A man was standing in the middle of a meadow, his white robe and long hair danced along with the cold night wind, he was staring at the sky,as if reading the stars. His hair and eyes were both silver in color, which was a rare combination to come by. it was a trait which only belonged to the Castellanos, The guardian of the great realms.

He looked like a god who just descended from heaven.

He turned around when he sensed a presence behind him, he wasn't surprised with their sudden arrival. he knew who they were.

"Your highness, Elias" He bowed his head in respect.

"Aarav". Elias called his name, The guardian of the human realm. The prince just nodded his head.

They stopped right in front of him.

"I've done all what you've asked of me, Your highness" Aarav said to the prince.

"Mmm, Thank you Aarav" The prince said with utmost sincerity.

"Am glad i could be of help to you, your highness" Aarav smiled. 'Thank you' was a rare thing to hear from the prince.

"But, i must warn you, Your highness. Now, she's just an ordinary human living amongst supernatural beings,it could be quite dangerous for her"he said with cautious.

The prince didn't say anything,but one could see how his eyes dimmed.

"if you would excuse me, Your highness, i have to pay a visit to the King and Queen"He bowed towards the prince and nodded towards Elias. And in the next moment, he was out of sight.

There was a total silence after Aarav had left.

"Derrek". Elias broke the silence. he could tell what he was thinking about.

"You made the right decision by bringing her here okay, she wouldn't be here if she wasn't meant to be in the first place". he took a deep breath." All we have to do is to make sure she is well protected"

Derrek closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. he was thinking if it was a bad idea bringing her here. But hearing Elias words now,helped him calm down a bit, Although Elias could joke and play around all day,he is the best person he could rely on.

"Moreso, you can't keep the truth away from her for too long, She will start getting curious".

"I know" Derrek answered,he knew he had to tell her the truth,but he was afraid as to how she would take it.

Will she get too scared of him and leave him, the thoughts ached his heart, he wouldn't want to go through what he had gone through then, over again.

He felt a hand patting his back, comforting him silently, he never shows his vulnerability to anyone but the one's he holds dear to him.

"Come here" he said, and in the next moment, Four men appeared in front of him.

"Your highness" They all said in unision.

They all exuded an overbearing aura.

"You will be the one's guarding my wife whenever am not around" he got straight to the point. he could feel their reluctance, he looked at them with a menacing gaze. "And i don't want to see unknown people lurking around the Southern villa". There was a clear warning in his voice.

The southern villa was his place, it was quite far from the main Castle.

"You can all go".

The men all nodded their heads in understanding and left afterwards, they didn't dare to object his words. They still valued their lives.