The Seven!!!

The headmistress is seen sitting at a table with 7 empty seats and a device in the center. "Call the 7." She says. The device begins to float and transmits something. A couple seconds past and six people appear. 3 guys and 3 girls.

"Woah you guys actually answered, I thought I was gonna be the shocker!" A boy says. "Shut up Rin and lets get this over with." A guy replies. "People like you, Shota, are the reason society sucks." Rin says. "Oh yeah?" Shota asks. "How about both of you shut up?" Another guy says. Rin and Shota both turn to him. "So now you're all high and mighty because you're a hologram Lain?" Rin asks. "Yeah, where's this in person?" Shota asks. The headmistress's eye twitches. "Both of you know I could kill you with ease." Lain replies. "You son of a-" Rin and Shota couldn't finish as they get cutoff. "All three of you be quiet!" The headmistress says. The three of them get silent. Rin and Shota give Lain death stares. Lain just smirks at them. The headmistress clears her throat. "Anyways, if we could start this meeting that would be great." She says. "What's the situation?" Shota asks. "Yeah you don't call, like ever." A girl says. The headmistress's hand trembles. Everyone sees this and suddenly takes everything seriously, even Rin. "Just how bad is it?" Another girl says. "Lucifer made his return." The headmistress says. Everyone's eyes widen. "Wait, so he wasn't a myth?" Rin asks. Everyone ignores him. "Where is he? What's his course of action? Do you have a plan?" The second girl asks. "Relax Yu, she's gonna get there eventually." The first girl responds. "You know I can't Kaiya." Yu says. Kaiya just shrugs and waits for an answer. "He's not at a full power, but he left a herd of beasts in the Lost World and a ripple in between both worlds. I need you guys to take care of the beast while I close the ripple." The headmistress explains. Lain smirks. "You mean I finally get to cut loose? I'll be there in a day." Lain says as he leaves the call. "But you're in India." Shota says, but Lain is already gone. "I think you all should follow his lead." The headmistress suggests. They all nod and leave. "Ok Lucifer, let's see how you take my counter attack." The headmistress says to herself.

Meanwhile at the tournament.

Toata and Mizu continue to roam around the building. There's 15 minutes left.

"They're probably hiding, since they have the lead." Mizu says. "Definitely." Toata replies. They continue walking until they see a door. They open the door and notice there's a big empty space. They walk in. As soon as they do they see vines coming towards them. They jump back trying to dodge them but get caught. "And just like that you lose." The vine user says. Toata begins to freeze the vines and both Toata and Mizu break through. "What?" The vine user questions herself. Toata and Mizu both rush down to get her. As they rush down they see another vine come from the side. Mizu dodges it and continues to rush at the vine user, while Toata freezes the vines again. "Damnit!" She says to herself. Mizu kicks her in the face. He proceeds to hit her with a series of combos with Ryuta. He thrusts Ryuta in her gut sending her flying. He tries to follow up an attack but gets cut off by a guy. The guy's hands turn into stone as he throws a punch. "Jump!" Toata shouts. Mizu flips over the stone user without looking back. "No way." The stone user says to himself as his eyes follow Mizu. When he turns around he's hit with multiple pieces of the frozen vines. Mizu reaches the vine user and finishes her off. The A.I calls out both of the names and gives a 5 minute warning. Toata and Mizu both nod as they run out the room and decide to hide for the 5 minutes. They successfully hide for 4 minutes. "Just one more minute." Mizu says in his head. Mizu feels a gust of wind go by his face as Toata disappears. He turns around and sees a silhouette of a guy holding Toata by the neck. Toata struggles but eventually passes out. The guy throws Toata's body and slowly turns his head back at Mizu. Before Mizu could even react he's taken down. "Damnit." Mizu says as he passes out. The A.I comes on. "With the elimination of Toata and Mizu, Squad J is the winner."

That day was a hollow day. Nobody in Squad F said a word or did anything. They were just ready for the next match.

The next day came and Squad F fought against Squad G and won without losing a single member in the process. After the battle everyone went back to the room. The hollow feeling from yesterday felt like ancient history, because everyone was happy and talking. They enjoyed themselves all night, hardly getting any sleep. While they were having fun, someone else was also not sleeping.

Ember is seen on her signature rooftop, looking at the city. Tears go down her face. As tomorrow she finally has to meet her sister. A flashback pops into her head. We see her reaching out trying to grab Shiro, while being dragged. Her being trapped in a room, people chasing her and finally her looking up seeing Mal reaching his hand out to her. Ember breaks down into tears for the rest of the night.