Isabel opened her eyes when she heard the sound of the door closing. She had to pretend to fall asleep inorder to get Aliana to leave,she was so adamant on staying till she falls asleep and knowing fully well that she wouldn't sleep anytime soon, she had to pretend, she doesn't want her to stay up all because of her.

Not knowing what to do, she kept turning and turning on the massive bed, she was about to stand up when the door slowly opened, she quickly closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

Her heart started beating fast when she realized who was it that had just entered, She bit her lips to calm her beating heart down.The problem is that it wouldn't.

She was acting like a teenager who just saw her crush.

She opened her eye a bit,to peek. He was walking towards the bathroom, her mouth unconsciously formed an 'o' when she saw his back view, walking leisurely towards the bathroom.

Isn't it unfair with how perfect he was. 'My poor heart' she dramatically patted her chest which wouldn't stop beating fast.

'Sleep sleep sleep sleep' she started chanting in her head, praying for sleep to come. she was just so restless. she turned to the opposite side with her eyes closed when she heard the bathroom door opening, seems he was done. She has to continue her pretence.

She felt the side of the bed dip a bit, he had climbed up the bed. she shut her eyes more tightly.

Derrek rested his head on the headboard while folding his hands, he wanted to know how long she could keep her pretence. The moment he walked into the room, he already knew that she wasn't sleeping. he could hear her loud heartbeat. He smirked when he saw the way her eyes were blinking every 3 seconds.

'He should be asleep by now' Isabel thought, she opened her eyes a little to peek. she flinched when she saw a deep blue orbs staring dead right into her eyes.

"Can't sleep?". he asked her.

Isabel opened her eyes and shook her head, she couldn't sleep.

"Come here" he beckoned for her to come closer, which made isabel to widen her eyes in surprise. she blinked her eyes at him.

'What does he Want to do'.

As if reading her mind, he said in a gentle voice " Don't worry, am not going to do anything. i just want to help you sleep."

She remembered how she had woken up in his arms in the morning, Every part of her wanted to crawl into those arms back. Before she knew it, her body had moved, moving closer to him. it just felt so right being with him, The fact that still baffles her.

Just yesterday, they were complete strangers who got married. and just today, he didn't feel like a stranger to her anymore, how is it possible?.

She crawled into his arms,laying her head on his sturdy chest, Derrek wrapped his hands around her small body, holding her protectively. he made sure she was comfortable.

She thought it would be awkward, but it wasn't. there was this feeling of comfort and protectiveness. she felt lighthearted when he started stroking her hair.

Being in his arms made her whole body calm,

"Derrek". she called his name, There is something she wanted to ask.

"Yes". he answered her.

"Is Elias your brother?". She remembered Elias calling the King 'Father'. it left her confused because he had introduced himself to her as the Prince friend, not brother.

"Yes, he is". she looked up, looking at him in confusion. Elias looked nothing like the Queen or King, So how come.

Seeing her confused state, he explained. "We grew up together, He's more like a brother to me than a friend". she rested her head back on his chest.

" There is somewhere i need to go ". he looked down at her, wanting to see her reaction. What was he expecting to see?

Isabel cocked her head to the side when she heard him, The first thing that came out of her mouth was. "Can i come with you?".

It would be a lie if he said he wasn't surprised, he had never thought she would be willing to go with him, Although she doesn't even know where he was going.

He caressed her cheek, if he had a choice, he wouldn't leave her side to go on a journey. But what choice does he have. And he couldn't possibly bring her along, it was dangerous.

It warmed his heart to see her willingness. he shook his head. " No, you can't come with me, Its not a place you can go".

He hugged her tighter when he saw her disappointed face which she was trying to hide.

" it's a place where i have to fulfill my duties and to retrieve what's mine".

"When are you going?". she asked in a croaked voice.

" At Dawn". he answered her. "I will be back as soon as am done".

Isabel didn't know why, but her heart stung at that moment, there was this part of her that wants to go with him, not wanting to part with him. 'What's all this feelings' She closed her eyes.


He didn't even bother looking up when he sensed a presence in his room, he kept on looking at his wife who was sleeping in his arms. he stroked her hair lovingly.

"Yet again, you surprised me". A melodious voice boomed inside the room. " I thought you would choose her over your duties, But you proved me wrong".

Derrek finally looked up at who it was. " Soteria" he called her name. the person in front of him was Soteria, The spirit goddess.

Soteria walked closer to the bed,smiling at the sleeping lady. " She might have reincarnated, but her feelings are still the same, even stronger and purer".

She looked at Derrek and back at isabel.

"Your selfless choice brought her back to you" Derrek closed his eyes when he remembered the day he had to make a choice. He opened them again and looked at the goddess. "Thank you".

And as though she had never been there, she disappeared.

He heard a whisper. ' Protect her....'