"WHAT?!" Most of the crowds uttered in a big shock, didn't expect the turn of events that pulled Phileo into something that is unexpected. It made everyone freeze and gasping as they didn't think—no one thought of something like this to happen. 

To think that Phileo has become a general now and the Generals kept it a secret from everyone, causing them to look stupid including the main man who wasn't moving in his chair because of surprise. 

Suddenly, Jill started to clap his own hands, whistling happily over the news that Phileo had become a General right in front of those people who believed that he wouldn't be promoted despite his achievements over the years. 

The same people who had made fun of him, now dropping their jaws as they stared at Phileo who had now stood up and walked himself in the stage, still in awe of the favor being shown.