All Or Nothing!!!

"Give me everything you got!" Sen says while charging towards them. He gets close and Toata cocks his arm back "Spiked Guard!" Toata says while creating a spiked wall in front of Sen. Sen breaks through it and goes for Toata. Using his momentum he grabs Toata and continues dashing forward. He goes for a punch but gets blocked by Furaku. "Don't forget about me now!" Furaku says while sending Sen back. Sen lands and gets his feet swept by Mizu's Ryuta. He falls to ground. "We got the upper hand." Toata says with relief. "Do you, do you really?" Sen asks as he puts his hand on the ground. "Dark territory!" The ground starts to be covered by darkness and dark hands appear. Furaku, Mizu, and Toata jump up dodging them. Sen stops the territory and jumps up with them. He grabs Diablo and spins hitting all three of them, sending each of them flying in different directions. Mira and Blossom comes back. Mira charges in while Blossom supports from afar. Mira and Sen starts swinging at each other, making contact every time. Blossom goes behind Sen and shoots. Sen hears the blast and dodges, making the bullet hit Mira. Mira gets sent flying. "Sorry!" Blossom says. Sen starts going for Blossom. She runs while shooting him. He easily catches up and tries to grab her. Before he can he gets dropkicked from the side by Toata. He gets sent flying into Mizu who was waiting for him. Mizu swings and hits him with a combo with his staff, finishing it off with a hit sending Sen to the sky. In the sky he sees Furaku. "It's time to end this!" Furaku says while pointing to the Clouds. It's starts to rumble and lighting is seen in the clouds. He looks down at Sen and slams his hand to the ground. "Flashing End." A huge lighting bolt impales Sen and he starts being electrocuted. Furaku lands in between Mizu and Toata. "Is it over?" Toata asks. "That wouldn't be enough to take him out." Furaku says. "Not by a long shot." Mizu adds. They stare down at Sen's body, which doesn't move. Furaku takes a step forward. Sen is immediately in his face. He got up so fast it was like he teleported. He grabs Furaku's head and starts dragging him through the dirt. Toata and Mizu's eyes widened witnessing this. They start to dash trying to stop him, but their speed is way to inferior to Sen's. Furaku covers his body in lighting trying to shock Sen, but his hand was covered in darkness, leaving no effect. He lets go and stomps on him. He turns and is immediately in front of Mizu. Mizu tries to attack but Sen dodges and and kicks him in the chest, into the ground. Toata freezes as he's in shock of the silent change in Sen. Toata snaps back into reality and puts his hands on the floor. "Cold awarenes-" before Toata could finish, Sen uppercuts him, jumps up and kicks him down into a huge hand, covered in darkness. Sen just gives a blank expression to Toata and starts to squeeze his body. "GAHHHHHHH!" Toata screams out in pain. Everyone tries to go help but notices that their also being held by a hand. Blood starts flowing out of Toata's mouth. "Toata!" Blossom screams out. "Damnit Sen!" Furaku yells. "NOOOOOOOO!" Mizu cries out. Toata's head falls down as he is now unconscious.

Toata wakes up in a empty space.

"Where am I?" Toata asks himself. He is shown what's happening right now. His face looks hopeless as he hear the cries of his squad. "Is this the afterlife? Am I dead?" Toata asks himself. "No!" Toata hears from a distance. He looks around trying to find where it came from. He sees two glowing ice crystals form in front of him. "What are you?" Toata asks. "We're you." They respond. Toata looks confused. "What?" He asks. "It'll all make sense soon, but I know you see what's going on out there." They respond. Toata grunts. "Exactly, so if you want to save them and yourself then call on us. Shout our names!" They shout. "Wait, this makes no sense. I don't know what you are, let alone you guys names." Toata says. "Trust me, you'll know. Now get back there and call us!" They shout. Everything goes black.

It goes back to the fight where everyone is crying on the floor helpless. "Toata!!!" They shout. Sen looks at Mizu, who's face is filled with nothing but hatred. "I warned you, step up to me and you will die." Sen says.

It goes to the girl on the roof who was watching over the fight. "Well he really is dead huh? This isn't fun anymore. Guess i'll be taking my leave now." She turns around and starts to walk away.

Back to the fight.

Sen just stares at Toata's beaten up body. A tear goes down his eye as he didn't want it to escalate this far, but he knew he had to push them. "I'm sorry Toata." He says to himself. Toata's watch begins to glow "Come to me now, Frost and Lumi!" Everyone looks up at Toata's body. "What!" Sen says to himself. A big explosion is let out, sending a fury of ice shards flying, freeing everyone from Sen's grasp. Toata begins to float as his watch becomes two cyan daggers.

Back to the roof.

The explosion happens and she stops. A ice shard is sent flying towards her. She turns around and catches it. "So he lives. Guess I can stay for a little longer.' She says to herself as she watches over the fight again.

Back to the fight.

Everyone face is shocked as Toata is alive. "But how?" Sen asks. Toata lands "If you thought i'd just leave my friends like that then you're crazy. I will always protect my friends, I don't care who I have to face, im willing to put it all on the line to save them!" Toata shouts. Sen starts to break character. Toata looks at everyone seriously and nods. They nod back knowing this is the final stand. "Time to give everything we got. Its all or nothing!" Toata shouts as he dashes at Sen. "His whole aura changed. He's no longer laughs and giggles. He only has one thing in mind and that's to take me down." Sen says to himself. They start clashing. "He's gotten faster." Sen says to himself. Toata breaks through and takes the offensive. He starts pushing Sen back. "He got stronger too!" Sen says to himself. Toata goes for a thrust, Sen puts his feet on top of the daggers and uses the thrust to catapult him to the air. He starts to send some darkness clones down towards Toata. Toata looks up and sees what's coming towards him. They fall towards him. Toata grunts. A gunshot is heard as one of the clones dissipates. Toata looks to his left to see Blossom giving him a nod. Mira jumps up and swings, taking one down. Mira smiles at him. A blue flame appears on Toata's body, but he doesn't feel pain, he instead feels like his body is healing. He looks and sees that this is Shiro's doing. She nods with determination on her face.

Back to the roof.

The girl grunts. "So now you decide to take action, sis." She says.

Back to the fight

Toata looks up and sees two more clones coming down at max speeds. Sen enhances them with more darkness, making them bigger and stronger. Toata jumps up towards them. "Flashing days!" "Diamond Force!" Furaku and Mizu shout as they take down the clones. Sen grunts. "Do it now!" Mizu shouts. "Finish it!" Furaku shouts. "Toata!!!" They all shout. Frost and Lumi start to glow as they are now covered in ice and grow longer. "Lumination!" Toata shouts as Frost and Lumi glow so bright they blind Sen. Toata slashes Sen. They both fall. Sen crashes down. BOOM! Sen's body hits the floor as Toata lands on his two feet. Squad F looks up at Toata as he stands there. Toata's arms tremble as he puts a thumbs up. Frost and Lumi disappear and Toata falls unconscious. Squad F rushes toward Toata but Mizu. "You just rest up Toata, you deserve it." Mizu says.

Back to the roof.

"So he beat Dark Scythe Sen, this guy is something else. Guess I got something to look forward to in this Squad Tournament after all." She says as she takes her leave."