New friends & New foes?

Argo body falls to ground and he passes out. "And that's checkmate." Sylric says in a serious tone. She throws Xecra in the sky. It starts spinning and then turns back into lipstick. Sylric exhales and goes back to her joyful tone. "That was fun." Sylric says. Toata face is still shook its like he's had that expression the whole time. Sylric sees Toata and quickly appears in his face. "Damn shes fast." Toata says to himself. "You're Toata riiiiiiight! You're so adorable." Sylric says. Toata face gets red "I…I…I…-."

Sen walks behind Sylric hitting her head softly while picking up Mizu. "Stop." Sen says. "I'm just teasing him a little, what you jealous?" Sylric asks. Sen turns around. "Funny." He says and starts to leave. Sylric starts walking with him while still facing Toata. She blows him a kiss and turns around to walk with Sen. Toata's face gets really red. "What the…." Toata turns around and sees Furaku on the floor. "How ya feeling over there?" Toata asks. "I'm fine." Furaku answers. "What happened to you out there?" Toata asks. "What do you mean?" Furaku asks. "With Yangetsudan." Toata says. "Oh that. When someone's weapon is destroyed they take severe damage, since you're weapon is connected to you're soul and will." Furaku explains. "So how do you get it back?" Toata asks. "When I recover i'll be able to summon Yangetsudan and put it back in its disguise." Furaku explains. "I see." Toata replies. Furaku passes out again. "Furaku?" Toata says as he sees Furaku's body fall again. He leans down and notices that he's just knocked out. "You just rest up. I got you." Toata says as he picks up Furaku and heads out.

Later that day....

"YOU GUYS DID WHAT!" Mira yells. "Mira please calm down." Shiro says softly while trying to calm Mira. "Are you telling me you idiots picked a fight with Argo?" Mira yells again. Toata who's face is very scared right now says. "Listen who's we? Furaku picked a fight, me and Mizu were there to save him." Mizu nods with a yeah what he said look. "How did you let him get there in the first place." Mira says with anger. Toata and Mizu faces both get terrified. "Well um you see here...." Mizu says. Mira waits for a response and she never gets it. "Well?" Mira says awaiting for the response. "So it all started with Adam and E-." Mizu says. Mira punches him to the ground before he could finish his sentence. Mira looks up and gives a Toata who is shaking a death stare. "You got something slick to say Toata?" Mira says while balling her fist. "Nope, nothing here." Toata says while on the verge of passing out in fear. "That's what I thought." Mira says.

The door opens and Sen and Sylric appears.

"Heya guys!" Sylric says with excitement.

Shiro and Mira's faces gets shocked. "Missed me?" Sylric asks while sticking her tongue out.

"Sylric!" Mira shouts while bolting at her. "Mira!" Sylric responds while bolting back at her. They lock arms and smile. They both give each other a nod. Toata looks confused. Shiro turns at him and says "I recommend we leave before its too late." "Wait why?" Toata asks. "Just trust me." Shiro says while putting her hands out. Toata grabs it and they leave the room." Mira and Sylric throw a series of punches at each other, but none connect cause the other blocks it. Their blows make the room shake. "Here's the big one!" Sylric says while cocking her hand back. "Bring it!" Mira says while making her body steel. Sylric's punch connect and Mira gets sent flying out of the room. She hits the wall and dust fills up the area. Through the dust Mira sees Sylric slowly approaching her smiling. "Mira." Sylric says while dragging it out. Her tone sounds like something from a horror movie. Mira gets terrified as the power gap got even wider. As Sylric continued her approach she feels a touch on her shoulder. It was Sen. "That's enough." Sen says. Sylric's creepy smile disappears as she goes back to normal, like it was all an act. "You're no fun." Sylric says. Toata and Shiro who were creeping from the corner slowly makes their way back. Sylric puts her hand out to help Mira up. Mira smiles. "You just keep getting stronger on me huh?" Mira says. "Yup! You better catch up before I ignore your presence." Slyric says with her usual smile. They both start laughing.

