The Lab!!!!

Ember stares at Toata, tears streaming down her face. "Ember?" Toata asks. Ember grunts and dashes towards Toata. She runs on all fours like a fox. Her hands become fire claws. She reaches him in almost an instant. Toata dashes back but she quickly follows up and kicks Toata into a tree. Toata hits the tree and feels all the air in his body fly out. He sees Ember quickly going for a follow up. He barley dodges and Ember leaves a fire mark on the tree. "Hey, relax. I don't want to fight, I only want to help!" Toata says. Ember doesn't budge. "Shit what do I do, if I fight back all i'm doing is triggering her trauma, but if I don't im dead." Toata says to himself. Ember disappears. Toata panics as he quickly searches for where she went. In an instant he hears her above him. He looks up and sees her coming down for an attack. He hits a back handspring avoiding the attack. "I don't have time to think, I just have to go for it." Toata says to himself. Toata creates an ice wall. Ember sees this and quickly cuts through it but when she gets through Toata is gone. Ember stays put, her ears go up and she tries to hear him. She hears something and quickly checks it out. She sees a small ice mark and quickly stays away from it. "So she can't continue to stop my ice, then this is my only option." Toata says to himself as he watches her from his hiding spot. Toata is seen walking out carelessly. Ember wastes no time and tries to attack him. She puts her claws through his stomach. Ember tries to pull her claws out but feels stuck. Toata smirks and he becomes ice. Turns out that was a clone to trap Ember. Ember looks distressed trying to escape. "Wow that took a lot out of me, I gotta end this, its now or never." Toata says to himself. Toata is revealed to be hiding on top of a tree. Ember looks up and him and she tries even harder to break through. Toata makes an ice dagger and leaps down. As he gets closer the more rapid and rigorous Ember's movements become. She's become a true beast. As Toata is about to land the blow she closes her eyes, bracing for impact. 

She opens her eyes quickly as she feels Toata's embrace. "You're not a monster, you're just lost. Im here to help any way I can, just let me in and I will do everything in my power to help." Toata says. Ember starts yelling and shaking. Her ears, claws and tail disappears but the flame remains above her head. "Almost there." Toata says to himself. He reaches out one of his arms and grabs the flame. Ember snaps and lets out a final scream. Toata hugs her even tighter. Ember bursts into tears. "Im so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just-." She says but gets cut off. "Don't worry about it, Im just glad that you're okay now." Toata says. She continues breaking down on Toata's shoulder's. Toata pats her head. After a couple of minutes pass they both decide to sit down. "If you don't mind me asking, what was that?" Toata asks. Ember looks away in guilt. "Don't worry its okay, forget I asked." Toata says trying to comfort her. "I honestly don't know, I never seen it to that extent, its been years since I was ever like that. Even then I was in control and it was more of a cute thing. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were only 8. We used to live in this small but lively village named Kokoro village." Ember says.

Cuts off to a flashback.

"Ember! Shiro! Geez these two kids are always giving me trouble." A woman says. "You just love to give yourself a hard time huh Kyoko?" A man says. Kyoko turns around giving the man a death stare. "Forget I said anything." The man says as he sweats bullets. Kyoko exhales. I just hope they aren't getting themselves into trouble." Kyoko says as she slouches on the ground. The man goes and takes a seat next to Kyoko. "You worry to much you know that?" The man says. "Im a mother Nosuke of course I worry." She replies. "And Im a father." He replies with a smirk. "Look this is a special night, so I'll make your favorite, how does that sound?" He suggests. Kyoko nods. Nosuke gets up but as soon as he does he hears a scream. Nosuke looks terrified. "That sounded like." Kyoko says. "Shiro!" They both say at the same time. 

