As the party finally ended with them discussing how Andrea will soon control the President, she just ended it that if it's possible, then so shall it be. 

Besides, she's not into some world dominance, just letting her secure her position and no harm shall be inflicted on their family. 

Everyone left, thanking Andrea's generosity for inviting them which Andrea also thank them for their presence. After the guests had left, everyone started to clean the whole floor, before returning back to their own quarters. 

It was already late at night and it was the first night that Phileo and Andrea would sleep together in their room. Epione has another room that they especially built for her which she loves so much. 

"Are you really sure about your plan?" Phileo asked as he was rubbing the towel on his wet hair, only wearing his pyjamas below and had not worn anything as his top. This dude likes to brag about his damn body.