A week passes and everyone recovers from the fight. Everyone in Squad F besides Sen & Sylric were summoned down to the Headmistress for a brief moment. They open the door and see the Headmistress facing the other way. They all kneel besides Toata and Blossom. They quickly kneel after seeing the others kneel. "You have summoned us miss?" Mizu asks. The Headmistress turns around. "No need to be so formal with me Mizu. Stand up, all of you." She says. "But?" Mizu says. "I said stand." She commands. They all proceed to stand up. "Much better." She says. "So what is it that you'd like to tell us?" Mizu asks. "Well first i'd like to inform you that Argo's powers have been nullified and he's in our hidden prison. So you won't have to deal with him again." Furaku clenches his fist, still angry about not getting his proper revenge. "I'd also like to suggest that you guys train like hell." She adds. They all look at each other in confusion but Mizu. "Don't tell me." Mizu says. "Yup, we are having another Squad Tournament." She says. Everyone but Mizu still look around in confusion as some of them have only heard of it from rumors. Toata, who is just completely gone from the conversation, asks "What's that?" "Ah yes I still forgot that you're very new. The Squad Tournament is where Squads will face each other in an all out battle. There's a timer. The team with the most players standing at the end of the time will be victorious. If your squad wins you get 2 points, if its a draw both squads get 1 point and if you lose you will get 0 points. You guy's bracket is squad f-j. So out of those teams 3 matches will be chosen randomly. You guys get 3 days to prepare for each fight, and don't worry we have a special healer on deck to help you guys fully recover after each fight. The team with the most amount of points will rank up and the least will rank down. Make sense or did I lose you?" She explains. Toata nods. "Good that'll be all. Train hard and fight well. I'll be rooting for you guys, you are my favorites after all. Bye bye now." She says. Squad F proceeds to take their leave. They walk out the room and remember they have to walk up the large amount of stairs.

"You guys have fun, I'll see you at the academy. Later!" Blossom says while flying away. "Well that's very convenient." Furaku says. "Agreed, also correct me if i'm wrong Mizu, but you're the only one who's participated in The Squad Tournament before right?" Mira asks. "You'd be correct, yes." Mizu responds. "Well you got any pointers for us?" Mira asks. "All I can say it's not easy, but I believe in our squad and I know we can do it, however we do need to train like hell." Mizu replies. "Got anything in mind?" Toata asks. "Of course I do, just wait and see." Mizu says.

They reach the top of the stairs continuing the conversation about the upcoming Tournament. On the roof of a nearby building lies a mysterious girl with a red scarf blowing in the wind, blowing gum and overhearing the conversation. "A Squad Tournament huh? Well this is gonna be interesting." She says while popping her gum.

Furaku goes takes a different route from the rest of the Squad. "Where are you going?" Mizu asks. "I'll see you guys at the academy." Furaku says. He continues to walk. "I'll catch up with you guys later." Toata says as he follows Furaku. "Furaku wait!" Toata says. "Stop following me." Furaku says. "You're still hung up on that fight with Argo?" Toata asks. "Shut up." Furaku responds. "Listen, you did amazing in that fight." Toata says. "I said shut up!" Furaku responds. "At the end of the day we still won ri-." Toata says but gets cut off by Furaku. "No! We didn't win we just got lucky because Sen and Sylric showed up! Had they not we would've been dead right now!" Furaku says as he snaps at Toata. "That may be true but vengeance was served." Toata says. "No it wasn't, it doesn't mean anything if I can't do it by myself." Furaku starts to tear up. "I know you, you're a strong guy." Toata says. "You don't know the first thing about me Toata! You don't know anything! You don't know how much I trained, how much time I spent, just for me to lose like that. That's so painful. I thought I could beat him. I thought I was strong enough. I thought…." Furaku says and then he just goes quiet. Toata grunts. "So was that all a lie then?" Toata asks while clenching his fist. "What are you talking ab-" Furaku is about to ask but gets cut off. "When you said you were fighting and getting revenge for Shiro, was that all a damn lie? Cause it looks like you only fought for yourself." Toata says. Furaku goes silent. "You were right I don't know anything about you, cause the person I thought you were was better than this." Toata says as he walks away. Furaku falls to his knees. He starts to think about whether he did it for himself, or for Shiro. He continues to tear up "Damnit!"