A Weird Place

"Don't dwindle, or else you'll be left behind," John shouted back at him, and Ibra got to kill the rabbits faster before joining them.

"Tsk! What a party destroyer you are!"

"Don't worry," William laughed, "we got the rest of the world to satisfy your desire to fight."

However, after few days of doing this, the entire team grew bored.

"It's no fun anymore," Ibra sighed while they were resting inside a small cave, "all we met are f*cking bronze and silver monsters! Weak! All are weak!"

"I know," William sighed. Even he was disappointed. He wanted to come out so he could find monsters and get their cores. But all they met were weak ones just like Ibra complained about.

"Why not ask around then?" Sara suggested, "we can look for locals and see if there are places with high grade monsters there."

"Hmm… Ok," William paused, turned to Moore before adding, "you'll handle this part then."