Chapter 41:the partitioning of Valyria(Nate's POV)

My older brother was gone for a month, and no one had any idea where he was. I was very worried about him at first, but hearing about the fact that my brother's water dragon was sleeping without a care in the world, and with my brother's shadow reassurance that my brother was fine, I calmed down.

The Valyrian Empire already had some remains of an army spread throughout their territory, but with most dragonlords and lordess dead, they were a dispersed force, and with Angarja's support we took more time marching and expanding than actually fighting. Soon after Valyria fell, marking the end of the Valyrian Empire. The alliance navy, make a turn back and easily took over Lorath, the last standing of the free cities.

Lorath is on the west side of the largest of three islands surrounded by stormy seas. It is at the mouth of Lorath Bay. The second-largest island is Lorassyon, but there is a score of smaller isles. To the south of the islands is a thickly forested peninsula.

The Lorathi also had claimed dominion over the waters of Lorath Bay, but whalers and sealers out of Ib often venture into the bay, for Lorath does not have sufficient strength to make good its claim.

To the east is the Axe and to the west Braavos. Morosh at the Sarne delta is a Lorathi settlement. The Lorathi isles are bleak and stony, but in their waters, plenty of cod, whales, and grey leviathans can be found, as colonies of walrus and seal.

After capturing the city we found out that a valyrian dragonlord family had already left The Valyrian Freehold. They were an unimportant family, which power was at the bottom of the forty in power at least before the war. They were called Targaryens.

We could have sent an army against them, but we were already having a hard time dividing all the land we obtain from Valyria. Without my brother, the unofficial leader of the alliance, the situation was quite annoying.

Cities like Aquos Dhaen, Draconys, Mhysa Faer, Rhyos, and Valyria itself were coveted by all allies. Cities like Oros and Tyria were also very coveted. Valyria's sea control over Naarth was also coveted. Although Naath was not a direct colony of Valyria, it was the private property of one of the forties. There was no functioning valyrian fort inside the island because of the butterflies' fever.

However, valyrian ships encircle the shore to protect the island's main settlements from pirate raids, in exchange the peaceful people of Naath pay tax to the family with silk from silkworm caterpillars, fine handicrafts, and delicate spiced wine. As there was a high demand for these products, Naath also sell a lot of these products to Valyria. Taking over this very rich business would be great for whoever achieves it.

Ghozai, Elyria, Gogossos, Meeren, Yunkai, and Astapor were not coveted, because these cities rely completely on the slave trade to sustain themselves. No Rhoynar prince or princess would keep the slave trade going, so the slave bay cities were only a burden that all cities want to push on each other.

Gogossos was the least desired of them all because it was not only worthless but if someone took over the city, they would have to conquer it themselves by forming a navy and taking it over. Why bother with the city, the city was a burden to the sea trade, because it was the only direct trading partner of the Sothoyi pirates.

Cities like Bhorash, Mantarys, Velos, and Tolos were less desired, because these cities' economies have a high reliance on the slave trade, but different from the slave bay cities they sell more than just slaves. Essaria was also less coveted because Valyria literally sacrificed most of the city's manpower with only some freemen left. Ghardaq was a very wealthy city, but it was less desired, because of its distance. Lorath's ownership is disputed by Braavos, Sarhoy, and Groyan Drohe.

There were two representatives of the delegation for the city. My mother and I were representing Sar Mell. Anga was represented by Delonne, Karna's heiress, and Jolhar. The princess ruler of Sarhoy with her heir was representing their city. The prince of Lys and his minister were representing the city. Mors and his heiress were representing Dorne.

My uncle Alleras together with his minister was representing Myr. The princess ruler of Ar Noy was representing the city together with her husband. The prince and princess rulers of Groyan Drohe and Ny Sar were accompanied by their ministers to represent their cities. Chroyane prince ruler and his wife were representing the city. The elected sea lord and a substitute were representing Braavos.

