Going Out In An Adventure

"All of us?" Ibra asked while being the only one here excited about this.

"Prepare everyone, only Remy and Trevor will stay behind," William moved his eyes among others, before landing them over the two old men, "and don't ask, you aren't welcome to tag along."

"This…" Kong was about to ask the same thing, yet William was half a step ahead and rejected his thoughts.

"Don't worry, I kept your granddaughters safe for all this time," William knew they were just caring about Sara and Berry, "and on top of that… They aren't that weak anymore."

Like this, William's intentions to go out were fulfilled. And without realising it, he was heading to meet someone he wanted to meet for a long time, an enemy of his!

William's selected team wasn't in the city all the time. So, it took roughly three days to prepare. William took this time and brought a small part of the stocked war supplies with him. Be it elixirs, high grade weapons, and even grenades… He brought everything.