Sergio held her gaze the entire time Piper felt vulnerable under those dark eyes.He always did have a way of stripping her bare with his eyes and looking at them now she feels more exposed that ever.Two hours went by with them talking,he would interrupt her if he wanted to know something or ask a question.

She's so tired and drained out but it seems like he can stay up the entire night,after she was done and he had no more to ask did he tell her she's excused Piper needed no further instructions the second she slipped under the soft covers she was a goner.

Sergio couldn't resist.He had to see if she was okay.Gently he opened the door and saw she's fast asleep,holding the pillow in her arms.She loves to cuddle and he loved having her in his arms,he had incredible moments with Piper the best ever.Being in her arms felt like heaven and whenever she would smile at him her beautiful eyes would glow.She completed him,made him whole.

He sat down at the edge of the bed next to her.His hand reached out to touch her hair it's still as soft as he remembers,light fingers trailed over her cheek, caressing.Her smooth,soft, delicate skin had haunt him for two years,she invaded his dreams making it even harder for him to forget her,to let her go.

She's his salvation and his curse, such beauty and yet he cannot have her.He cannot taste her no matter how badly he wants to right now.She's his downfall his weakness,never before has any woman brought him to his knees but she did because of it she's extremely dangerous and he must keep a distance from her.Piper will be the end of him.He doesn't trust her nor will he ever.Her luscious body and beautiful face shouldn't make him drop his guard and lead him into temptation.

Piper was so anxious to see Cristian that it felt like Sergio wasn't driving fast enough although she knows he is.They haven't spoken since their conversation on the plane and when she'd woken up new clothes had waited for her on the bed when she'd asked Sergio where her dress was he had acted as if he has no idea what she was talking about.Piper didn't probe further and let the matter rest.

Now they are on their way to the hospital,upon arrival Piper introduced him to the doctor that was treating Cristian.She spoke to her mother while Sergio talked to the doctor not that she was listening to a word her mother is saying she's listening in on what the doctor is telling Sergio and all the questions he was asking regarding his health.Piper is so happy that he is gonna help their son,not only that their blood group matches too.

Piper has hope that Cristian will be alright."You did the right thing in telling him."Her mother told her. Piper only nodded at this moment all she cared about is her son getting well she'll deal with Sergio afterwards.

"Miss Newton."Doctor Stone said."Cristian is gonna need the surgery as soon as possible.We gonna need your consent and to sign a few paperwork before we can go ahead."

"Of course."She said.

"I have some other news."Piper's head snapped up at hearing him say that.She can't take more bad news.

"What is it?"She asked,every bone in her body weak with fear.

"The surgery won't take place here.He'll have to go to Los Angeles."

"But why?"Piper asked.

"Miss Newton.For one our theater isn't fully equipped for this procedure and secondly the doctor who was suppose to fly out for this surgery can't.He'll be stuck in theater and the weather this side is changing no flights will take off."

"This cannot be happening."She whispered."That will take time, time he doesn't have.Why didn't you tell us this before,not to mention the costs for everything." Lord knows she doesn't have that kind of money.When will all the bad news end.

"Will he be able to make the trip for the surgery."Sergio asked.

"Yes.As soon as he land's and get to the hospital they'll perform the surgery. They waiting for him."

"Then there isn't any time to waste."Sergio said."We'll leave immediately."

"I'll let them know."Doctor Stone said,excusing himself.

"I'd like to see him."He told her.She showed him where Cristian's room was and gave them time alone,she stood outside and watched them through the window.He stood over Cristian and for a second he hesitated to touch him Piper wished they could've met under better circumstances and not like this when their son is sedated and sleeping,it pulled at her heart strings she ended up moving away.

My son.Sergio thought as he gazed down at the little boy,he had no hair but he can understand it's the chemotherapy,his skin is very pale,he looked weak.For a second he wondered if he was still breathing but the slight rise and fall of his chest said he is.He is a father and don't even know how to describe what he was feeling at this moment.

He wasn't even sure if he was feeling anything.No father deserves to meet their child for the first time in this condition.So defenseless,vulnerable and weak,something moved deep down in his heart an emotion that cannot be explained.His heart burned with fear that something could happen to him,doesn't matter the years he lost there's an instant connection, protectiveness that overwhelms him just looking at his boy.

He'll do everything in his power to ensure nothing happens to Cristian.He's just found him and wasn't about to let him go.Ever.He heard the door open and saw Piper coming in.How could she do this to him.Wasn't trampling over his heart enough she had to go and rip his children out of his life without ever giving him a chance to be a father.To provide for them.

Love them and protect them from any danger.What happened to the sweet,good hearted Piper he had known and fallen for,looking at her now is like staring at a stranger. "It's time." She said.

He held her gaze for some time."When I look at you I wonder what happened to the woman I fell for.The one who was so selfless,kind,caring,gentle and considerate.You not the Piper I knew seven years ago.How could you let me meet my son for the first time in this condition.Have you thought what it would do to me if I see him like this on the brink of death."

"Sergio.Can we not discuss this now,Cristian's well being is important."

"You not even feeling an ounce of empathy for the years you took away from me."That's not true she thought I've regretted my decision from the moment I held our babies in my arms."But rest assured now that I know the truth, there will be changes whether you gonna accept them will be up to you.I'm not about to lose another seven years."

"What..what do you mean changes.What kind of changes?" She didn't like his tone or choice of words it scared her the last thing she needs is to fight him too."They have a life here Sergio."

"And I wanna meet my daughter as soon as possible."He said ignoring her question."It's time for her to meet her father.No excuses."He added.

"Sergio!"She called when he walked out,she went after him but was stopped by the doctor.

"All is set Miss Newton.Whenever you are ready.They waiting for you."Piper nodded her head and followed the doctor back to Cristian's room.

Cristian's surgery went really well,Piper is so happy about it.Her boy is gonna be okay and it's all thanks to Sergio if he hadn't helped her boy might not be here now she'll be eternally grateful to him.Cristian is recovering well it's over a week since the surgery and he's still in intensive care unit they are watching his progress slowly every time when they go in to see him they have to wear protective clothing the doctor said it's to protect Cristian from any bacteria that might cause him to get an infection which is something they can't afford to happen.

Piper is over the moon Sergio is also okay and she's come to know he isn't a very good patient not even the doctor could keep in bed to rest so that his body can recuperate and regain strength. He's gotten a chance to meet Aurora when she had come to see her brother but he hasn't told her that he's her father.Aurora likes him whenever they are alone together she asks about Sergio Piper would say the two of them connected which is good.

Cristian had asked why Sergio looks like him and to her surprise Sergio had laughed a sound that is still stuck in her head,when she and him had talked he'd told her he'll wait until Cristian is strong before they can break the news to them.A day she dreads as each day ends and Cristian is becoming stronger and stronger she has no idea what is going through his head or what he's planning,all she can do is hope for the best.

"Are you ready to go home."She asked Cristian a few days later,he has been given the go ahead to go home but she has to follow certain instructions to keep him from getting an infection.The room he is gonna sleep in has to be sterilized and disinfected from top to bottom and no one has to share a room with him she's gonna have to talk to Aurora Piper knows she won't want to.