
Entertainment (Part 3)

"I brought you here because I wanted to announce that I'll destroy your life." he said.

His eyes were void from any emotions and yet he kept on grinning.

"W-what are you talking about? Making such jokes isn't like you Leon..." I said perplexed.

"Not like me? Geez, I thought that you would realize it." he responded frustrated.

It was just a wild guess that I deemed as impossible. And yet deep down in me I thought that it could be true. However, I did not want to admit it.

"It's me. The good old Leon. I'm back." he revealed it while spreading his arms in celebration.

He said it. The truth I wanted to run away from.

I did not know how to react. I just stared at him open-mouthed.

"T-that's a joke, right?"

"Nope. I returned. I know, the truth can hurt but accept it." he replied in a tone as if he was talking to a child.

"It's me. The one whom you tried to seduce multiple times but epically failed each time. The one whom you hated so much because you couldn't sway him."

He approached me slowly and gently lifted my chin with his cold hand.

"However, the hate is not one-sided." Leon whispered in my ear.

"W-what do you want from me?"

He let go of me.

"Want to guess?"

"My bod-?"

"No." he interrupted me while knowing what I wanted to say.

"T-then what?"

"Just like I said. I'll destroy your life. In other words, I'll dish out your punishment."


"What do you mean? Punishment for what?"


"You're kidding me, right?" he said disappointed after heaving a sigh.


I clenched my fists on the bed. Despite the situation I was, even I would lose my patience.

He was getting too cocky.

"For what do I deserve punishment? Is it my hobby?" the strength in my voice slowly returned as I glared back at him.

I will be the one to have the upper hand here.

"Oh, sorry. It's not just a hobby. It's a business but I guess from your point of view it seems like fooling around. The boys get my affection whereas I get money and stuff. Simple, isn't it?"

"Oh, man... If you weren't a girl, then I would have smacked you like Jack."


"What did you do to him?"

Was this somehow related to him missing school today and not answering the group chat?

"I'm not obliged to tell you that." he answered seriously.


"Back to your case." he cut me off again.

"If it's a business, then why don't you announce it? Why don't you promote it? Why don't you want others to know it?"


I averted my gaze from him.

"It's because you still want to maintain your image of the innocent and cute girl in school, correct?"

"S-so what? No matter how you look at it, in the end both sides gain something from it!"

Leon did not say anything. With a calm composure, he leaned his back on the wall.

"This place is nice, right? The perfect place to execute people like you."

"W-w-wait! E-execute?!" I raised my voice while moving further away from him on the bed.

"Don't worry. Like I said, I won't harm you physically."

Again, why did he stress the fact that he wouldn't harm me physically?

"I did my research on all of you. And I know that you're a girl who seeks entertainment and fun. That's why I chose a love hotel as your final stage. After all, this place embodies entertainment in a way. Pretty considerate of me, am I right?"

What the hell...

"Come on, don't look at me like I'm some kind of psychopath. I mean, we are a couple, correct?"

"Ah, no. Sorry, let me correct myself. It's a business. But..." he stroke a pose to show how deep in thoughts he was.

"But what exactly did I gain? Your goal was to have me in your palms and to humiliate me while I, or rather my other self genuinely believed in you and enjoyed his time with you. And yet, he just gained a broken heart from this deal. Isn't that kind of unfair?"

"Maybe I should ask your other victims how they felt. Well, if they aren't too heartbroken." he added.

"...shut up..."

"Hm? I couldn't hear you?" he pretended to be a fool.

"I said shut up! Just shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut upppp!" I shouted furiously.

"Hey, hey, calm down, okay? The other people in this building want to enjoy their time here. It would be impolite to disturb them."

"I don't care! I don't care anymore! What do you mean with this deal being unfair?! Are you stupid? Are you blind? Do you know whom you are talking to?!"

