Isabel opened her eyes when she heard the backdoor opening, her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a bunch of ladies waiting outside the car.

she looked at the two men at the front seat with questioning eyes.

The two men could literally see her confusion.

"My lady, you slept all through the journey,We are here at the castle" Elias explained, making her jaw drop in shock.

'When did I fall asleep?, How can we have gotten to our destination this fast?' So many questions were running through her head like a headless chicken.

She thought she had prepared herself enough already,but reality says otherwise.

She was still in her thought when one of the ladies spoke "it's time to enter the hall,My lady, the procession has started".

She felt like she had just been strucked by lightening,her face paled, making everyone panic.

"My lady are you okay?"

'Am not okay!' She wanted to voice out.

She's getting married now?!!, Is it not to early, She wasn't even given time to prepare,at least she should see the person she's getting married to before the wedding starts. She needs to talk some senses into his brain, She needs to carry out her plan.

She felt like all her Four years of planning had been washed down the drain. She wanted to scream.

'No,no,no,no,no, I don't want to get married yet, what do I do' She started racking her brain.

"My lady,we have to go now"

"Oh, O...Okay" She answered nervously, she looked around seeing if she could run away, But there were palace guards all around, she knew she wouldn't even be able to take Ten steps before she would be caught and brought back.

'I have to use my last resort' She kept on calculating while following the ladies.


Lost in her thoughts,She didn't notice that the door has already been opened, She stood rooted where she was, her mind was blank,She couldn't see anything.

The ladies at the back were looking at themselves in confusion, Their lady has to walk down the aisle now.

"My lady" Isabel felt someone nudge her side, she looked at her side and saw the ladies gesturing for her to walk. She looked up only to see many pairs of eyes on her.

Taking in a shaky breath, She started walking.

She clutched her gown tightly,her knuckles almost turning white.

'is this how I will get married?'


Welcome to my first book, I hope you can support this book by reading it.

Thanks in anticipationšŸ˜Š