"You sure aren't jealous." He chuckled and sighed, grabbing her softly by her arms, pulling her down from the table. "We should go, tomorrow's a celebration so we should head out." He added. 

"Yeah, we could. It's late actually." She responded as she stretched her body, making Phileo. Look at her, his eyes oogling at her curves that unconsciously made him bite his bottom lips, liking the view in front of him. 

Damn, he will never really get used to watching her body like this. 

"Your eyes, Phileo. I can feel them." She muttered as she finally let her body relax and glared at how he was oogling at her with such a pervert expression showing in his face. What a bastard. 

"Come now." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist as he proceeded to grab his uniform and put it around her shoulder, giving her the cap also. "You're now a General's wife, my wife." He whispered, proudly looking at her which made Andrea smile, nodding her head in agreement.