
Hatred (Part 1)


"Still no signs of him. Just what is that idiot doing?"

I, Fynn Notic, sat on my bed while I scrolled through my chat with Jack.

I already turned the lights off in my room and prepared to go to sleep. However, it bugged me that Jack vanished without leaving any traces.

I was by no means worried about him. I was just annoyed that he may could have betrayed me.

"Tch. Whatever." I grunted as I threw my phone lightly to the side of my bed.

Why did I have to waste my time thinking about him? I was at home. A place where I could be free from annoying stuff and thoughts.


After I closed my eyes, my phone vibrated.

"What do you want at this hour?" I remarked slightly pissed off.

[F-Fynn... He got me and most likely Jack, too...]

It was Anna who called me. Her voice was shaking a bit and it sounded like she cried before making this call.

"What do you mean?" I asked composed as I stood up.

[It's Leon... His memories returned.]


Following that, Anna continued feeding me with information she gained from today.

She told me that Leon led her to a hotel where Leon created footage to reveal her true self. Then, she mentioned that he also had evidence of us drugging him.

[And this wasn't everything. He also said that...]

Before she proceeded, she took a deep breath.

But her next words made even me shudder for a moment. A nervous grin crept on my face.

"You're kidding me, right...?"

If that's true, then-

[Fynn... I-I'm scared... I don't know what he will do to me!]


This was one hell of a flood of information. So Leon returned...

How could that be possible? Shouldn't the drug wear off after 30 days? Since then, only about two weeks passed.

Dammit! Was I scammed by that guy?

I felt the wrath in my fist and clenched with the other hand my phone even tighter.

But there was no use to get angry about what already happened. I had to think. First, he took down Jack and then Anna. This means that I'm the next in line.

We're all doomed. The evidence of us using a drug on him was fatal. To be honest, I could not think of an effective measure against him in this short amount of time. I had to be prepared to be confronted by him tomorrow.

Just what was there that I could still do?

"I have to think. Good job for telling me about this beforehand. I'll see what I can do."


I cut her off by ending the call.

After turning off my phone, I went back to bed. Of course, I could not sleep as I still thought about a way to solve this mess.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

Only the clock on my wall was heard in my room.

And then out of nowhere...

"I got it."

It was surely not a method I would usually use but it was the only method available to me in my current situation.


...one of us has to go.

The next morning.

After I quickly made a call to the principal, I made myself ready for school.

I slowly stroke my left pocket with my hand.

"It's there. Good..." I muttered.

Today, the sun was shining again despite yesterday being cloudy and rainy. Even the streets were still filled with small and big puddles.

It kind of reminded me of that day. The day when I learned about the drug called 'Reset'.

On that day while I also walked to school, I received a message from an anonymous person. Naturally, I read the message out of curiosity. However, I soon realized that the message was shady.

[Interested in a drug that makes one forget his or her memories for 30 days? If you want to help us with our experiment, then contact me!]

I thought that this was some kind of joke. This had to be a scammer for sure. I ignored the first message but the other person kept on writing me.

[Don't worry, I'm not shady! I swear!]

[It doesn't even have to be you who takes the drug. You can select a person who will do it for you.]

I was about to block that person. But the last part won my attention.

I was able to choose someone to do this, huh...

I was still cautious about this whole thing but I saw an interesting opportunity in it. Thus, I replied back wanting to meet up with the person. First, I had to confirm face to face if I could trust the person.

Surprisingly, the person agreed and suggested a place to meet.

So after school ended for the day, I went to the meeting place. At first, I was a bit taken aback when I realized that the place was a popular café in a mall. I thought that we would meet up in an abandoned building or some dark alley. I mean, we were about to talk about a drug.

While I stood baffled in front of the café, a man approached me from behind.

It was the man clad in black. The man who who created the drug.

After confirming that I was the person he was sending messages to, we took our seats at a table.

Without caring about his surroundings, the man, who went by the name Mr. Deale, calmly explains what the drug was.

Just like he texted me, the drug, called 'Reset', makes the consumer lose his memories for 30 days. According to him, there would not be any side effects after the drug wears off. And on top of that, the drug was free of charge.

At that point of time, everything seemed to be too good to be true. However, after I asked Mr. Deale if there was any catch, he just laughed at me saying that me helping him out with his experiment was enough for him.

Few moments later, he stared at me seriously asking me whom I wanted to use that drug on.

I was taken by surprise by his question because I did not expect him to realize that I had another person in mind.

I think that that moment was the moment of no return. The moment I handed Mr. Deale the information about Leon Rando.

Before leaving the table, he promised me that he would handle everything as long as I could bring Leon to him.

A week later, after planning things through with Anna and Jack, the three of us managed to restrain and capture Leon like some animal after a school day. Luckily, he lost consciousness which made it easier for us to prepare everything in the gym where he would then later wake up when it was already night.

As soon as we accomplished our goal and made him swallow the drug gently, we left the place. The rest was history.

I guess, most of the people would ask me why I was doing all this. Well, that was something I could answer even while being asleep.

Because I hate Leon.