

"Ugh..." I grumbled annoyed.

The alarm clock did not ring yet but the birds outside were already chirping like crazy.

"I could have slept 30 minutes longer..." I complained while I rubbed my eyes.

It was useless to cry over spilled milk. Now that I was awake, I should get out of my bed fir-


When I tried to lift up my upper body, I felt a painful sting in my head.

"A headache...?"

I held my head in pain and slowly stood up but the pain increased.

"H-huh...?" I said weakly.

After I took a step forward, I had to immediately rest my hand on my table next to my bed in order to support my whole body.

Everything started to move and sway. I tried to balance myself but I felt like collapsing.


And I did exactly do that. I collapsed.

"Leon, what happened?!" I heard dad's muffled voice outside as he rushed to my room.

However, before he entered my room I lost consciousness.

The next thing I knew was that I was not in my room.

Wait a minute.

Why was I tied up on a chair?!

I wanted to struggle but my body didn't react. It didn't even move when I wanted to look at my surroundings.

The building I was in was hardly illuminated. However, the smell was kind of familiar...


Did I just heave a sigh?

"The school gym? Really? You sure have poor taste."

Wait, wait, wait, wait!

It was my voice that spoke but I had no intention to say anything!

This body...

It was as if I had no control over it!

'What's going on here?!' was something I wanted to say but my or rather that body remained silent.

Then, only my body was illuminated by a spotlight.


After that, I felt a group of people approaching me.

Due to the darkness I couldn't recognize them. However, one of them came close enough to me so that I could see him.

Huh? It's him?

It was the mysterious man my friends and I met in the mall. He was-

"What an interesting boy. Usually, people your age would shit their pants in such situations."

What's going to happen to me?!

"Just tell me what you want from me." and again, I couldn't control my mouth.

"We need your help for a little experiment." he said with an eerie grin.

He began rummaging in his pockets as he searched for something specific.

"Ah, there it is!" he announced triumphantly.

With his thumb and index finger he held a small capsule. One half of it was white whereas the other half was blue.

"Are you perhaps planning to drug me?" my other self asked sternly.

No answer. Just his grin.


This time, a sigh came from a person in the back.

When that person also entered the area that was illuminated by the spotlight, his face was visible to me.


What was he doing here?

"Haha... I should have known that it was you." my other self chuckled at the sight of the person.

Just why?

Why was Fynn here?!

"It's truly weird how you can maintain your composure even though you'll get drugged." Fynn commented.


The laughter of my other self echoed in the gym.

"What's so funny?" Fynn asked annoyed.

"Oh man, if only you would know."

I saw how Fynn clenched his fists.

"Hey, you! Could you give me the drug now? I don't want to be here any longer!"

"Leon... You can't imagine how much I hate you..." Fynn said threateningly.

"Oh, I sure do! After all, I hate you even more." my other self responded with a mocking smirk.

"Now open your mouth..."

The drug was about to be put into my mouth.

"Wait!" I shouted.

However, I realized that I was in my room.

"Haaa... haaa... Was that just a dream?" I panted heavily.

No, it wasn't a dream. Just like last time, when I had such an experience, it must be a recollection of my past.

What was that drug? Why was he of all people drugging me? And what was the relationship between Fynn and me?

"J-just what happened...?" I asked myself in panic while I grabbed my hair with my hands.

It was in that moment when I noticed the moonlight shining through my window.

I didn't know why but I had the sudden urge to go outside. Maybe fresh air could help me clear my mind.

My headache was killing me, my body still felt weak and didn't listen to me and yet I wanted to go outside. I couldn't bear staying holed up in my room any longer.

Thus, I mustered up all my energy and tried to put on appropriate clothes. It was already midnight so I had also to be careful to not wake up my parents.

"Haha... Just what the hell am I doing..." I mocked myself after I managed to silently exit the house.

The fresh air and the silence of the night eased my mind a bit but my body still felt weird. I staggered so much while walking that people would think that I was a zombie.

Roughly 15 minutes passed with me walking aimlessly until I found a park where I could rest for a while.

I sat down on a bench and gazed at the empty park which was slightly illuminated by a street lamp whose light flickered in a rapid pace.

I knew that it was bad for my eyes but I still kept on gazing at the flickering street lamp.

However, my focus shifted as I noticed the presence of another person near me.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" a man with a croaky voice asked me.

My body froze up in that moment. I recognized that voice. After all, only a few days passed since I heard that voice.

I slowly turned my face to the man.

My shock was already high when he surprised me with his appearance but my shock only grew when I confirmed the person.

My heart beat faster than normally.

In front of me was a shady man clad in dark clothes. The man who drugged me.

"U-uncle?" I muttered nervously.

I noticed how his eyebrows raised a little.

"Heh, seems like you realized. That was faster than expected." he replied impressed.

"How did you know?" he asked me as he softly put a hand on my shoulder.

I couldn't escape. I could only look at him in fear while my jaw shivered as no words came out from me.

A minute of silence passed.

"Ngh..." I groaned quietly.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I almost reached my limit.

My headache was slowly getting stronger again.

"You look like you're in pain. Shouldn't you return home?" my uncle suggested with a serious gaze.

"I-I'm fine."


Then, he took out his phone and checked something.

"I see. Today marks the 10th- No, it's already past midnight so it must be the 11th day..." he muttered to himself.

He wore a satisfying smirk on his face. Just what was he thinking?


"Go home for now." he cut me off as he turned his back to me in preparation to leave.

"W-wait!" I tried to raise my voice but it remained weak.

'What was the drug you gave me? Why did you drug me?' was what I wanted to ask but I had no strength to speak.

Suddenly, he raised three fingers to the air.

"I can guarantee you that all of your questions will be answered in three days."

And just like the time in the mall, he walked away without elaborating further.

Thus, I was left behind at the park.

All alone.

Betrayed by those I trusted.

By those I called friends and family.


"How bitter..."