The first icy breeze came the next day, just like the ghosts and the shadows; between sweets and pumpkins. Just in time for the opening of the surf contest.
-Better wrap up, it's warm here but outside you could end up with pneumonia.
June would miss the baggy, fresh clothes he could still wear in mid-fall, being wrapped up in layers of clothing and blankets wasn't exactly something he enjoyed like his grandfather, who barely wore a thin sweater. Even then, he had the idea that the temperature didn't drop that much in the coastal zone, but there he was, trembling like a chick. He had little thermal clothing, he didn't need much if it was rare for it to snow, unlike Laencaster, where every year when winter came the streets were covered in white making city life difficult, he wouldn't miss that. Tons of clothes were abandoned in the corner of his huge wardrobe, maybe his mother, no, maybe Evelyn would take care of them. Maybe not, maybe the huge fur and bird feather jackets would stay well tucked away in case June decided to spend a winter in them. Impossible, he probably wouldn't be back for a long, long, long time.
He rummaged through his suitcases, yes, he still had a lot of unpacked clothes. A red scarf peeked out loudly from among the knots of clothing.
-This should be enough.
A warm neck was better than nothing, they descended on the streets adorned in shades of purple, orange and black. The air smelled of pumpkin spice and coffee. Sensing June's sensitivity to crowds, Dylan looked for the emptier streets. It was still too early for the crowd, so they bought what they needed: some groceries and sweets to spend the cold afternoons relaxed and trying to talk more, lately, June was willing to do it. And that was an advantage that Dylan wasn't going to miss, with that June would have more clarity on some events, although he didn't know if it could cause more damage than benefits, the past isn't always a good friend that welcomes you with open arms.
After a couple of hours they met to eat some snacks at a modest place, "Halfview", and as its name indicated, they had a good panoramic view, since it was located right between the bay and the open sea, on one of the highest parts in Seameet, just a short distance away from the busiest area and just a bit closer from the inhabited one. There was no better place to enjoy a show at sea from a distance. In a surprisingly good way, June had agreed.
-I didn't think it was that cold.
Dylan had barely been distracted for a second while he arranged the bags of groceries on one side of the table. As soon as he heard his grandson, he immediately looked at him to let him understand that he was paying attention. He hesitated, gasped like a fish out of water looking for words, now that he was beginning to develop more he felt that he was talking too much, in the same way he shook his head and continued.
-I mean that... for example, the beaches of Balandra are warm, even in winter. I think the lowest temperature is 59° F.
Dylan was about to reply to June when an extra voice came forward.
-Balandra, ah, I have such good and exquisite memories of its calm and crystalline waters; without a doubt it is exceptional due to its tropical climate. Seameet, on the contrary, is located at one end of the continent, all the air from the ocean reaches us. Personally, there is no better climate than this, although I understand that the environmental difference is overwhelming for those who do not go out often.
He turned to see June and then Dylan.
-Or for those who visit us for the first time. What a pleasant surprise, old friend.
Connor could be described as an old man but old age only carried his body, the tone of voice, body expression and even his presence were those of a man full of vitality. Although in his gaze there were some vestiges of death and sadness that made June shudder as he tried to read the old man's gaze. He doesn't even understand why he thinks he can read people's past without remembering his own.
-Connor, you reckless old tramp, I thought I would see you again in at least a couple of years. Or that I would find you in the afterlife. Whichever comes first.
That must have been Nikki's grandfather, a tall, almost skeletal man with a penchant for facial hair. Dylan got up from his seat shaking hands with his friend before giving each other a brotherly hug as they laughed.
-I could say the same old turtle. I see that nowadays you bring company.
Their attention fell on June, who shrugged slightly as if looking for a hiding place in his own body.
-He is my grandson, now he lives with me. June, I am pleased to introduce you to my good and dear friend, even for his age this decrepit man loves to travel. He is Nikki's grandfather.
- June? I think I've heard about you. Your parents must love the month you were born a lot, huh.
A subtle blush covered June as he tried not to look too terrified or uncomfortable by his conversation with someone outside of his social circle.
-Actually, his birthday is in April, April 7th.
It was Dylan who vouched for his grandson, little by little he could only include himself. No pressure involved.
-Oh wow, well, a pleasure June. If one day you need something, anything, you can go to my little Nikki, she is my connection to the people who usually look for me. And you can always count on being welcome in this humble place. They also arrive at the right time, there is no better place to enjoy the opening of our traditional event.
For a few seconds June had forgotten the initial reason for being there, the nerves began to emanate from the depths of his fears, with the restless drumming, the labored breathing, the slight tremor in the upper limbs and the cold sweat on the palms of his hands; He fought against all that, he closed his eyes and searched for a space of peace in his memories along with long and deep breaths, all with the greatest possible discretion, he had promised his grandfather that he was fine, that he would be fine even in a space far from a real riot. The old men chatted about the years gone by and the incredible surprises that some novices gave, but for June the conversation was barely perceptible, the voices sounded muffled and from one moment to the next the waves, despite being far from the shore, resounded in his mind like if he were about to enter the water.