"Let me tell you! The boys get the chance to hang out with me, the cutest girl they will ever see, Anna Deviou! It's already a bargain if all I ask for in return was a little bit of money! Hell, to make the deal equal, then even a little heartbreak wouldn't be enough! But I'm generous! I'm satisfied as long as I have fun!"

"Fun? You mean playing with the hearts and feelings of other persons?"

"Got a problem? Controlling them and making them do things you want as if you are a Queen... If that's not fun, then what is fun?"

"Damn, you're even more devious than I thought. I don't know who is worse. You or Jack?"

"To think that the apparently cutest girl and the girl in front of me would be the same person. Truly shocking." Leon stated even though he was not taking it serious.

"You little..."

"Hold your horses. If that's how you view your business then so be it. Every person has a flaw and not every person can admit it. I suppose you are one of those but I'm not here to solve that problem."

"You mean punishment? What's wrong with seeking entertainment? Every human being seeks it. So why am I being punished for it?" I asked him pissed off.

"It's fine to seek entertainment but it shouldn't be based on other people's misfortune." he explained calmly while he took out his phone.

"Spare me this philos-"

Wait, what?!

Before I finished my phrase, Leon came closer to me and showed me his phone.

"A photo with you and a man standing in front of a love hotel."


This was taken today! It was when that rich looking man took shelter! How could he take that photo?!

"How did y-"

[Got a problem? Controlling them and making them do things you want as if you are a Queen... If that's not fun, then what is fun?]

My voice? Did he recorded our entire conversation?!

"What are you planning...?" I asked carefully.

"Ahem!" Leon cleared his throat.

"Now then, which one of those two materials should I upload on the internet? I'll give you some time to think before I let you choose!" he declared like a host as he spoke into his phone as if it was a microphone.


He will upload it on the internet?!

Wait, wait, wait!

"Hey, Leon-"


He was already counting down?!


"Ah, I forgot the third option. You can now additionally choose if the evidence about you drugging me should be uploaded or not." he added casually.

He got evidence?! Shit, shit, shit! I couldn't keep up anymore! How could I choose between those three options?!


I had no other choice.


I jumped on him making both of us fall to the ground. I did not hurt myself because I cushioned my fall with his body.

"I said stop!" I shouted desperately while I covered his mouth with my hands.

"I will apologize okay?! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for deceiving those people! Are you satisfied?!" I said angrily before I freed his mouth.

Contrast to my hopes, Leon just smirked at me wickedly.

"And 1..."

"What?! I already apologized!"

"Who said that I wanted your apology? I only demanded you to choose an option." he stated while he tried his best to hold back his laugh.

My entire body slumped down.

"No way..."

"Despair at its finest..." he commented as he framed my face with his fingers.

"Oh well, that's enough fun for today. I'll go now." Leon said.

He easily freed himself from me even though he was under me.

"W-what will happen to me now...? What will you do with the recordings?" I asked monotone with a blank stare.

"You'll see. Just wait patiently, okay?" he answered happily as he gave me a wink.

No! I had to stop him somehow! No matter what, I had to something...

One last time... My last resort...

"What are you doing?" Leon asked sternly while already grabbing the door knob.

I hugged him from behind.

"Your back is wider than I expected." I commented softly.


He still did not let go of the door knob.

"Your body is toner than I expected."


I pressed my body even more on him.

"Hey, you're still wet from the rain, right? How about staying here with me? We paid for this room after all." I whispered in his ear.

Then, he let go off the knob and turned his body to me.

I knew it! There was no way that boys his age could resist such seduction.

"Let me tell you this because you like fun things..."

"Heh?" I squeaked as I was taken by surprise.

He lifted my chin and was murmuring something into my ear.

One would think that he would say sweet words into my ear like in those romance movies but this was definitely not the case.


I fell on my knees after my entire strength and willpower left me.

"Goodbye. We won't see each other again." he said before he left me alone in the room.

I looked at the closed door.

My mind went blank. There was nothing I could do. I only sat on the soft ground helpless.

However, one word escaped my mouth.