After the end of the war, my brother also received an invitation to visit the Ifequevron kingdom, which was very surprising even for me, as their people do not trade with foreigners and nearly do not interact with outsiders at all. What do they want with my brother?

Brother finally returned.

"Princes, princesses, lords, and ministers I am sorry for my previous absence I had to deal with a certain final ambush from the valyrians. Now that the Valyria Freehold is over, their gods are dead, and they become history, we should not go astray and apart.

On our dear Mother Rhoyne, countless were the invaders, which tried to tarnish our home. In this cruel world, where slavery is still practiced, piracy is on rampage, and the Sarnori ignore the Dothraki threat, preferring to fight each other, the order must be established." My brother said in a voice that hold great authority, feeling closer to a divine command, than a diplomatic invitation.

I understand his point about the Dothraki, they were barbaric to the point they seem like a mountainous bandit group that grew too big and became a nation, but they were strong. If they destroyed the Sarnori Kingdom, keeping these raiders, out of our land would be a pain... At least, they fear powerful magic.

He was quickly applauded.

"Viewing this I propose the formation of the western council, where all members of this alliance shall have a position. The council head position should be none hereditary, but a lifetime position. With this, the 'capital' of this confederation should also move, each time its head changes.

To avoid conflict instead of an election each time, I think we should move the position in a circular motion, in other to ensure that each nation owns the position at least once. So let's vote." Brother said.

Sarhoy, Braavos, Anga, Sar Mell, Lys, Myr, Ghoyan Drohe, and Ar Noy voted in favor. Seeing Ghoyan Drohe vote Ny Sar also voted in favor. Chroyane and Dorne abstain from voting. So his proposal was approved.

"Now I heard that the division of the conquered territories is being hard. Let me get acquainted with the current situation."Brother said. We explained the situation. Besides the conflict of interest, there was the problem that several of the allies were landlocked, including us Sar Mell. All wanted a territory, but none of the landlocked countries wanted to own a giant enclave.

The cost of the war was high no one wants to form new principalities, and they want the land for themselves So brother joined us in the suffering, and after a long time, we reached an agreement, after considering mainly the map and war contribution. I think my brother got much less than he deserves, but he said it was fine.

Braavos got Lorath and the Axe. Ny Sar got Essaria and most of valyrian newly conquered territory. Ar Noy got Mhysa Faer the Northernmost ghiscari settlement in Essos. A valyrian road connects it to Essaria in the north and Marthasrys in the south.

Considering there is a valyrian road that connects Rhyos and Chroyane, but the city is closer to Sar Mell, which is landlocked, we were having a disagreement with Chroyane about the ownership of the city. In the end, Chroyane got the city, but we got Draconys, which is connected in the southeast by a Valyrian road to Oros, and by another in the northeast to Rhyos.

To properly connect to the city we would have to reopen Volantis taking the eastern part of the shore to connect it by sea. We also got Oros. Matarys and Elyria became part of Myr, while Lys got Tolos and Bhorash. Sarhoy got a port city on the Valyrian peninsula and Valyria itself.

Ghoyan Drohe got another port city on the peninsula and Tyria. Sarhoy had to consent to part of the orange shore so that Anga could connect to the sea and connect to its new territory. Sarhoy also got the position of protector of Naath, but to get it they had to also take over Gogossos. Anga got Astapor, Meeren, Yunkai, Ghozai, Velos, and Ghardaq.

An interior city west of Valyria was given to Dorne, the city was not much far from the sea, and building a port at the fishermen's villages on the shore would not be much hard. Although, the army sent by Dorne was not small, Dorne's participation was basically a repayment by the Bloodwater Martell royal family for the cheap rent of much of our tropes, in their unification war.

It was a very fair repayment considering most of Dorne's army were cannon fodder (I learned this strange expression from Karna) peasant levies, with actually trained knights being a minority.

Finally, I could return to my home! Later, my brother said goodbye to me, our mother, and his daughter, as he plan to visit Ifequevron before returning to Anga.