As his lips touched hers, Phileo could feel his soul living up to the moment. He could feel she was surprised as her mouth gasped, making him able to explore more into her mouth. 

She stood there, rooted in her place as Phileo pinned her against the wall, taking her lips as if he owned it. As Phileo pulled from his kiss, he stared at her, who still couldn't believe what happened to her. 

Her eyes were wide, her mouth was open as her lipstick smeared on the side of her lips. She was frozen on her spot as her brain was still processing what happened. All of a sudden, a loud smack echoed in the room as Andrea slapped him hard in his cheeks causing him to stagger. 

The slap was so hard that Phileo almost lost his balance and was about to fall to the ground. Phileo frowned as he look at Andrea who was looking like a mad bull towards him.