With fast speed, Phileo used the motorcycle that was from Andrea to go back to her. His motorcycle roared as he stormed the road at a fast pace almost as if he was racing all the way to her company. 

He didn't like what she did, he disliked the idea of her returning to the past.

His heart was beating loudly, pounding inside him. There were a lot of emotions consuming his heart as he raced his way towards her. His heart never settled down, his heart wanted her from the bottom of it. 

He could hear sirens trailing behind him but he didn't mind them, what matters to him is to reach Andrea at this point. His motorcycle went wild as he avoided vehicles that came in his way, expertly dodging them. 

He worked his way to make the patrols stop chasing him. He went through alleys just to deter them from chasing him. As soon as they disappeared from Phileo's side, he immediately headed his way to her company, with the thought of becoming hers once again.