The Ifequevron still lived in the northern forests, which make the Dothraki shun those lands, either out of reverence for the woods walkers or for fear of their powers.
However, the Dothraki do not shun attacking the Ibbenese territories near these lands. The Dothraki have several peculiar beliefs, but there was a very accurate one, none that die at Ifequevron woods would ever rejoin with their horse god.
They may say that this is because the woods are cursed, but it is actually because their souls fed the Ancient Gods and their enormous hive minds.
The Ifequevron are smaller than humans, but they are not childlike. They are described as shy and gentlefolk. If I may add, they are slight, quick, and graceful. They have nut-brown skin, dappled like a deer's with paler spots. Their hands have only three fingers and a thumb, with sharp black claws instead of nails.
They have large ears that can hear things that no man can hear. They usually have large gold and green eyes slitted like those of a cat, allowing them to see in dark passages.
They weave leaves and vines and flowers into their hair, and wear cloaks of leaves. They may live for centuries. They often sing in their language, the True Tongue.
Very rarely, one of the children is born with mossy green or blood-red eyes, a sign that they have been chosen by the Old Gods. The chosen ones are not robust and do not live long on the earth, but they have the gift of greensight and are known as greenseers. Once they are bound to a godswood, they live far longer than other Ifequevron.
It was clear to see how they were practically the Children of the Forest but in Essos.
I traveled to here on the back of Vorian, it was a quick and pleasant trip. Now that Vorian grew too big for saddle, it was a perfect opportunity to train my equilibrium. And train I did. Vorian is much less hungry, as he seems to no longer need to eat. He also seems somewhat wiser.
After reaching the central village, which was basically the capital of this unique tribal kingdom, I and the King greeted each other, as it is usually made in official diplomatic visits. The King's appearance was your average Ifequevron, except for his posture, which held authority, and his blood-red eyes.
"My curiosity has got the best of me. If you allow me, your majesty, may I ask, what is the connection between your kind and the supposedly extinct children of the forest in Westeros.?"I said and asked.
"Sure. Much before mankind had even learned how to sail, we lived in that land you people now call Westeros. The ancestor of my family a greenseers, had visions that much later we found out were about the Andal invasion of Westeros, of our Kind been lead to near extinction.
As the only one who have this vision, he was quickly discredited. He also had a vision of this land. The few that believe in him, most from his clan, sailed to him to this woods that would become the birthplace of Ifequevron Kingdom.
Without the giants competing with us for living space, our clan prospered and became a kingdom. I know quite well how a lot of foreigners see us, as the cute and weak forest people, or the primitive forest people but it is not the truth."He said.
He laughed, and continued."I guess only the Dothraki 'respect' us because they believe we are evil incarnate or something.
Godswoods are our libraries, with our oldest to young history and all our knowledge, they surely are the biggest library in existence. And the truth is that when men reached Westeros by foot, they did not know how to sail, this is the reason why several children's clans joined hands to use magic to destroy the Arm of Dorne.
The peace of the first man with our Westeros relatives gave the First Men a lot of benefits, including absorbing our knowledge, including shipbuilding and sailing. Instead of using magic to make a group of trees having their roots forming a ship structure, with a lot of soil and godswoods in the center; the First Men adapted it to use the crude method of killing poor trees to make a ship." Ifequevron's King said.
"But would the trees not also die in salt water without sweet water?" I asked.
"Not quite, godswood are very special trees in several ways. Their roots with simple magic use can turn salt water into sweet water."The king said.
"Surely interesting. Now that we have such a short, but pleasant talk, I will not take much more of your time, your majesty. Can I ask why was I called here?" I said.
"Your highness, you may know about the unending conflicts and skimmer ships we had with the Ib, these annoying relatives of the First Men.
They destroy our sacred forest and cut our holy godswood. Ten were the times we expel these people from the continent, but they are as stubborn as a mule and reproduce like a rabbit, so they keep returning and returning.
At the point that we no longer have the strength to expel them, with this endless war our population keeps on dropping, I fear that one day. I had received guidance from the Old Gods themselves to swear fealty to your majesty, so we could be safe." The King said prostrating before me.
"I accept your fealty, now rise as the prince ruler of Ifequevron."I said.
"Yes, your highness." My new vassal said.
"I would like to ask you if Ifequevron and Anga could have some cultural and educational exchanges."I said.
"Sure, why not?"
I think I got a good and simple solution for his problem, I needed to very my partner's agreement first. So I did. As I expected, Vorian, which was always a very free spirit being, accepted to live here and be the Kingdom's protector without hesitation. With such a big dragon, too big to be killed by a ballista, the Ibbenese will think twice before continuing to expand to Ifequevron lands.
Besides my direct assistance in the fight, as the Ifequevron Kingdom does not make a direct border with my land and it's in the complete opposite direction of my new shore territory, Vorian is the only military assistance I can give, but I think it's enough.