On the outskirts of the the village Shiro is being chocked by an intruder. The intruder wasn't alone he had 3 more people with him. "Let go of my sister!!!" Ember shouts. "Did you start phase 1?" One of the intruders ask another. "uh yes sir!" The other intruder responds. "Very good. Now we have to take the twins and we complete our mission." Ember is shaking. "I said let go of my sister!" Ember shouts. "Shut it." The head intruder says. "No let go of her!" Ember shouts. "Okay someone silence her and lets move out." The head intruder says. One of the intruders goes to grab Ember. Two of the intruders suddenly collapse. Shiro is set free but she's unconscious. The intruders stop in their tracks. "He's here." The head intruder says. He points at the last standing intruder. "You, go grab her." He says. He starts to approach Ember. Ember yells. In a instant Nosuke goes to attack the intruder, but just as fast as he appeared, he was blocked. Nosuke and the head intruder clash with their fist. "I was right, its you, the legendary Nosuke of Kokoro village." The head intruder says. "Dad?" Ember says. "I don't have time for fans right now, you attacked my village and for that you're going to pay the price." Nosuke says. The head intruder pushes him back. Nosuke lands. "That's a damn shame, I was really excited to finally meet you." The head intruder says with a smirk. "What exactly do you want with my daughters?" Nosuke asks. The head intruder giggles a little. "I personally don't want anything to do with them, but orders are orders and money is money." He replies. "Hmph." Nosuke lets out. He quickly dashes towards him but he disappears. Nosuke feels the breeze on his neck and quickly ducks, dodging an attack from behind. He goes for a counter but gets blocked. He tries to follow up but gets blocked again. He dashes back. The intruder just smirks. Nosuke still remains calm and composed. They both continue to go at it, neither being able to land a clean blow. Ember just watches trying to process everything. The fight continues. Neither of them seem to even break a sweat. Ember, who's been zoned out during the whole fight, snaps back into reality and smells smoke. She looks behind her and notices the whole village is in flames. Ember stops and watches as her home gets burnt to the ground. She begins to tear up and starts crying. Nosuke realizes this and stops. The head intruder sees Nosuke's troubled looked and starts cackling. "So you finally realized." He says. Nosuke's calm and composed look fades in an instant. His aura changed drastically. At first it was a chilling feeling, but now you can feel the power of his anger. Nosuke dashes and proceeds to finish the intruder. He fails multiple times. He goes for another attack but gets kicked back, making the intruder the first to get a clean strike. Ember whos on the floor has the image of the burning village replay in her head like a torture mechanism. She eventually breaks and begins to rage. She starts yelling and crying. Her aura is strong. "Oh no, this was your plan all along." Nosuke says to himself as he sees the intruder smirk. Ember begins to transform and she continues her never ending scream. White fox like ears, a fire tail, fire claws and a singular flame appear on Ember's body. "Ember." Nosuke says in worry. Ember freezes as she feels this pain in her chest. Nosuke let his guard down and the intruder kneed Ember in the chest. Ember is broken out her monster form and set flying down into the woods. "Ember!" Nosuke yells. He tries to rush after her but gets blocked. "We aren't finished here." The intruder says while pushing Nosuke back. "DAMNIT! GET OUT OF MY WAY!" Nosuke yells. "Can't do that." The intruder says while smirking. "Fine then, I'LL JUST KILL YOU!" Nosuke says while rushing towards him. His attacks are uncoordinated and sloppy. He was easy to read like an open book. The intruder dodges all of his attacks with ease. "This is getting boring. I'll just finish this now." The intruder says. Nosuke grunts and dashes towards him. Nosuke eyes go dull as his head rest on the intruders shoulders. Blood begins the flood out of Nosuke's mouth as the intruder pulls his fist out of Nosukes chest. "Soon as you lost your cool it was game over. Goodbye Nosuke." The intruder says and Nosukes body collapses to the ground. The intruder picks up Shiro's unconscious body and goes to retrieve Ember's. Kokoro village was left to burn.


Ember wakes up in this unfamiliar place. She tries to process everything and then gets a flashback of last night. "Shiro!" She shouts. This alerts the people in the vicinity. Ember tries to move but realizes she is tied up vertically. The head intruder walks in. Immediately Ember recognizes his face. She gets a flashback to what he did. "You, its you!" Ember shouts trying to lunge at him. "Yes, its me, nice to see you again." He says. "Where's my sister?" Ember asks. "She's in a different room." He answers. "Bring her to me." Ember demands. "You think you have a say? I mean stop and look at your current situation. You think you're in any place to demand anything from me?" He says. "SHUT UP!" She shouts. He punches the wall right next to her head. "You will do what I say and not talk back got it?" He says. Ember stares at him with pure hatred in her eyes. He begins to walk out the room. "Get comfortable, cause this is your new home." He says as he walks out.