Daring Escape!

With Coby convinced and our current goal decided we started sabotaging the ship with some small explosives courtesy of Momo, even if we have made our peace with killing its still something to avoid and killing Alvida here could cause some kind of butterfly effect that I would rather not deal with.

As soon as we ignited the explosives the ship swayed so much that we almost lost our footing but then did lose our footing as Coby came tumbling into us sending us spiralling down the boat and ending up in what appeared to be the treasury. Once we got our bearings we quickly filled a sack Momo made and started to head above deck.

Upon reaching the stairs and passing the point where my eyes had to readjust to the sunlight I was suddenly face to face with the most disgusting person I had ever seen "ahh there is a beast up here" At my sudden outburst I was able to see that the 'beast' was in fact Alvida who was now absolutely livid and looked about ready to burst. She let out a mighty roar as she lifted her Iron club above her head and used a massive swing to try and hit me. This provided me ample time to position my paws to use the force of her hit to send her club flying. Funnily enough, she wasn't smart enough to let go and was dragged into the water near the ship along with her club.

This caused half of the crew to shout "Miss Alvida" as some of them threw ropes and others jumped in after her. The smarter of the crew drew their weapons and attempted to block our path but they seemed even weaker than the thugs we dealt with in the grey area but I suppose that was mostly due to my training. A few gunshots almost grazed me as I was locked in melee combat but my alert ability was always able to give me the edge I needed to not be seriously injured. Momo was wielding her classic stun baton and was having no trouble herself avoiding the gunfire, I suppose she has done some kind of training to read a gunner's sight lines in order to combat villains that use firearms.

After we cleared a path Coby came running through screaming while carrying our sack of gold tears almost completely blocked his eyes but he was able to keep his wits enough until he decided to jump straight off of Alvidas ship and onto ours. We quickly ran over to see that his fall had been dampened as he landed on one of the pirates still trying to break into our cabin. We quickly followed him and landed on two pirates ourselves but were now face to face with the pirate that was trying to break into the cabin.

This pirate seemed twice as big as any other and was presumably the strongest on the ship apart from Alvida herself. as he was observing what happened and what Coby was doing I quickly closed the gap and hit him straight in the stomach with my paws. This caused him to double over in pain while Momo followed up and hit him straight in the face with her stun baton, It took an extra amount of stun before he passed out and we attached some floatation devices to the downed pirates and threw them overboard. Momo unlocked the cabin and started the boat as I threw some Air paws at the pirates attempting to climb down onto our boat.

As I sent a few more pirates spiralling into the sea we were successfully able to depart from Alvidas ship and at our full speed, they had no chance of catching us especially since they need to patch the holes and fish out their comrades. Once we were a good distance away we slowed back down to a comfortable pace in order to save fuel and we had a small celebration with Coby to congratulate him on his newfound freedom.

[Congradulations to the host on completing the quest. Your reward is an upgrade to your companion lottery, companions will now be presented with a copy of your memories from your time in the world in order to integrate them faster.]

Wow, this would be nice, not sure I enjoy them getting all my memories but I suppose I will have to wait and see how it pans out once I can afford another spin. Closing my system I could see that we were about an hour out from Yotsuba island so I briefed Momo and Coby on the island's situation. How Zoro was taking a punishment in place of a family due to the leader of the marines being incredibly tyrannical and allowing his son to wave around his power unchecked. Coby was clearly conflicted about this information since in his mind Zoro was a demon and the marines were always the good guys but he seemed to not voice his concerns for now.

After he seemed to decide on something he became incredibly chatty and started going on about how he was captured by Alvidas crew when he attempted to borrow a fishing boat only for it to be the pirates landing boat. He then started asking us questions "so why are you two out to sea, you clearly don't want to be marines talking so openly about corruption" "well Coby this may surprise you but my goal is to-" My system suddenly popped up stopping my speech.

[Reminder to the host that your goal is to become the pirate king, all other goals are secondary]

At this I scowled a little but quickly reset my face and closed the system "Become the Queen of Pirates!" at this Momo seemed a little shocked but I sent her a wink and she nodded in acceptance. Coby nearly fell off the boat in shock "p-p-pirates? you two are pirates?! no way, no way. Pirates are scary like Alvida you two helped me, you can't be pirates." "Well Coby we are certainly pirates but we are pirates of freedom, We just want to go where we want and do what we want, and if that involves helping people then so be it." At this Coby seemed to calm down and go back to thinking while I took Momo into the cabin and explained that the system told me that I have to focus on being the pirate king before other goals. She was slightly concerned about this but seemed to take into consideration my talk with Coby about being freedom pirates and accepted it.