Protocol Extinguish!!!!

Weeks went by and all hope was lost, they're plan was to find out how to use the power of the kitsune for personal reasons. Everyday its a new experiment and neither of the sisters have yet to see each other. As each day passes the determination in Ember's eyes slowly fade until she looks like a forgotten toy. Each scream from the pain she felt, slowly became silent. For weeks they tried to draw out the kitsune but they had no luck, until one day they brought Shiro to Ember's room, severely injured. Ember is chained up to a wall. Hey! Wake up!" One of the guard says. Ember doesn't move. "Oh! Not so eager to move huh? Maybe if draw some more blood from you're beloved sister here you'll move." Ember immediately reacts. "Don't you dar-." She stops as she sees Shiro, she hasn't seen Shiro in weeks and she finally sees her. "" Ember voice trembles. The guard goes down to stab Shiro. "Don't hurt her!" Ember shouts in fear. The stab connects and Shiro shrieks. "Nooooooo!" Ember shouts as her eyes glow red. The room begins to shake. "Woah what's going on." Ember shakes violently trying to break through her shackles. The room starts glowing red as emergency sirens can be heard. Multiple footsteps and sounds of fear can be heard throughout the building. 3 extra guards come into the room. An explosion is heard. "Were being raided, grab everything and run." They grab Shiro and some other items and make a break for it. Ember breaks free and chases them. "Don't run away from me." Ember says. She kills 3 of them with her fire claws but lost the 4th one who had Shiro. She searches frantically for her but can't find anything. She hears a system voice activating a self destruct protocol. "Activating self destruct protocol, this building will self destruct in 30 seconds." Ember doesn't run away but instead continues to search for Shiro. As she runs around she kills anyone in her way. Eventually she sees the man holding Shiro. She runs as fast as she can but soon as she gets close the building explodes. She's sent flying and she lands in the cold snow. She cries and yells until her vision gets blurry. She sees legs walking towards her. She looks up and sees the face of Mal. "I want to help." He says.

It cuts back to present time.

"And that was it pretty much it, I met Mal and eventually he turned so twisted and used me as a punching bag to get rid of all of frustration when things didn't go his way. I eventually found out Shiro was alive and well, but I couldn't bring myself to reveal myself to her. I was so afraid I could ruin things or that she won't remember me." Ember says. Toata takes a moment to process everything. "Thank you for listening and letting me get all of that off my chest." Ember says as she begins to get up to walk away. "I won't bother you anymore." She says. Toata grabs her hand. She turns and looks at him with tears in her eyes. He's enraged. "I swear on my life, I, no we, will get vengeance on Mal and the other heartless bastards who did this!" Ember's eyes turn into a gentle waterfall. "Just say the word and it's done." He says. "Please, please help me Toata." She replies.

Toata turns around and heads for Mal.
