Final Round Squad F vs Squad I!!!

Ember is seen making her way to where everyone is gathered for the final round. As she's walking she pauses, as her head hurts from all the memories. "I can do this." She says to herself. She takes another step and another memory pops into her head. A tear goes down her left eye. "I can't hide it any longer. I'm sorry Shiro." She says to herself as she continues to make her way to the place.

She makes it to the room where her squad is. Everyone just stares at her as she walks in. Ember, who looks like she hasn't gotten any sleep in weeks, looks around for Mal. Everyone looks away. Ember knows what's about to happen. In a instant she is being held up from the back her head by Mal. "Just why are you late?" Mal asks. He takes a second a sees Ember's condition. He throws her to a wall. "Are fucking kidding me? You better not be throwing this round for your sister! If that's even the case, i'll kill you." Mal says. Ember slowly gets up and doesn't say anything as the round is about to start. They walk through door and see that they are in a forest. "Alright guys, just as we planned. Don't lose, this squad holds no place for losers. Understand?" Mal says. They all nod and get into position. Mal is seen standing alone in front of a temple with no trees around. "Now I sit and wait." Mal says to himself.

Meanwhile with Squad F

Everyone walks out and sees the forest. They sit and strategize. They eventually decide to move in groups. Toata with Shiro, Mizu with Blossom and Mira with Furaku. They go over the plan one final time and move out. 10 minutes pass and the battle final battle gets in motion. The plan was to take out 7 members and then regroup for the final 3.

Toata is seen observing in a tree while Shiro plays bait. They took experience from the first battle against Squad H. Eventually 2 people show up ready to takeout Shiro. They dash towards her but before they can touch her, both of them get slashed with a ice sword. Both of the bodies fall and we see Toata standing behind them with the sword in his hand. The sword disappears. Toata and Shiro nod at each other as they continue to search for people.

Mizu and Blossom decide to walk until they find someone. They hear the people names that Toata took out get called by the A.I. Like it was on que, soon as the A.I goes off they see a guy holding a huge blade. "I'll just take out two members myself then." They say. Blossom soars to the sky and summons her dual pistols, Rose and Daisy. She begins to shoot a series of bullets towards the blade user. The blade users looks up and blocks the bullets, but he realized that Mizu was also there. Mizu takes Ryuta and holds the blade user down from the neck. "Now!" Mizu shouts. Blossom charges up one big blast. The blade user tries to react but can't as he is being chocked. Mizu dashes out the way right as the blast is about to make contact. The blast connects with the blade user and his body dissipates.

We see Furaku and Mira arguing. "Shut it zapper!" Mira says. "Do you ever shut up?" Furaku asks. A vein bulges out of Mira's forehead. "You're one to talk! All you do is talk!" She shouts. "Tomato, Tomata." He says. "That's not how that even goes!" She says. They continue arguing with each other in the middle of the forest. This attracts the attention of three Squad J members. As they continue Mira swings at Furaku. He ducks and Mira hits another person. They both freeze and realized they're surrounded. The person who got punched was sent flying into a tree. Furaku slowly looks up. "That manly strength is nuts!" He says to himself as he looks like he's seen a ghost. "Don't just stand there, help me." Mira says. "Do you really need my help Hercules." Furaku says to himself. "Got it." He says. The three members dash towards them. Furaku quickly puts his hand on the ground and looks at Mira. She jumps up and Furaku shocks the ground. "Zuriel!" Mira shouts as her glove becomes a bat. The lightning stops and the three members are now paralyzed. "Now Mira!" Furaku shouts. "Yangetsudan!" Furaku calls out his blade. In a flash both him and Mira flow through all three members with a series of combos. They pause as the bodies collapse and dissipate. They look over their shoulders and see nobody remaining. "Alright that's 6 people now, we can start our regroup." Mira says. "Whatever you say sir!" Furaku says with a goofy face. "You son of a-!" Mira says as she chases Furaku around the forest.

After 10 minutes Mizu, Blossom, Toata & Shiro regroup. They continue to search the forest and eventually find their selves in front of a temple.

"A temple?" Toata asks. It seems so." Blossom replies. They walk closer towards the temple. Mizu holds his arm out to halt everyone. Everyone stops. They see a silhouette begin to walk out of the temple, it's Mal. "They couldn't take out one of you? Pathetic." Mal says. He takes a deep breath. "Fine, i'll do it myself." He says. He puts his hand out. "Alright Sapharite, lets make this quick." A spear materializes into Mal's hands. Mal dashes towards the group. "He's taking us head on?" Shiro asks herself. Mizu quickly grabs his pencil. "Ryuta!" He shouts as he dashes at Mal. They clash. They repeatedly go at it, neither getting a clear hit. Mal kicks Mizu back. Toata jumps over Mizu and goes for a kick. Mal dodges. Toata tries to follow up with a sweep kick. Mal jumps and swings his spear at Toata, hitting him with the dull part. He follows it up by spinning the spear and swings it again, sending Toata back with Mizu. Blossom decides to fly up to the sky and support from there. She shoots down a bunch of shots at Mal. He dodges all of them swiftly. "Dang it I can't hit him!" Blossom says. "Don't worry he can't dodge the bullets and us at the same time, so keep doing your thing." Toata says. "Ok!" Blossom says as she shoots more shots. Toata and Mizu look at each other and rush towards Mal. "Don't worry about hitting us, we won't let it happen." Mizu says. "Got it!" Blossom. "I should be able to dodge this." Mal says to himself. Mizu uses his spear to spring himself to the sky. While Toata shoots ice shards at Mal. Mal focuses on breaking the crystals. He sees Mizu coming down so he dashes back while blocking the shards. Toata stops. Mal tries to dash towards Mizu but gets stopped by Blossom. Mal grunts. "That's gonna be annoying." Mal says as he jumps up going for Blossom. Blossom shoots down at Mal, but Mal blocks all of the shots. He gets close to Blossom but she flies away. Mal glances at her, he centers his vision and sees Mizu in front of him. "I can't react in time." Mal says to himself. Mizu swings down on Mal sending him to the ground at high speeds. Toata jumps up and hits a series of combos on Mal, finishing it with a roundhouse kick down. His body crashes down and hits the floor. "Alright time to end this!" Blossom says as she charges another large shot. Mal looks up and grins. "That's one down." Mal says. Soon as Mal says that Blossom is shot through her stomach with a scarlet flame arrow. "What the-." Blossom says as her body dissipates. Toata, Mizu and Shiro all look up in shock. "Those flames." Shiro says as she shivers. She gets a slight flashback of her and Ember. "But it can't be." She says. A.I comes on. "Blossom has been eliminated." It says. Toata grits his teeth. "Good shot Ember." Mal says. Shiro's eyes widen. "What name did you just say?" Shiro says. Mal slowly gets up. "You heard me." Mal says. "But?" Shiro says. "Take a look for yourself." Mal says as he points towards Ember's location. They look up and see Ember aiming her bow and arrow.

