3v1! The Strongest Members of Squad F Arrives.

"Nah, kill you sounds way more accurate." Toata says. Argo notices the temperature changing. "What is this feeling?" Argo asks himself as he gets really cold. "Alright all I gotta do is keep up the act and I'll break through to him." Toata says to himself.

It shows a flashback to Mizu telling Toata the plan.

"Since you're at one of your strongest right now, pretend that you're gonna kill him. With this power he can sense that you're not regular." Mizu says. "Got it"! Toata says.

It cuts back to original time.

"Now then, ice sword." Toata says while forming an ice sword into his hand. Argo dashes at Toata. "Prepare to die!" Argo says. Toata cocks his sword back, 4,300 pound smash. The sword slams down on Argo and shatters. Argo falls to the ground. "So much for a Squad Z member." Toata says while looking disgusted at Argo. Furaku looks amazed at Toata as he was able to takedown Argo with one attack. Toata turns and quickly goes to Furaku. He notices the cuts and wounds. "Alright I got this." Toata says while freezing the wounds. "AHH!" Furaku lets out in pain. "I'm sorry." Toata apologizes. Furaku shakes his head no. "How?" Furaku asks. Toata picks up Furaku and they start walking away. "How?" Furaku asks again. Toata looks at him "The headmistress gave me a temporary power boost but it only lasts 10 minutes. Let's just say that's almost over so we have to go." "I see." Furaku replies. "Where ya going?" Toata freezes as he hears Argo's voice. "This fight isn't over." Argo says while getting up and dusting himself off. Toata and Furaku's eyes widen in fear. "How are you still standing?" Furaku asks. Argo cracks his neck. "If you thought that was gonna stop me then your sadly mistaken. That headmistress boost should be wearing off soon." "How did you know?" Toata asks with more fear. "I was the test subject. She used it on me so much that crap is practically in my DNA." Argo says. Toata's face is screaming this isn't good. Argo puts 3 fingers up. "It should wearing off in 3,2,1." The boost faded away. "Oh, no." Toata says to himself. "Now you wanna tell me what you were saying about killing me again." Argo says with a smirk. "Welp time for me to come out." Mizu says as he gets out of his hiding spot. Argo turns to see Mizu "Another member of Squad F." "Mizu." Furaku says. "Can you stand?" Mizu asks. "Yea I'll be fine." Furaku says. "Good cause we're gonna need your help." Mizu replies. Argo turns and looks at each one of them. "So a 3v1 huh? Seems fine to me." Argo says as he smirks and dashes towards Mizu. "Careful he's fast!" Furaku says. "You think you're fast? Hmph. Slow." Time stops for everyone and after 5 seconds it goes back to normal time. Now Argo is on the floor and Mizu is behind him. "Woah what was that?" Toata asks in shock. "That's Mizu's Kio. It's called Slow, pretty much he stops time for 5 seconds and in those 5 seconds he can do whatever he wants." In the 5 seconds that just passed, Mizu hit Argo with a series of kick combos. "That's so cool." Toata says. "Yea but with such coolness comes downsides. He can't use it more than 3 times a day or it can kill him and on the third time it takes a HUGE toll on his body." Furaku says. "Damn that is a big drawback." Toata says. "Yeah it is. Luckily he's such a strong and skilled fighter that he doesn't rely on it to much." Furaku adds. Argo quickly gets up from the floor. "Cheap shots huh? Doesn't matter. I'm still gonna crush you." Argo says as he starts spinning in a circle at hyper speeds. "CYCLONE!" Argo spins so fast that a cyclone appears. Mizu jumps back landing besides Furaku and Toata. "Um guys how are we gonna stop that?" Furaku asks. Toata puts his hand out towards the cyclone. "Cold awareness." He says. The cyclone freezes. Argo let's out another smirk "But that's exactly what I wanted from you." Argo jumps and lets out a barrage of punches at the now frozen cyclone, sending ice shards at the 3. Furaku, who was on Toatas back, gets off Toata. "Yangestudan!" Yangestudan forms and Furaku points it towards the shards. "Shocking spiral." He says. A spiral of lightning goes up and breaks the shards. "Well I wasn't expecting that." Argo says. Toata starts sending Ice crystals at Argo. Argo punches through all of them. "Well that didn't work, hand to hand combat it is." Toata says while rushing at Argo. Argo rushes back and they proceed to throw series of punches towards each other. They each dodge every punch. After one of Argo's misses Toata jumps and does a 360 kick to Argo's jaw. Before Toata's feet could touch the ground Argo punches him in the gut into Mizu. Causing both of them to fall. "Yangestudan the only way out of this is by injuring him and escaping." A big spark of lightning falls on Yangestudan. The whole sword is being covered by a big energy of lightning. It continues to spark like crazy. "Now then, ELECTRIC SLASH!" A big slash goes across Argo's chest, injuring him and shocking him. "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Argo yells. Smoke covers up the area. "Did that do it?" Furaku asks himself. As the smoke clears out they notice that Argo is still standing. Furaku has a horrified look on his face "What kind of monster are you?" Furaku asks. Argo starts laughing. "You're worst nightmare." Toata and Mizu get up in shock as well. "He's still standing?" Toata asks. "There's no way." Mizu says to himself. "This has gotten interesting but sadly you guys put me in a corner. Now I'll have to use my Kio." Mizu, Toata, and Furaku freeze. "His...Kio?" Furaku says in fear. Argo puts his hands together. Right before he could say something Mizu says "Slow."

