
The Scary Fynn

Two days passed since I had the date with Anna.

It was also the last time I saw her.

She notified us in the group chat that she had to stay at home due to an illness. Luckily, it seemed like nothing serious but the doctors told her to rest for a while.

I wanted to pay her a visit however she rejected my proposal because she did not want me to catch her illness.

Thus, the only thing I could do for now was praying for a speedy recovery.

But I had to admit that I felt kind of lonely.

Now, at school I had only Jack and Fynn by my side. But there was a problem. Jack was currently pretty busy with the club due to the upcoming tournament and Fynn also seemed busy with his things.

I didn't want to bother these two and therefore spent my time alone in my class.


Unintentionally, I let out a sigh as I looked out of the window next to my seat.

"Why the long face?"

Surprised, I quickly turned my face to the direction of the voice and was met with Fynn's face.

"Fynn? What are you doing here?"

"Wow, that's harsh. Am I not allowed to hang out with my friend during lunch?" he fooled around as he acted like he was deeply hurt.

"Well, no... I just thought that you were busy with your stuff." I replied while scratching my cheek.

"Oh, that? Don't worry, I got time now. So let's not waste it and enjoy lunch time!" he stated smiling.

"Alright, if you say so."

"Then, want to go to the roof? After all, the weather is nice today."

He gestured with his hand as if he wanted to say that I should follow him.

So I silently followed him with my lunch in my right hand.


When Fynn opened the door to the roof, my eyes got blinded by the light for a moment.

Naturally, it didn't take long for my eyes to adapt to the brightness and I could finally see the roof.

Today, the usually empty roof was filled with groups of students with the same in mind like Fynn and I.

Some students leaned on the railing whereas the others even brought their own cover to sit down. Overall, the atmosphere seemed relaxing and everyone was enjoying their time.

"Should we head back, Fynn? It's so full here I don't think tha-"


Before I could even finish my phrase, the people in front of us created space for us. It was enough space for six people sitting down.

As I looked at the students faces, I noticed that they averted their gazes from us and pretended like nothing happened. However, even I could see that they were scared. But why would they be scared?

"Oh, lucky! It seems like there is a spot for us!" Fynn said without questioning what just happened.

"Y-yes." I responded still shocked.

Should I ask him if that was normal? Or should I ignore it? Maybe I should act like Fynn...

"Sorry for making you feel lonely these days." Fynn said as we sat down on the ground without a cover.

"Ah, it's fine! Really! I know how busy you all are." I replied trying to shake off their feelings of guilt.

"Is that so...? I'm glad you think like that." he sounded a bit down as he wore a sad smile.

Was he really that worried about me?

"Well, did something interesting happen in the last few days?" he asked to change the topic.

"In the last few days? Hmmm..." I pondered a while.

"I talked with Jack about that mysterious man we met in the mall." I stated as if it was nothing.


I noticed how the air around Fynn changed a bit.

Fynn's eyes got sharper and grimmer. Even his grip on the railing got stronger.

"Why did you talk about him?"

His slightly mad tone made me start feeling nervous.

"I-I wanted to meet that man..." I replied softly.

"Meet him?"

Then, out of nowhere, he grabbed my collar tightly.


I was busy trying to gasp for air while I struggled to free myself from his grip.

I looked at my surroundings hoping for help. However, all the groups of students were suddenly away. Not even a trace was left by them. Just when did they vanish?

"Hnng..." I groaned in pain.

Maybe noticing my struggle, he let go. No, he didn't let go. He rather threw me to the ground.

"Listen." he said coldly.

"Don't approach that man by any means. I beg you! He's not normal!" he shouted violently.

Fynn crouched down a little and lifted my chin up with his fingers.

"You're my best friend, you know? I can't bear to lose you again." he stated sadly.


"Just what did I do? Sorry for losing my composure and getting violent on you, Leon..." he apologized repentant as he reached out to me.

However, my body could not move. I was still shocked by his actions. Or was I scared?

It was as if I saw a ghost.

I couldn't say anything. My whole body broke out into a cold sweat and didn't stop trembling. I just looked at him with widened eyes.

"Leon, really... I'm so sorry for scaring you."

Fynn took my arm and helped me getting up.

"I-it's fine..." I muttered shyly as I averted my eyes from him.

I realized how much he regretted his actions by looking into his eyes but I didn't say anything. I just silently walked away.

"L-Leon, wait!" he shouted desperately.


Instead of going back to class, I decided to rest in the infirmary. In my current state this was the best choice, I guess. And thanks to the curtains, I got some privacy.


"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

After the door was slammed open, a person entered and let off some steam by cursing.

Based on the voice, I was able to instantly identify the person.


What was he doing here?

"Ah, shit! I messed up!" he screamed in agony as he fell on the other free bed.

Thanks to the curtains, he didn't notice that there was another person in the infirmary.

It seemed like Fynn was annoyed at himself.

"Just what should I do? There are still around 20 days left.." he calmed down a little bit.

20 days? What did he mean?


Suddenly, a phone vibrated. Was it mine? No.

"What do you w- Father?!"

In the beginning Fynn sounded annoyed but quickly changed his tone.

"How are you doing? It's nice to hear from you again!" Fynn said genuinely happy.

It was the first time I heard Fynn being so happy. I suppose, he loved his father dearly.

"What? You and mother are home? I see!"

"Oh, no, I'm not busy at the moment. I'll be home soon!"

Just from hearing, I was able tell how eagerly he wanted to meet his parents.

On the other hand, I still couldn't believe that the Fynn on the roof and the Fynn talking with his parents were the same. It was like comparing a demon with a child.

Not long after Fynn left the infirmary, I also decided to leave as I wanted to rest in my own bed. With that thought in mind, I went home.

However, at that point of time, I didn't know yet that this would be my last normal day at this school.