"Hey, little Miss! This area is still not at its best." The designers suddenly stop Ray since they were doing their best upon renovating the room. "May I ask where the Madame is?" Ray asked the one who stopped her from running inside.

"At the Human Resources Department Little Miss. Just below this floor." Someone answered her by making her nod and thanked the man who answered her. "Thank you so much kind sir! Have a blessed day!" She exclaimed and immediately rushed towards the private elevator.

Her blood was raging through her insides, her mouth couldn't stop from smiling, her anger was back at the moment and it was igniting her calm heart. "I am so done with your company, you little piece of shit." She muttered and as soon as the elevator opened, she rushed towards the closed room since she already knew that she was doing her work there.

She slams the door open, resulting from the frightened behaviours of the employees around her, looking at her as if questioning if she's in her right mind. "SISTER!" She shouted that it could be heard throughout the whole room.

"Shit!" Solaris muttered as he was frightened by the loud bang and Ray's voice. "Damn. Shut your mouth, My Lady!" He hissed towards Ray, pointing towards Andrea who was now waking up from the loud commotion happening. It was already too late when Ray realized that she had woken up the dragon that had been resting.

"Oops." She immediately shriek down as dear started to creep into her skin. "What's with the shouting damn it," Andrea uttered as she glared towards Ray who was smiling stiffly. "Ray, do you want me to add another punishment?" Andrea coldly said that made Ray shiver down her spine.

"No! I wasn't aware that you were sleeping. Forgive me, sister!" She said as she immediately went to her side, hugging Andrea as she acted cute just to ease the raging dragon.

"Anyways, I want someone to experience living in poverty! It's her fault that I am acting like this. I want her to crawl down, kneel, and kiss the floor begging for mercy." Ray said acting crazy.

"You've gone mad. You should've killed it." Andrea sighed as she knitted her eyebrows and calmly massaged her temple. So Ray woke her up just because of an ant? This is unforgivable.

"You two have gone insane. Did you two lose your mind or something?" Solaris sighed as he focused on signing and reading each report filed in front of him. It was a never-ending report of each department, consisting of a large number of papers filed into the desk. "So what's the name of the company?" Andrea asked Ray. Ray looked at Andrea and noticed how those dark circles ruined her face.

She pitied her for working all day without getting enough proper sleep. Now she's contemplating whether to tell her about this very minor problem or just let her get enough rest. "Uhm you can rest first, sister. I'm sorry that I have to wake you up." Ray said as her head drops, guilty of annoying Andrea.

"Calm down. I'm already awake, what's the point of not telling me?" Andrea said as she raised her left eyebrow, looking at Ray whose face is quite sad. She sighed as she patted her head trying to woo the sad child. "It's the girl that you fired earlier. She insulted me. I was the first one to grab the chocolate but she told me to fuck off." Ray said acting as if she was feeling down.

The poor secretary fell into her trap as the anger flared right into his eyes. Andrea looked at Ray and smiled to herself as if being proud to raise a snake into her house. The calculative and strategic Ray was able to lower his secretary's guard by acting pitifully.

As if her act was not enough, she cried and faced Andrea and sobs, luring her once again. "Don't worry. Drop the name and I'll make them crawl to your knees." Solaris replied as if he was already done compiling the reports. "The Farlans?" She replied.

"Ah, I also forgot that I have to settle things with them. Thank you for reminding me about that." Andrea replied coldly as she stood up and stretched her arms. "Solaris, I don't care how much the expenses are but buy all the stocks the Farlans and each shareholder have. After buying them, transfer the stock in our company and let that company ruin until ashes." She said looking at her watch and yawning once more.

"After doing it, contact the Marketing team and ask them if there are sudden changes in the market, I can't let our competitors win. Although there's a huge gap, we can't underestimate them." She added that Solaris cried silently.

"Don't worry Madam, with pleasure." He said and sighed.

Ray, on the other hand, was smiling, her smile looks like it will rip her cheeks for smiling too much. "I didn't know I raised a wolf in sheep's clothing," Andrea commented and gave Ray a sideway look, eyeing her. She smiled cutely and pretended that she didn't hear her comment about how sly she was today.

"Well, let's just wait for days for them to come here and beg you for mercy, you sly little fox," Andrea added once more as she walked towards Solaris, helping him organize the paperwork.

Days had passed and things weren't good for the Farlans. Constant losses and fails have been passing them, stocks have plummeted and they haven't been left with anything aside from a huge amount of debt and a penny that couldn't even buy such luxury.

They had been firing maids, butlers, and even staff to resurrect their company, and loaned money to save the company but everything they did wasn't effective at all. The Farlans face poverty due to a certain someone.

"I've tried everything! What the hell! Who's doing this to us?!" The head of the family, Benedict Farlan shouted angrily, destroying each priceless item on his desk. "You! Did you insult someone?!" He asked his wife who shrugged immediately, scared of him lashing out.

"I haven't! Trust me, my love, I haven't!" She defended herself out of fear. "Shit!" He cursed out loud. Loan sharks started to search for them as soon as the company went bankrupt, the social class started to avoid them, and people who asked for their help started to pretend not to know them.

He slammed his hands into the desk as the frustration was visible on his face. For once, this never happened to them as he was able to defend his company throughout his reign. But as soon as trouble started, it was when everything he held dearly started to escape from his grasp.

"Fuck!" He shouted once more out of anger. He can't explain his feelings and emotions anymore as he faces critical conditions in his life.

Suddenly, his phone rang signifying that someone was calling him. In hopes that it's someone, he can depend on, who answers the call without even looking at the Caller ID. "Hello? I need your help please!" He begged the other person.

"I see that you're now miserable. As expected of my secretary doing a great job." The cold voice sent a shiver down his spine as he froze in his spot. It was the Madame that runs the whole business world, dominating everything due to the advancement of their technology.

"M-madame!" He gasped, surprised that Andrea called him. "What did I ever do to you, Madame? I recall that I haven't made anything bad to Madame!" He shouted in exasperation, bursting into flame.

"Oh Mr. Farlan, you haven't done anything to me. Ask your daughter, maybe." She coldly left a remark and ended the call. "Madame! Madame!" He vexed.

"Call your daughter! Right here, right now!" He shouted towards the woman who stood still looking at him. "Yes, yes!" She said and fled away. Mr. Benedict sat down in his swivel chair, calming himself by massaging his temples. What did that daughter of his do to cause the Madame to

immediately have them taste the poverty.