Time freezes again, this time Mizu grabs Yangestudan and impales it into Argo's stomach. Right as Mizu stabs him, time goes back to normal. Argo grins while blood drips from his mouth. "Not enough." Argo says. Mizu stares at him like he's facing a monster. "Energy Break!" Baskia becomes covered in Energy. Argo punches Mizu in his ribs breaking it. Blood starts flowing out of Mizu's mouth. "Damn…it." Mizu says while slowly falling to the ground. "MIZU!" Toata and Furaku shouts. Argo starts laughing like a maniac. "HAHAHAHAH! That's one down. 2 more to go." Argo says. Toata and Furaku start shaking. "We aren't strong enough to defeat him and Furaku is injured right now. Fuck! What are we supposed to do? Think Toata, THINK!" Toata says in his head. Furaku starts slowly walking to Argo, swaying back and forth like a zombie, letting out a little smirk. "You have the audacity to smirk at a time like this?" Argo asks. "Yeah, cause now you're finished." Furaku says. "Are you delusional? You're the only one finished here." Argo says. "Oh yeah? Then why are you on the ground?" Furaku asks. Toata and Argo look confused as Argo is still standing. "Furaku?" Toata asks. Furaku slowly puts his hand up, pointed at the sky. "Flashing end." He says. The clouds start sparking and thunder is heard. Furaku quickly swings his hand down as a huge lightning bolt strikes Argo. "AHHHHHHH!" Argo yells as he is being electrocuted. Toata gets shocked to see a lightning bolt that big. Furaku falls to his knees and Argo collapses. "We did it." Furaku says in relief as he falls on one knee. Argo hand twitches. Furaku, Toata, and Mizu all get surprised. Argo grips the dirt and starts to slowly get up. "How are you still standing?" Toata says in fear. Argo is now up on his two feet. "I don't think you guys truly understand the difference in power between us huh? I am a GOD compared to you guys. You CANT DEFEAT ME!" Argo says while laughing. He takes Yangestudan out of his stomach and breaks it. Furaku falls face first as more blood comes out of his mouth. "Furaku!" Toata shouts. Argo's wounds begin to heal. Toata turns back at Argo and notices. "H…..how?" Toata let's out in fear. 50 percent of Argo's injuries are gone. "How you ask? Well simply put, you're all weak. Nothing more and nothing less." Argo says. "I'm the only one here that can actually fight him. But I'm to weak, I can't fight him. Mizu is out for the count and Furaku is on his last breath. Is this the end?" Toata says to himself. Footsteps can be heard "Mizu, Furaku, and you who I'm assuming is Toata. Good work but we'll handle it from here." Toata, Mizu and Argo turns to see a man and woman. Mizu gets a smile on his face. "Perfect timing." Mizu says while finally passing out. Argo grunts. "Well if it isn't Dark Scythe Sen and Light Scythe Sylric." "Heya there Argo." Sylric says. Argo's face gets disgusted. "Ew." Argo says. Sylric smiles. "Nice to see you too." Sylric says. "Who are you guys?" Toata asks. "We're the twin scythes Sen and Sylric. Nice to meet ya." Sylric says. "Yeah what she said." Sen says. Toata just nods. Argo appears behind Sen. "Left your self wide open." Argo says while going for an attack. Light flashes in Argo's face. "You almost had him." Sylric says in playful tone. Before the light fades Sylric says "Time to play Xecra." She grabs a lipstick from her pocket and throws it up in the sky. Her lipstick lights up and becomes a white scythe. Xerca lands in Sylrics hands and she kicks Argo sending him flying back. "Such strength." Toata says to himself. She dashes at Argo. "Such speed." Toata says to himself. Argo and Sylric clash. "Let's dance." Sylric says. "Back off!" Argo says while swinging his fist at Xecra. Sylric uses the momentum from the attack to hit a elegant back flip and land on the ground softly. "Ooooooo that was smooth wouldn't you agree Argo?" Sylric asks still in her playful tone. "You make me ill." Argo responds with a disgusted face. Sylric sticks her tongue out. "Big meanie!" Sylric says. Sen starts walking up to Mizu. "Seems like he got you good." Sen says. Mizu who is conscious again slowly lifts his head. "Me? Naaaaaah I'm fine." Mizu says while coughing out blood. "Ok tough guy." Sen says while picking Mizu up. "Thank you." Mizu says. "No problem." Sen replies. It goes back to the standoff between Sylric and Argo. Argo has a serious face while Sylric is completely smiling. "Loosen up dude, you're soooooo tense. Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt ya. That's a lie I'm definitely gonna hurt you, but you can pretend I'm not." Sylric says while laughing. "I genuinely think you're insane." Argo says. "That's rich coming from you!" She replies. Argo dashes back. "I'm outnumbered. Now that the twin scythes are here I'm screwed. Time to use a big move and leave." Argo says to himself. He dashes back. "Hm? Why are you backing up? We aren't done playing yet." Sylric says. "Sorry but our play time is over." Argo replies while putting his hands together. Sylric tilts her head to the side in concern. A small ball of energy appears in between Argo's fist. It gets bigger and bigger and bigger. "Now then, CHAOS BEAM!" Argo says as he let's off the big ball of energy. It goes so fast that it looks like a beam. Sylric appears behind him now with a serious face. "Game over." Sylric says while slashing Argo's back.