Morning came and it was a wonderful morning. Everyone was present and none of them were going to work and such. Andrea instigated that rather than working for today, why not just rest? After all, even if she leaves both her company and her syndicate, it will never falter. 

"Wow, it's my first time hearing from my sister that she needs a break. Are you hearing this, Lari?" Raella mentioned as they sat on the edge of the pool, having a pool party right outside. 

Aethan and Uzen were busy flirting while grilling some fresh pork meat and patties. While Nona Gracey and Epione were playing in the pool, teaching her how to swim while Andrea and Phileo were just observing the two, watching them having their fun. 

"I did. Isn't this quite relaxing though? We've been handling the company since forever. It's been a while since we had the time to relax." Solaris replied, chuckling as he wrapped his arm around her waist.