a successor like her"

The people started to murmur as some of them recognized Ray as "the child with a black card" since she always visits the mart whenever they run out of food in their fridge or whenever she wants to buy something on her own.

Ray then intentionally bumps the woman as she grabs every single bar of chocolate she could find along with those bonbon chocolates she really likes.

"Well miss it's a pity that you could only buy this isle, that was a petty statement from you isn't it?" Ray smiled innocently as she grabbed the chocolate in the woman's hand which was taken away from hers a while ago and put it in her cart.

"I would like you to know, that this child in front of you, can impulsively buy you as a slave, buy or ravage your company whenever I want once you pull on my nerves! Now if you're that pissed off because of how you were humiliated by your own actions, you can leave right?!" Ray said cheerfully yet scared at the same time whilst still smiling and giggling.

"Little miss, we need to hurry if you want to surprise your big sister today before her mealtime," Uzen stated whilst smiling at Ray who is still picking on the woman.

Ray looks at Uzen with a huge smile on her face. "Right! I still need to bake and cook! Bye bye 'successor' lady!... Hope you rot in hell!" Ray whispered the last words she said as she and Uzen started walking towards the poultry and frozen section.

"I SO HATE HER! GODDAMN!" Ray exploded as soon as she got into the car. "How dare she flaunt her cheap company in front of me?!" She said as she rolled her eyes and stomped her foot on the floor of the car. Uzen was outside the car, storing the groceries they just bought. Then all of a sudden the car shook so hard that it even made Uzen quite shocked as well.

Her little Miss must be very furious. She immediately stored it all in the trunk and closed it, almost running to the driver's seat and looking at Ray whose face clearly shows she didn't like what happened today. "Do you want me to kill her?" Uzen said to the little child at the back.

"No, that's an easy way to rest in peace. I want her to experience hell! Successor? Heir? Ha! That company will be ruined! I want her so-called multi-millionaire company crumbles before she even succeeds her father!" Ray exclaimed as she folded her arms, still not in the mood after what that girl did to her.

"If I was her, girl I wouldn't anger you." Uzen meekly responded after what Ray had just said. "She better be acting spoiled right now. Because they said last-minute happiness will result in great despair. I can't wait to see her crying, begging and even kneeling! A mere but dared to touch me, she should receive the cruelest toxin to punish her." Ray said to Uzen.

"Ooof, I say bye-bye bitch." Uzen added.

"If my sister could hear you, you'll die." Ray chuckled after hearing what Uzen just said. "No way, it's just the both of us. Besides, I don't think little Miss would mind the way I curse. Just so earlier you cursed that Lil bitch there. I was about to pull my gun and pull the trigger." Uzen said, driving the car back to the company. It was a chill ride, with no bumper-to-bumper cars hindering their way back to their home.

"Glad I wasn't there when they were removed. But it was a good thing that sister was the one who witnessed how fucked up she was at that moment. If it wasn't for the mess I made on the top floor, my sister wouldn't know about this." Ray said as she laid back and watched how fast Uzen drove the car.

"Oh yeah, how will you bake this cake if the office is also fucked up?" Uzen asked her as they arrived at the ground floor, full of cars and all. "I didn't destroy our apartment tho. It's still good." She said. She didn't wait for Uzen to open the door for her.

"You should've waited for me Little Miss, that's my job." Uzen pouted at her but immediately went to the trunk and carried all the groceries Ray bought. Ray watches how Uzen carried all of it so she was the one who pressed the button of the elevator for them to use it.

When both of them entered the elevator, Ray looked at Uzen who hardly felt that the things she carried weighed like a feather to her.

She's tall and masculine, with tanned skin and blonde hair. She had these red piercing eyes that make you want to stop and drop dead. Yet whenever she smiles at Ray, Uzen doesn't feel scared for her. Maybe because Ray already met the scariest person—who else could it be besides Andrea?

The elevator stopped, pertaining they already have arrived at their destination. "Where should I drop this off, little Miss?" Uzen asked Ray who was walking ahead of her. "Can you put it inside our apartment? Thanks! I have something to do right now and that is destroying that bitch." She said and ran away from Uzen who shook her head amusingly at Ray who was running madly towards the office.