[Brave Soldier] and [Chef]

Don sighed as he thought of Alex.

To him and the other people here in the restaurant, Alex is their benefactor.

It was him who saved them from the deep hell of darkness that he thought already swallowed even his soul.

Don thought that there was no more chance for him to have a proper decent life and can only go down the path of beoming the villain to countless people's lives.

But he… no, they were lucky that they met Alex.

Because of him, they manage to turned their life around for the better.

And now, the people from around the town who previously despise them are now repeat customers of the restaurant.

While feeling emotional for some reason, Don shook his head and was about to go back to work.

But suddenly, the door to the kitchen opened without warning.

Don lifted his head with a frown to see who it is.

But when he saw the person who entered, the frown on his face was immediately replaced by surprise.