Startled by the question, he shifted in his seat, he was actually about to ask the same question.

" Elijah is not here?" he asked

" As you can see, he's not here. You both left together about a month ago, You are here, then where is he?" Nix asked with a frown on his face.

" He already left about a week ago, i stayed back because i still had things to do. He should have arrived". Niclas said, which left everyone in confusion.

They were all with furrowed brows, thinking.

On a normal day, they wouldn't have to worry about him, he was strong enough to protect himself. But now that he wasn't back yet, and it was way past the estimated time for his arrival, the only plausible reasons could be that, he had either encountered something bigger on his way back, Or maybe, just maybe.... 'No, no, no that can't be'.....

"You mean Elijah left before you?" Elias asked with a taut brow.

Niclas nodded his head. he was confused as to why he had not arrived yet.

"Wait, what if something bad has happened to him?" Larry said with round eyes. he really hoped that he was wrong, and that Elijah was okay.

"I hope not" Neil stood up while pacing back and forth, thoughts of Elijah being in trouble bothered him.

He could only look at the figure who had grown silent.

Derrek rested his chin on his knuckles, deep in thought, He could be a Prince, but he doesn't joke with his men. he wouldn't let anything bad happen to them.

'Green hills' he thought with a hard gaze, Sooner or later, he knew he had to embark on a journey, it was his job to maintain balance in the realm, he had to see for himself what was happening there.

They sure had grown wings, he thought with a smirk.

" Seems i have to pay a visit to the green hills"

They all had a solemn expression on their faces, they knew it wasn't just an ordinary journey, they knew what was to come.

"What about Isabel?" Elias asked. if it was left to him, he wouldn't allow Derrek to leave her to go on a journey, not now that they had just met. But with Elijah's disappearance and the Abnormality at green hills,There was no choice.

Derrek stood up and instructed his men. "We leave by morning" . he then left the room.


" I will wait till you fall asleep" Aliana said, which made Isabel sigh in defeat. it had been over two hours since Aliana had gotten her ready for bed, but she couldn't seem to fall asleep. her mind was just filled up of him.

"Ufff" she sighed again, her mind just kept repeating the scene over and over again, she couldn't get her mind off it.

"Aliana" she sat up on the bed,calling Aliana, she wanted to ask her something.

"Yes" Aliana answered.

"Mm..Whe...where is he?". she had been itching to ask, but was hesitating. Since the Prince had brought her back from the forest, she hadn't seen him.

" I don't know where His highness is". it had been long since they had finished their 'meeting', and she had no idea where he went to afterwards. "Am sure he will soon be here" Aliana said in a reassuring tone.

"Or i can go and look for him".

Isabel quickly waved her hand frantically. "No, no don't bother" "Am going to try to sleep". she laid back on the bed. "Thank you Aliana".

Not knowing why she was saying 'Thank you', Aliana tilted her head to the side "Why are you thanking me".

"For taking Care of me" she was thankful for the care she was receiving from her.

"It's my duty, okay and moreso you're our Princes' wife, you deserve all the care in the world" Aliana said while laughing lightly.

Isabel sighed, she couldn't deny the fact that she has gotten married anymore, she had no choice but to accept the reality, She couldn't bring herself to runaway from it.

She closed her eyes when then Image of the prince flashed in her mind, she still couldn't believe that a man like that existed, he seemed unreal.