Round 1 Squad F Vs Squad H!

They all proceed to walk out the room. As they walk out they are met with a bright flash, while entering what looks like the academy. They all look around confused. "Greetings fighters, I am the Artificial Intelligence watching over the fight, you can just call me AI. As you guys can see, you are at what looks like the academy. I am here to tell you that this is not the case, so don't worry about the destruction because it will not effect anything. Just a reminder the winners get 2 points, if its a draw both teams get 1 point and if you lose, well you get 0 points. You guys have 60 minutes to battle, the team with the most amount of people standing when the clock hits 0, wins. Fight hard and show no mercy. Good luck to you all! Bye bye now! AI leaves and both teams get ready. Outside the windows, on the field lies a huge timer, counting down. "Alright team just remember the plan and we should be fine." Mizu says. The all nod their heads and go to their positions. "Ok, lets see how they take this." Mizu says to himself.

They all get to their respective spots and wait.

A couple of minutes go by and nothing happens. Neither team has made a move. 40 minutes are left on the clock.

Meanwhile a girl starts walking around alone.

"Easy target." Toata says while falling down from the tree he was camping at to attack. "Just as planned." She says while smirking. She dashes back and from the shadows 5 people appear. "An ambush huh?" Toata says to himself. He throw a huge ice fist propelling him away from the ambush. He looks back at the tree and nods. Shiro who was also perched on the tree nods back. "Hey get back here!" The ambush shouts. Toata lands and starts running. The ambush chases after. Shiro takes a deep breath. "Phew, that was close, I gotta tell the others, she says while rushing towards the café.

"Stop running!" The ambush says. "I'm not shaking them, damnit! These guys are a pain in the ass." Toata says to himself as he quickly turns around and creates an ice wall. "That should slow them down." He says as he continues to run. He hears the ice break. "Or maybe not." He says to himself, not looking back. Toata sees an open window in the academy. He jumps onto tree to tree and uses another ice fist to propel him into the window. He makes his smooth landing and heads upstairs. He busts through the door leading to the rooftop and he sees Furaku and Blossom. They both quickly turn around, ready to takeout Toata. "Relax its just me!" Toata says while out of breath. "If you're here that means." Furaku says. "The plan went wrong." Toata finishes the sentence. "What happened?" Blossom asks. "I was baited, one girl was walking alone so I went for an easy takedown, but that is exactly what they wanted. 5 guys appeared out of nowhere and tried to ambush me." Toata replies. "And what happened to Shiro?" Furaku asks. "I led the group astray so that she could escape and tell the others." Toata replies. "Where is this group now?" Blossom asks. BOOM! The door to the rooftop opens, as 6 members appear. " Right there." Toata says as he points at the group. "Really? I couldn't tell." Furaku replies. "We're outnumbered." Blossom says. The three back up until they are on the edge. An idea pops into Toata's head. "Blossom get us out of here." Toata says. "And just how exactly am I supposed to do, ohhhhhhhhhhh! I see." Blossom says while realizing what Toata had in mind. She grabs Toata and Furaku and flies to the bottom of the building. They land. "Ok now their are making their way down here, so that gives us some time to recuperate." Furaku says. They take a second to strategize. They eventually come up with a plan. "Alright lets do this!" Toata says. They nod. Blossom flies up to a tree, while Furaku and Toata prepare for the group inside the academy. The group is finally on the bottom floor. "There they are, lets get em!" One of them shouts. They rush towards Furaku and Toata who take a stand. "Yangetsudan!" Furaku shouts. "Frost and Lumi!" Toata shouts. The weapons form and they rush outside. "This better work." Furaku says. "If these guys don't stop running im going to kill them!" One of the members says. As they run Toata and Mizu both jump back doing a backflip. Furaku throws Yangetsudan into one of the members chest and Toata throws Frost and Lumi at two other members chests. "This actually might work." Blossom says as she jumps from the tree and shoots a huge blast of energy. Furaku and Toata clenches their fist as lightning and ice spread through the impaled members bodies. "Triple Devastation!" They shout. The blast hits all the members as an explosion erupts. The attack was so coordinated and swift. It was like an assassin scene. They all land as the bodies fade away. "That plan really worked Toata." Blossom says. "Yeah, surprisingly good thinking." Furaku responds. They all freeze as the AI starts calling out names. It named off the people that just got taken out with three extra names. "And for Squad F, Shiro, Mizu, and Mira are out. There's 15 minutes left, give it all you got." Toata, Furaku, and Blossom all have this defeated look on their face. "They got all three." Toata barley lets out. "Mizu, Mira, and Shiro?" Blossom barley lets out. "Damnit!" Furaku shouts. As they all sit there in frustration 1 person comes out of the academy doors. They all look at him with death in their eyes. He smirks. "You guys just gonna be amazed by my presence or do you guys wanna fight?" He says. Furaku slowly walks towards him. "I don't know how you did it, but one thing for sure is that I will take you down! Toata, Blossom, go look for the other members, I don't know how many stand, but if this is a normal squad there should be 3 other members. Find them and take them down. I'm handling this one." Furaku says. Toata and Blossom nod as they proceed to search. "Yeah I don't think so." The guy says as he tries to intercept them. Furaku appears in front of him. "I'm gonna take that offer, you were so kind to give me earlier." Furaku says. The guy scoffs and pushes Furaku back. The guy covers his ears and opens his mouth. He screams and lets out a powerful shockwave. Furaku gets sent flying into a tree. He screams again. Furaku breaks through the tree getting sent flying in the air. "If I just fend him off, till the clock hits 0 then we win." The guy says. Furaku lands and dashes quickly to Yangetsudan, grabbing it and quickly tries to slash the guy, all in the spand of 4 seconds. The guy was barley quick enough to react letting of a little scream barley sending Furaku back. While Furaku is flying back he puts Yangetsudan in the ground to slow him down. He stops and thinks. He tries this multiple times, failing every time. "So if I get close this bastard can just send me flying. He has no intention of actually beating me, he's just stalling. That's scum." Furaku says. He grabs his blade and lets out a series of lighting slashes toward the guy. "Lighting Slashes!" Furaku says. As the slashes approach the guy he screams, making the slashes dissipate. "So he can stop my lightning too huh?" Furaku asks himself. He looks at the time and sees there is only a minute left. "Damnit, time is running low and I don't think those two found anyone. I gotta end this quick or we lose." Furaku says to himself. "Just give up, you can't get past my defenses." The guy says while smirking. "This annoys me like hell to do, but I have no choice. I actually can get past you're defenses, I just didn't wanna use such a powerful move on someone so weak." Furaku lets off a little laugh. "The guy scoffs. Furaku looks like a psychopath as he puts his hand towards the sky. The clouds begin to rumble and lightning forms in the sky. Furaku swiftly slams his hand down. The guy quickly tries to counter by screaming in the air, but realizes he's screaming at nothing. "What? A fake?" He asks himself. He looks back at Furaku but he's right in front of him.

"Gotcha." Furaku says with a smirk slashing him in the chest. "Loki is out!" The AI says. A loud horn is heard throughout the battlefield. "That's time everyone, the match ends in a draw, with both squads having 3 members left. So that means 1 point goes to both teams. You all fought hard. All of you recover and train cause round 2 is coming soon. See you guys there. Bye Bye!" The AI says.