Shiro's eyes turn hollow. "It can't be. You died in the explosion. I saw it happen with my own eyes. Imposter, you can't be my sister! She died years ago!" Shiro shouts as tears rain down her cheeks. Toata starts to tear up. "Hold yourself together." Mizu says. Toata wipes his eyes. "Right." Ember begins to be surrounded by the same scarlet flame again. She pulls her arrow back and shoots it at Toata. "Watch out!" Mizu says as he quickly deflects the arrow. "Thank you." Toata says. "They got a sniper, we got to take her out." Mizu says. Toata looks up at her and notices that she's crying. "What?" Toata says. "What is it?" Mizu asks. "She's also crying." Toata replies. "Makes sense to be honest with you. She is against her sister who she hasn't seen in a while. This is pretty emotional." Mizu explains. "I guess." Toata says. "Alright enough with the chatting. Lets get this over with and get the win." Mizu says. Toata nods. "Without your support i'll be just fine." Mal says. "If I aim this just right, I should be able to." Toata says to himself. He aims towards Ember. He creates a huge ice spike behind Ember, causing her to jump down into the battle. "Damnit." Ember says to herself. "Can't be a sniper if you're down here facing us head on." Toata says to himself. Ember lands besides Mal. She looks at him and sees that he's giving her a death stare. She gets frightened. "What was that?" Toata asks himself. Now that he's got a good look at her, he realizes how beaten she looks. "Did she escape one of these guys or something? No it can't be. It feels like she's been in that position the whole time. So why does she look like that?" Toata thinks to himself. While he was having these thoughts Mizu rushes towards Mal. Mal doesn't move as Ember gets ready to shoot another arrow. Mal smirks. Right as Ember is about to shoot the arrow she feels a sharp pain in her right eye, as she got another flashback. She falls to her knees, this causes her to miss the shot and resulting in Mal getting hit by Mizu. Mal gets sent flying to a tree. Mizu goes back to regroup with Toata. Mal gets up and slowly makes his way towards Ember. Ember doesn't notice as she's still on her knees. Mizu, Toata and Shiro all just watch. Mal reaches his hand out and chokes Ember. "You seriously let me get attacked. You useless piece of shit. I put my trust in you and you fucking fail me." Mal says as he punches Ember in the gut and throws her to the side. This angers Mizu and Toata. Shiro breaks down into tears and fall to her knees. "NOOOOOO!" She screams. "What the hell, she's your teammate. Why would you do that?" Toata says. "Trash is trash, I have no use for it. If you're useless than i'll treat you like you're useless." Mal responds. Ember slowly gets up and breakdown into tears as she sees Shiro. Not being to handle all of this she runs away. "Wait!" Toata shouts. "Go after her, i'll handle Mal." Mizu says. "Are you sure?" Toata asks. "Leave this to me. Go help her." Mizu says. "Don't die on me." Toata says. "Oh trust me I won't. Now go!" Mizu says.

Toata chases after Ember

"Wait! Ember slow down!" Toata shouts. "How is she so fast?" Toata asks himself. "Get away from me!" Ember shouts has a huge wave of fire is shot towards Toata. "Woah!" Toata says as he is in shock at the size of the fire. He freezes it and breaks through it. "Just leave me alone!" Ember shouts. "I want to help." Toata says. Ember gets a flashback to Mal reaching his hand out and saying that exact phrase. She stops and turns around. Toata also stops. "Thank you, you're actually going to lis-." Toata says as he is cutoff by Ember. "Shut up." Ember says. "What?" Toata replies in confusion. "I said, shut up!" Ember says. She takes a moment. "I want to help, that's a load of bullshit. What? Are you going to help me then use me as a punching bag, just cause you can. Well i'm done. I'm tired of being a punching bag. I'm tired of taking help and i'm tired of running. She says. "So that explains it, he does abuse you. Listen trust me I'm not trying to do that i'm just trying t-." Toata says but he is cutoff again. "Stop with your lies!" Ember shouts. "But i'm not lying!" Toata says. Ember gets another flashback, this time it includes all the times she was physically and mentally abused my Mal. Her body is surrounded by the flames. She starts going wild like she can't control herself. She grips her chest and begins to yell in pain. "What's going on?" Toata asks himself. She yells even louder. White fox like ears appear on her head and a crimson fire tail appears behind her, with 1 flame hovering over her. It's like an inner lock within her broke and she was free.

"What the?" Toata freezes in shock.