There was total silence....

Isabel tilted her head to the side,waiting for him to explain. she wanted to know what he meant by that.

But it seems that Derrek wasn't ready to explain, he loosened his grip on her and started walking towards his Chamber. Seeing that he was already walking away, she turned and ran after him, she needed him to explain.

She almost bumped into his back when he suddenly halted. She swiveled around, facing him.

Derrek looked at her from head to toe, the corner of his lips lifted up.

"Were you trying to runaway barefooted?"

following his line of sight, she looked down only to see her bare feet. Gosh, she didn't even realize that she wasn't wearing a shoe. Thought of her running away from this place had filled her head that she didn't even bother checking herself.

She threw him an angry glare.

She heard him chuckle lightly, "You agreed to marry me, i never forced you to say 'Yes' " he told her the obvious truth.

Isabel opened her mouth to retort,but no words could come out. It was the truth, she had stupidly accepted to take him as her husband.

"It.. it was a mistake, i had no idea of what was going on at that time, i never intend to get married" she said, stuttering a bit. She could see the slight change in his expression.

He felt a bit hurt at what she just said, but he couldn't blame her.

"You came here at your own will"

"i thought i would be able to take care of things, i wasn't thinking straight". there was no use of her hiding the truth she would rather let him know her true intentions, maybe he could let her go?

"We are already married, YOU ARE MY WIFE" He said and strode into the chamber.

Isabel stood rooted where she was. 'you are my wife', was still ringing in her head. She felt like pulling her hair, she had gotten herself into this mess. She didn't want to be anyone's wife,maybe not yet. She's still young. 'Am just 22 for crying out loud'. I still have to do some thing's, not getting married.

She was still in her dilemma, when she heard footsteps. she turned around and saw the prince best friend, Elias and one other lady beside him, she was carrying a tray. she had a blonde hair, packed in a bun.

Although her head was bowed low, she could tell that they were around the same age.

"Good evening princess"Elias greeted her with his ever bright smile.

Isabel cringed when she heard him call her 'princess'.

'Who?', 'Me?'. She wanted to shout 'Don't call me that'. But she took a deep breath. "Just call me Isabel" She said with a half smile.

"Okay then Isabel, You already know who i am, But this is Aliana" He said gesturing towards the lady beside him. "She is here to assist you, She will be your personal help". he didn't want to use the word 'maid'.

"It's nice to meet you, your highness" Aliana said with a bright smile.

Isabel was stunned when Aliana looked up, she was too flustered to say anything. She couldn't believe what she just saw.

The color of Aliana's eyes were Lilac, She had never seen anyone with that eye color. She had thought that she was the only weird one, she had a honey colored eye, which was different from others. The prince also has a Deep blue orbs, she looked at Elias,his own was Grey. They all had unique eye color.

She looked back at Aliana, 'Did she perhaps wear a colored lens' She thought. Her ears were also slightly pointed. Overall she was really beautiful.

"Your highness" Aliana bowed deeply,in a courteous manner.

That was when Isabel realized that the prince was already beside her, he had changed out of his cloth.

She frowned in confusion when she saw the prince starring right into Elias eyes and Elias nodding his head, it was as if they were conversing.

Her breath hitched when the prince faced her, he moved close to her, too close that she wanted to take a step back,but was stopped by the prince hand.

He drew her closer to him and bent to say something into her ear, his masculine scent wafted into her nose, 'Oh God, what's happening to me'. her heart wouldn't stop beating fast.

"If you need anything, you can ask Aliana, she will help you. I have something to attend to, and.." he leaned closer to her ear and whispered "Try not to runaway while am gone, We still have more things to talk about, i guess". he flashed her a smile which stunned not only isabel but both Elias and Aliana.

Not minding the gazes, he kissed her forehead and turned around to leave together with Elias.

Isabel couldn't say anything, her mind was still in chaos. she kept staring at his back, till he was out of sight. She could feel her ears burning really hot. 'Why was he being so touchy with her?', the main question is that Why was she allowing it.

On a normal day, no guy could touch her anyhow, She would have kicked their asses, they would think twice before approaching her. But why was this one different?.