
The "Loyal" Anna

"I must admit, I'm quite impressed and surprised. Even back then, it was rare for you to take the initiative and to invite me to a date." Anna mocked me.

"Is that so?"

I took a sip from my cold drink while I inconspicuously watched my surroundings.

Anna and I were currently at a popular café. I messaged Fynn earlier and asked him which spots could be used for a date. In response, he sent me a list with popular cafés.

However, I had a different purpose in mind. For now, I just needed to stall time.

"Hey, Anna. In our group we always talked about my old self. So how about you tell me something about you?"

"About me?" she wondered with a tilted head.

"Yeah, I don't know much about myself but I also don't possess that much information about you as well." I explained.

"Hm, you got a point, I guess…" she replied pensively.

"So is there anything you want to know?" she said playfully as she leaned her upper body slightly over the table.

Hm… What should I ask? Maybe something simple?

"How about we talk about your hobbies first?" I suggested.

"Well… I guess I like to go shopping and to hang out with my friends."

"Oh! I also love to make pictures which I then upload on social media!" she added.

"And I love eating sweets! Or rather eating in general?"

"Did I already mention that I like to look at fashion magazines?"


Anna went on and on without stopping for almost an hour.

She did not even give me the opportunity to comment on anything. It was as if she was talking to herself.

I could not muster up enough courage to stop her when I looked at her cute and excited face she had while talking about her favorite things.

"…I'll send you some funny cat videos later!"

Anna was still continuing. However, I noticed some boys roughly our age near our table.

Just like I planned.

Sorry, Anna. If it turns out that I'm wrong then I will treat you to something.

"Hey, it's her!"

"Who's the one with her?"

"Oh, no… It's her new prey!"

The boys whispered among them but even I could hear everything.

And if I heard everything then Anna, too. No doubt.

I switched my gaze from them to Anna and saw for a short moment a face that I never saw before.

In contrast to her usual pure and somewhat airheaded facial expression, she made a mad and grim face. It was as if she was about to hunt them down like a dog.

However, as soon as she noticed me, she switched back to her usual self. Rather, could it be called her 'usual' self?

No, I had no time to dive into my thoughts again.

I had to use this opportunity!

"What's wrong, Anna?" I asked her as I played a clueless fool.

"N-nothing!" she answered in panic while she wavered her hands in front of me.

"Is it because of them?"

I pointed at the boys who talked about her.

It seemed like they still did not notice that we heard them.

I truly did not want to do that to you, Anna. Believe me.


"Hey, you! Could you spare us a minute?" I shouted as I interrupted Anna.

The boys were taken aback after I called them out. Some even were about to run away.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you!" I reassured them as I tried to put on my most innocent smile.

In the meantime, Anna looked at me in disbelief. One could easily see how much she wanted to avoid this confrontation.

The boys signaled each other something by giving each other a determined look.

Then, they approached us.

"G-good afternoon…" the leader, I guess, stepped forward and greeted us nervously.

"So what did you talk about back then? I heard you mention Anna's name." I cut straight to the point.

"H-hey, it's fi-"

"Please let me be, Anna. As a boyfriend I must confront those who badmouthed you, right?" I cut her off again.

"Now back to you. I heard that there was some kind of rumor going around saying that my precious girlfriend toys around with boys. Is that right?"

Just what should I say? He must be thinking that.

"Just answer with a yes and a no."

"Y-yes… i-it's true…" he replied sheepishly.

I took a quick look at Anna but she just stared at the ground.

"Are you sure you really saw her with other boys?"

The leader of the group just nodded his head in agreement.

"I see… Alright, that's everything! Now get lost."

Before they left, they happened to meet the eyes of Anna, who looked up again. They turned even paler.

I couldn't see what they saw.

Not a minute passed and it was just the two of us again.

However, the silence dominated the atmosphere.

"A-about the rumor…" Anna quietly began to speak.

"Ehm…, well…"

"You see…"

She still tried to find her words.

Suddenly, water drops fell on the table.

It was her tears.

"S-sorry that I'm crying…" she said as she wiped her tears with her arms.

"It-it's just so cruel…"

I did not say anything. No. I could not say anything.

"To think that there was this kind of rumor about me…"

The tone of her crying throat made me even more guilty.



Out of nowhere she slammed the table with both her hands.

Then, she embraced my hands with hers.

"I assure you that I'm not that kind of girl!"

The confidence overshadowed the sadness in her eyes.

"I don't know how that rumor was born but there's only one person I lo-love! And that's you!" she confessed with the last tears strolling down her light reddened cheeks.

"Please… Please, believe me!"

I forgot to speak as I was stunned by her.

Those tears…

I never wanted to make her cry.

Of course, I wanted to believe her.

And yet, that rumor stirred up my heart.

Therefore, I planned this meeting today. I asked Fynn for popular date spots in hope that people would recognize Anna.

My goal was to confront that rumor in her presence.

I thought that she would either just strongly deny it or ,in worst case, admit it.

Never once did I want to make her cry.

Were these genuine tears…?

No! What the heck am I thinking?!

I'm a scumbag and the worst boyfriend.

I freed my hands from her grip.

For a moment, she looked heart-broken but I immediately reassured her by holding her hands.

"Of course, I believe you, you idiot…" I replied with a hint of guilt in my voice.

"Let's eat something, shall we? It's my treat." I suggested while I tried to cheer her up.

Wiping the last tear away, she nodded her head with a facial expression that suited her the best.

A big smile that beamed with happiness.

This date, interrogation, meeting or whatever one could call it, ended shortly after that with nothing spectacular happening.

It all ended with a good note and yet I felt pretty unsatisfied.