"Is uncle Sergio coming with us." He asked instead."I like him."

"No sweetie but you can call him whenever you want."

"That won't be the same as him being with us."Her son sad sadly.

"I know.But uncle Sergio has to work honey."Speaking of work he's been here the entire time she wonders who's running his company.She herself is gonna have to go back to work if she wants to pay off Cristian's medical bills one thing is certain they'll give her the invoice before she steps out of this hospital.

"He's here everyday.With us." Cristain protest.

"I know but that doesn't mean he doesn't have to work.Even I work but you don't complain about it."

"Because you come back home. What if he goes to work and never come back."

She cupped his cheek."Don't think that.It won't happen.Focus on getting better the rest will fall into place.I promise."

"Look who came to see you."Her mother said coming in with Aurora.

"Mom.How did she get here?" Piper asked,moving away so the two can spend time together.

"Sergio."Her mother answered."He thought Cristian seeing Aurora will make him happy and it did.Look how excited he is to see her." Piper can tell,these two love each other alot and whenever they are apart one can see their sadness.It was nice of Sergio to do this.

"That was thoughtful of him but we going home today."Piper said.

"No.We not."Aurora chirped in happily.

Piper went over to them and stroked Aurora's hair."Yes we are. The doctor said your brother can go home.The two of you will be together again."

"Why haven't you told Cristian the truth yet mommy."

"What are you talking about honey."Piper quickly glanced at her mother."Tell him what?"

"That uncle Sergio is our daddy."

"Who told you that Aurora."She asked.

"I heard daddy say that on our way over here.He was talking over the phone in spanish that's how I heard.He also said we moving to Madrid."

Piper's head is reeling.Moving.To Madrid.He never said anything to her.Is this the changes he was talking about.No she shouldn't over think anything it could be Aurora has misinterpret."Are you sure he said that.Could be you are mistaken."

"No.I heard him right.Remember we taking spanish lessons after school."

How can she forget Piper thought."Is it true mommy."Cristian asked."Is he really our dad.Are we moving."

She looked at her mother for confirmation."I know nothing.I don't even know spanish.You gonna have to talk to Sergio."

"That would be so cool."Cristian exclaimed."If he can be our dad."

"But he is."Aurora insisted. "Mommy hasn't denied it.And he has been here for you.He even took me out for ice cream the other day.We talked alot.He is a good man and told me any father would be proud to have a daughter like me. He also said as soon as Cristian is well enough the three of us will spend time together.To know each other."

Three of them.Clearly she wasn't included in this family reunion.He can't take her children away from her.She's nothing without them, they kept her going all these years when she had no hope or purpose. If he thinks she's about to let him take her kids away then he has another thing coming."What's wrong Piper?"Rose asked her daughter."You look troubled."

"It's nothing mom."She can't involve her mother in her affairs it isn't fair.Her mother hasn't gotten a chance to recover and rest like she should after her surgery, through this whole time her mother has been here supporting her and the kids."You can go home to rest.I'll take it from here.Thank you for all your love and support." She gave her mother a hug."I love you."

"Me too honey.You and Sergio need to talk about Aurora and Cristian.Stay here and let the kids know their father."

"As much as I'd like to say yes I can't mom.They have school,at least Aurora does.Cristian isn't going back to school for a few weeks,not to mention I have to go back to work.If we gonna survive I must go back.We need the money especially now."She walked over to the window and gazed out."I used all our savings to cover for Cristian's surgery cost and it still hadn't been enough.I'm gonna need to take on more work something part time if I'll want to pay off this debt."

"You don't have to go through this alone Piper.I'm sure if you talk to Sergio and explain your circumstances he'll help you. Looks like he has the money."

"No mom!"She practically yelped."I can't.This isn't his burden to carry." If she can ask him for help with Cristian's medical bills he'll condemn her even further and label her a money chaser.She left him seven years ago for a wealthy man only to learn that man is a fraud and a liar.Now here he is.Seven years later.

Very successful and rolling around in money,whereas she survives from penny to penny if she can make the mistake of asking for money from him he'll say she's nothing but a gold digger and every-time he says that it hurts so bad because he couldn't be more wrong.

All she ever wanted,needed was to live a very simple life with the man she loves.Someone who had nothing. And she saw that life with Sergio but due to unfortunate circumstances she couldn't have that life."I'll make a plan mother and that plan doesn't include asking Sergio for help.It won't be fair."

Sergio quietly moved away from Cristian's door and headed back over to the receptionist desk.He spoke to the woman and learned Piper only made a partial payment they still waiting for the rest."I'll cover all the costs for Cristian's bills.You can refund Miss Newton whatever amount she paid."

"I'll take care of it Mr Marquez. Anything else."

"That will be all."He spun around and left,Piper wants to keep him from doing things for his kids but he won't let her and he'll personally tell her so.He's gotten time to spend with the kids individually and he can give her credit for the way she's raised them.She did a remarkable job both Aurora and Cristian is very smart and observant for their age.He hasn't got a chance to tell them who he truly is but soon he will,he's not leaving this country without his kids.

He has already made all the necessary arrangements for their arrival once they land in Madrid.No one is gonna stop him from being a full time father.Not even Piper. This time around he knocked before entering,Aurora ran to him the minute she saw him,he embraced her in a loving hug.His chest swells with unconditional love for these two adorable beings.His heirs."How are you doing today?"He asked them. "Both of you."

"I'm happy to see you."Aurora said.

"I'm happy you here."Cristian added."I was scared you not coming back."

"That will never happen."He promised."I love being with you."

"We love being with you too."They said in unison.He smiled.

"Mrs Newton.Piper."He nod his head in greeting.

"Pleasure to see you again Sergio."Rose said.

Piper mumbled a stiff hello.He looked so sexy in his black jeans that showed his strong thighs and legs,he wore a white shirt and a light brown jacket. Brown boots are on his feet,his hair is perfectly combed and styled.Even though she's a few feet away from him, his musky cologne and male scent reached her across the room.

A familiar shiver rushed through her body making her flush. She could feel that light flutter in the pit of her stomach. Seven long years and he still makes her body burn for him.It had been this way when they had met for the first time,he didn't have to do much for her to want him.A simple glance would have her tripping over her feet for this god of a man.Even if she looked at him she would want him and he had been good in reading her.

He always knew when she wanted him or what she wanted.And he would pleasure her until she has nothing left.Until her body would scream out in agony,remembering all those moments now makes her ache between her legs,makes her want to go to him and beg him to have her.

To make her his again.And she knows that will never happen,he'll never be hers again he had made that very clear the other day when she had openly drooled over his sexy as sin body.