"Are you ready". Isabel heard her fathers' voice behind the door

"just a few more minutes"she answered.

The day that she dreads the most has finally come. Although she is nervous,she made sure to mask her emotions well. she kept on reviewing her plans,She was still lost in her thoughts when one of the artists spoke,jolting her back to the present.

"Am done" the artist said while gesturing for her to look at her final look.

Looking into the mirror,She smiled,She has always been a beautiful lady, but seeing herself in the mirror now,She looks Ten times more beautiful.

Her hair was styled beautifully with accessories adorning it.

She looks like a real princess,Well she's getting married to a prince.

'That's if we eventually get married' She smiled wickedly.

"Thank you" She said to the artists in the room.

She stood up while gathering her gown,

"This clothe is such an hassle" She complained,making the artists laugh.

She pouted her lips sullenly while staring dagger at her wedding gown, Although the gown was really beautiful,She wasn't a fan of excessively big and puffy clothes.

She let out a deep and frustrated sigh and walked toward the door.

Everyone had already gathered outside to send her off, Her father including all the workers and Two freaking good looking strangers, she couldn't help but admire their beauty. 'Hey isabel,get your act together, you are about to be married off to an unknown prince,stop with the silly admiration' Although she just scolded herself,she was still staring at them.

"Good day to you My lady,it's a pleasure finally meeting you, My name is Elias, The prince bestfriend" The one with a Ash neatly cut hair with a Vibrant smile introduced himself.

Returning his smile,Isabel picked her dress and curtsied towards him "The pleasure is all mine,I am Isabel" She also introduced herself.

The other man also introduced himself,he seemed to be the driver.

She turned to her father. "I think it's time father" She said while faking a big smile.

Her father just nodded.She knew that although her father acts like he didn't care,but deep down she knows that he cares.

Ever since he had told her about her marriage to the prince,he had been distancing himself from her.

Taking a deep breath,she moved closer towards her father and hugged him.

"Be careful okay,and be of your best behavior". her father said while hugging her tightly. she could feel his hands trembling.

"Okay father, I will".

Her father had already told her that he wouldn't be going with her. although she felt it wasn't right,Like which father wouldn't want to be with her daughter on her wedding?. But she was as well happy he wouldn't come along,she wouldn't be able to carry out her plans if he was around. She has determined to do everything she can to stop the wedding or at least make everyone dislike her and eventually send her back home.

"I love you father" Without waiting for his reply,She broke the hug and turned around to leave.

Elias opened backseat door, gesturing for her to enter.

Isabel looked at the black luxury car in front of her,she took a deep breath and entered.