
Hearing Alex talk about expansion, Don said, "I think that's a great idea, Boss."

"Nowadays, the line outside has been growing longer and longer. So expanding is just the right decision."

Then Ben said, "That's right, Boss. It's becoming harder to manage the line outside since there's a lot of people while there's only a few of us acting as guards."

"That's why, if possible, please hire more people as well that can go to the security division under me."

Alex listened to their words with all ears and took their words into consideration.

After a while, Alex said, "Alright, I will go to the Golden House tomorrow to handle this."

"As for you, just go with what you've been doing until now and don't think about the expansion too much."

""Yes, Boss!""

Since there's nothing more to talk about, Alex was about to disperse everyone when Ben suddenly walked forward with a huge box in his hand.