The Squad Tournament Begins!!!

It starts off with a group of 10 students sitting waiting for someone. They speak amongst each other as they waited. The door opens and the chatter stops. "Good morning everyone. As you guys know today starts the Squad Tournament. There is only one goal in mind. Rank up or stay trash. If any of you and I mean any of you lets me down, I'll make your life a living hell." He says. He looks and notices a seat is empty. "Where is Ember?" He asks. The rest of the people look around not knowing. "That damn brat! When I see her she's dead." He responds.

It cuts to Sen on a rooftop taking a nap. He hears a rock move slightly and wakes up. He looks up and notices Mizu looking down at him. "What do you want?" Sen asks. "So what now I can't check up on you, cause you almost killed me?" Mizu asks in a cheerful tone. "Get lost." Sen says. "Well that's mean." Mizu replies. "Be honest with me." Mizu says. Sen opens his eyes and looks back at him. He notices his cheerful attitude disappeared quickly. "You let us win didn't you?" He asks. Sen smiles. "You guys learned what I wanted you to learn." Sen replies. "That being?" Mizu asks. "Toata awakened his disguise weapons, you guys learned that this isn't a game and that you could lose a friend, also you guys got experience fighting someone strong like me. So Toata's finishing move felt like the perfect time to stop that fight." He explains. Mizu smiles. "You really are something else Sen." Mizu says. Sen smiles back. His smile fades as he remembers what happened to Toata. "How's Toata doing?" Sen asks. "He's fine, or atleast seems to be, thanks to Shiro's healing. He was only out for 3 days and recovered in 8." Mizu says. "Good cause today is round one of the Squad Tournament and we wouldn't want to be losing a member for that." Sen says. "Yeah, also don't worry about the Squad Tournament, we're coming out victorious." Mizu says while smiling. Sen starts giggling. He goes for a fist bump "Don't make us look dumb now leader." He says. "Hmph, never that." Mizu says back finishing the fist bump.

Back to the academy.

It cuts to Toata and Furaku walking around.

"Today is round one of the tournament. Everyone wants to win this to prove that we aren't weak. We will win today and that's a promise." Toata says to himself. Furaku looks at Toata. "Um you good bro? Seems like somethings on you're mind." Furaku says. "Yeah, i'm just ready for today." Toata replies. "Good. Im ready too. We're gonna win this ok?" Furaku says going for a high five. "Definitely!" Toata responds going for a high five back. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Toata screams while being electrocuted. Furaku bursts into laughter. "Hahahahaha! I finally got you!" Furaku says while rolling on the floor. "Damnit Furaku!" Toata says with anger in his eyes. He hears footsteps on his right and looks in that direction. He looks and notices its the girl he bumped into last time. Furaku doesn't see this as he is still laughing on the floor. She starts walking towards Toata. "Why am I constantly running into this man!" She says to herself in frustration. She tries to walk past him but he intercepts. "Nice to see you again." Toata says. She ignores him and continues to walk. Toata cuts her off. "Are you still mad about our last encounter?" He asks. She ignores him again and continues to walk." Toata cuts her off again. "Listen i'm sorry, I should've been paying attention to where I was going." He says. "Just get out of my way already. I have to go and get ready for the Tournament today." She finally responds. "Really? What squad are you in?" Toata asks. "You'll find out eventually, for now just get out of my way." She says while pushing past Toata. Toata stops and just watches her go. "What's her deal?" Toata says to himself as he walks back to Furaku.

It switches back to the girl.

She continues walking until she walks to room with the label "I" on it. She opens the door and everyone is staring at her. "Sorry i'm late guys I was doing something. Where's Ma-" Before she could finish her sentence she gets chocked and is left dangling. "Why are you late?" He asks. "Im sorry I was doing something and I got lost with the track of time." She barley lets out. He squeezes harder. "Don't give me that bullshit!" He says. She starts crying. "Im sorry." She says. He stares at her for a moment and lets go. She falls to her knees coughing. The rest of the squad begins to laugh. "I let you live because you're the second strongest member here. If you don't perform well in the Tournament I will kill you, got that?" He says. She shakes her head yes. "I didn't hear you!" He says. "Yes, Mal." She says. "Good. Now all of you get ready, the first round starts in a hour." He says while walking out.

An hour later.

Everyone is gathered for the first round of The Squad Tournament. The headmistress is above everyone watching and operating the whole tournament.

"Good evening everyone. Today will consist of 13 battles." She starts explaining the rules and how the rank up system will work. "The team with the most points in their bracket will rank up to the top rank. Remember a win is worth 2 points, a draw is 1 and a loss is worth 0 points. I'll stop talking and show all of you who you'll be fighting today." A whole bracket of 13 matches is shown. Everyone looks up to see who they are fighting. "Squad F Vs Squad H." Is seen on the bracket. "Okay now, everyone go into you're respective destinations and much luck to all of you!" The headmistress says as everyone leaves.

It goes to Squad F preparing for the fight. Everyone is serious as they proceed to walk out. "We're gonna win this, watch us!' Toata says to himself.