It’s Training Time!

After Furaku was left alone to think, Mizu went to find the Twin Scythes. He eventually finds them in a mall on Earth. They were in a jewelry store. "There you two are." Mizu says. while breathing heavily. They both turn "Mizu? What are you doing?" Sen asks. "I came to ask you. Wait let me breathe. Ok I'm good now. I came to ask you both for a favor." Mizu says. They both look at each other and back at him. "A favor huh? Just say the word!" Sylric says in her normal childish tone. "Wait, what exactly is this favor of yours Mizu?" Sen asks. "Wait no, don't spoil it for me!" Sylric says. "Well I wanted to." Mizu starts saying but gets cut off by Sylric. "La La La I'm not listening!" Sylric says while covering her ears and running out of the store. Mizu and Sen both look at the door with a straight face for a quick moment and then look back at each other. "As i was saying, I want you two to train us." Mizu says. Sen giggles and starts walking out the store. Mizu cuts him off. "Please? We need the help." Mizu pleads. "Wait you're serious? Do you want to die?" Sen asks. "No but the Squad Tournament is coming up and I don't want to look a fool out there." Mizu responds. "Yeah I'll pass." Sen says while walking past Mizu. Mizu grabs his shoulder and Sen quickly tries to grab his arm. He grabs nothing but air and sees Mizu is now infront of him. "You really did get quicker huh?" Sen asks. "Well I don't just sit on my ass and do nothing." Mizu responds. Sen laughs. "Fine I'll train you guys, but if you die don't blame me." Sen says while leaving. "Trust me you have no idea what's coming to you." Mizu says to himself.


Toata and Blossom are walking down the halls of the academy trying to get more familiar with the place. "I can't believe this place looks so nice but the rest of the lost world looks ruined." Toata says. "It really is remarkable. I've been here practically my whole life. You get used to it eventually." Blossom responds. They continue walking and walk up some stairs. Toata who is looking down not paying attention to where he's going, accidentally bumps into someone. She turns and falls down the stairs. Toata quickly jumps down and catches her in his arms. She looks up and sees Toata's face. "Are you okay? You aren't hurt are you?" Toata asks. Her face turns red. "Ah!" She pushes herself off of Toata breathing heavily, obviously flustered. "I'm sorry, I should really pay attention to where I'm going." Toata says. She starts to dust herself off and says "Yeah you almost killed me there!" "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Toata says while scratching his head. "Yeah yeah whatever just move out my way". She says while walking past Toata. He stops and notices how unique this girl looks. White hair, red scarf, red eyes and a whole red attire. "So that's Toata huh? His reaction speed is crazy. I thought I was goner." She says to herself. "Well that was interesting." Blossom says. "Yeah. Shall we continue?" Toata asks. "Yes. Yes we shall." Blossom responds. They continue to roam around the academy.

Later that day. Mizu summons everyone to a deserted land, free to do anything. Everyone showed up but Furaku. "So he didn't show? Not surprising." Toata says to himself. "Wanna tell us what we're here for Mizu?" Mira asks. "Well we're here to get stronger." Mizu responds. "How exactly are we gonna do that?" Mira asks. Soon as she says those words they hear a crash of something that landed in front of them. Dust covers the area. Through the dust they see Sen. "So which one of you wants to die first?" Sen asks with a smile on his face. "Ok I see now." Mira says. "WE'RE GONNA FIGHT HIM?" Toata asks. "Yup. This is gonna be fun!" Mizu responds with a smile. "What. The. Fuck Mizu!" Toata says. "Don't worry we got this." Mizu says. His smile fades "If you don't plan on getting stronger then leave now." Mizu says in a serious tone. All realize this isn't a joke or the time to play. They all put on their game faces and get ready for battle. "Good, good, now come meet your demise." Sen says. He grabs a piece of chalk from his pocket and throws it up in the air. "Diablo!" Sen says while laughing. It's start to form into a dark black scythe. He jumps up to catch it and does a bunch of flips till he makes a smooth landing to the ground. His smirk strikes fear into the rest of Squad F "Let's get started shall we?" Sen says.