Dark Scythe Frenzy!

"Let's get started shall we?" Sen says. Squad F all look terrified. Sen's presence alone brings so much pressure. The squad looks at each other as they prepare to attack. Mira turns her body to steel and dashed towards Sens. "Ok come to me, Zuriel!" Mira says has the glove on her hand turns into a steel bat. She starts swinging at Sen missing every attack. As she does this Mizu looks for something "no, no, no, ah there!" Mizu says to himself finding Sen's blindspot. He dashes to the spot. "Aight pal it's been a minute but come to me, Ryuta!" He grabs his pencil from out of his ear and it turns into a diamond staff. He jumps up and tries to hit him. Sen dodges. Mira and Mizu give each other a quick look and attempt a series of attacks on Sen. Sen dodges all do them and jumps back. While jumping back he slashes his scythe sending wind blades at the two. "Wait, I thought he had darkness not wind." Toata says. "He does, he's just so strong that he can make wind strikes with his strength alone." Shiro says. Mizu and Mira jumps back and lands infront the the squad. "You guys gonna stand there or y'all gonna help!" Mira says to them. They nod and join in on the fight. "Ok, ok, come and dig your graves." Sen says dashing at them. They dash back. He looks like he's going for Shiro. "Gotta get you out first Shiro." He blows past everyone and is face to face with Shiro. "Slow." Mizu says. Sen is sent flying as Mizu stands in-front of Shiro. Mizu starts breathing heavily. "That was close. You okay Shiro?" Mizu asks. "I'm fine, thank you." Shiro responds. Mizu nods and gets back to the battle. Sen lands. "He pulled a fast one on me. Nice, very nice." He says while having a smirk. Toata and blossom dashed towards him. Blossom holds on to her necklace "Alright, Rose and Daisy let's get blasting." Dual pistols forms and falls into her arms. As she was dashing straight towards Sen, she does a sharp right and starts blasting him with magic bullets. Sen starts dodging by doing multiple back handsprings. Toata appears behind him. "Left yourself wide open. Ice blade." Toata says while forming a small ice blade, going for a slash. "And you spoke." Sen replies while kicking Toata into Mira. Mira sees Toata sent flying towards her. She grabs him "get you're ass back in there!" She says while throwing him back at Sen. Toata makes ice spikes on his fist and goes for a punch. Sen throws Diablo to the sky and grabs Toata by his collar. He hits Toata and with a right hook, uppercut sending him to the sky and jumps up to finish it with a ground pound. "AHHHHHHH!" Toata screams out in pain. Dust covers that small area. Sen lands infront of Toata's body laughing. "That's one grave, which one is next?" Sen asks while kicking Toata's body to the side. This let the squad know that at this very moment Sen wasn't their loving member, he just like Argo. Once they realized this they stopped caring about anything and gave it everything they had.


A girl is on a roof just looking around and notices the battle. "Oh, this looks interesting." She says to herself. She continues to watch as Sen starts going on the offensive. She looks around and notices Toata beaten up body. "Wait a minute thats."

Back to the fight…..

Everyone is breathing heavily while Sen just stands there smiling. "He hasn't even broke a sweat!" Blossom says in frustration. "No kidding, this is no joke." Mira responds. "Don't go giving in on me now. Get up, give me more!" He starts slowly walking towards them. Mira dashes and tries to kick him. He dodges, grabs her leg, and slam her. Blossom keeps shooting her blasters. He keeps dodging left,right,left, right, until he reached her face and roundhouse kicked her. Mizu notices that he's the last one standing. He starts spinning Ryuta, changing hands, while charging at Sen. Sen grabs Ryuta "I'll play with your toy." He starts hitting Mizu with a series of combos and swings at his side sending him flying. Sen drops Ryuta and looks at the battle field "ok so that's one, two, three, four, and oh. Almost forgot about you. Mizu won't stop me this time." Sen says while counting off the people he's taken down but, then sees Shiro still standing. He dashes at Shiro who looks like she is at face with death. "No! Please don't hurt me! Somebody help!" Shiro says to herself while closing her eyes and falling to her knees. Sen swings.

"Electric Slash!" Right before Sen could do anything he is hit with an electric slash. Shiro opens her eyes and sees Furaku standing in front of her. "Sorry for the wait!" Furaku says. "So you showed up!" Toata says. "Just needed some time. Now I'm back and I'm better." Furaku says while grinning. "Good, cause we could really use your help right now." Toata says. Furaku nods and turns back to Shiro. "Sorry I didn't come sooner." Furaku says. Shiro who is still in amazement barely lets of her "no worries." Furaku looks back at Sen "aight Sen it's time that you taste my blade." Furaku says. Sen starts laughing "make this entertaining for me." They both dash at each other. Sen dashing with Diablo back in his hands and Furaku with Yangetsudan. They both swing at each other and clash a few times. "He clashed with Sen?" Mira asks. "Just how strong is he?" Blossom adds on. Mizu and Toata just give a look knowing that Furaku had this potential. They both get up and rush in to help with Furaku. Furaku sends Sen back with a kick to the chest and lands in between Mizu and Toata. "Hey this feels like old time remember?" Furaku asks. "Of course I remember. I was there, you were there, good times!" Toata says. "Difference now we won't need anyone saving us, cause we got this!" Mizu says. They all nod and dash towards Sen. "Heart warming. No truly it was heart warming, now I'm sorry to break it to you but you won't be able to beat me, however you could entertain me." Sen says keeping his smile. He dashes back towards them. "Give me everything you got!" Sen says while charging for them.