"June, come."
That peculiar voice that calmed and upset him at the same time sounded so clear and soft that it was like having him a couple of centimeters away.
-Where? Who are you?
The voice began to move away, constantly repeating the word : Come.
He would have wanted his legs not to react against his will, for his body not to move out of the seat and for his mind not to have a single objective, to find out who that call was from.
- June?
He stopped, the trance ended as soon as it arrived.
-I wanted… I just…
-No problem if you want a seat closer to the viewpoint, I bet you can't wait to see the first performances on the waves. Allow me to suggest this side of the room, which not only offers a good panoramic view, but is also the most comfortable one.
Connor took center stage, Dylan told him a little about June, a shy and introverted boy with temporary amnesia and a bit of social anxiety. June blanked out for a brief moment before showing interest in Connor's offer, it was his best unplanned alibi of him and he would take it without a doubt, he wanted to save himself from unnecessary explanations or even the trouble of coming up with something coherent.
-Can I?
He asked him in a barely perceptible voice for the elderly.
-Of course, what's more, the house invites your next order. It is not every day that I have the honor of seeing my best friend still alive with his grandson.
On the wall closest to their new places hung a pair of binoculars, which they did not hesitate to take and observe in more detail the departures from the surfers' beach, apparently, the strokes they made once mounted on their boards to reach the wave were fast.
- Look, June! Over there, to your left. It looks like a tube will form.
-The shape of the wave, observe, is about to happen.
June’s gaze was lost in the way that the power of nature created, despite the fact that he visited beaches every vacation period, he had never had the opportunity to see something like this, his heart responded with a harmonic beating almost like a melody, he could not help feeling the adrenaline rush as soon as the first surfer went down the tide, fully entering the saltwater tunnel; for moments he seemed to have been devoured by the sea, a short time later he saw him come out further, where the wave met another and both vanished in a whirlwind. The rest of the show was more enjoyable for June, he was able to be relaxed and although he wasn't the best conversationalist he was able to feel integrated into the group, which later ended up including Nikki; she even proposed to teach him to surf, a nervous smile was his only response. Without noticing it, a familiar emotion flooded his heart, one that he believed he could never have again and he did not know exactly what to attribute it to; the fact of being in the company of pleasant people; valerian tea that had relaxing properties; the scent of pumpkin pie; the beauty of the rough sea together with the courage of those who ventured to challenge the waves of it; or all together. Spinning around was useless, just for that day he let it go without thinking too much.
At the end of the event, people began to disperse from the beach to direct the flow back to the small city, with this, several places were filled and Halfview was no exception, that was their signal to return home.
Leaving behind the increasing noise, the road was lonely, calm, a little dark but relaxing, like coming back after a good party. June felt his body a little lighter, as if he were floating in the middle of a lake.
-Everything alright? I hope you didn't feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed by my friend's effusiveness.
He had just kicked a small stone off the road, his grandfather's voice was always a nice sound to break the silences.
-No, not at all. Everything’s fine. I believe that…
An icy wind made them tremble, Dylan barely flinched, unlike June who shook a little more, it was then that he realized that something was missing around his neck.
-Oh no. I forgot my scarf in the cafeteria.
-Want to go back?
-No, it 's fine. I know the way back, I'll go quick, you go ahead grandpa.
-You sure?
He nodded and hugged him.
-Pretty sure I can do this on my own. When I return we can have hot chocolate.
At a slow pace he walked the same path regardless of the lack of public lighting, something June was good at was memorizing paths like he was blindfolded, so he was able to return to the cafeteria where people were gathering in groups. Nikki waited tables without noticing his presence, just like Connor; he didn't want to bother them so he discreetly approached the corner where he was. He did not expect to find a single person making use of the space, a strange feeling turned his guts as he walked as safely as possible towards the client.
-Um… Excuse me.
Any other words it was about to leave his lips were drowned out when June's eyes met the other boy's, a look so deep it made her dizzy.
-Can I help you?
And the initial thought faded, the voice, June could swear he knew that voice.
-You... Were you looking for me?
He thought aloud. The boy raised an eyebrow with an expression between amusement and confusion. June immediately stuttered like he hadn't done in a long time.
-No, I was, that doesn’t…
-It seems more like you're looking for me.
-Oh, got it. So this is yours.
From one end of the seat he took the neatly folded red scarf.
-It's handmade, pay more attention next time.
June took it in his hands, nodded his thanks, and turned to leave.
"Nice to see you again, June."
He looked back quickly, the boy was just watching him with a hidden smile, it didn't take a genius to come to the conclusion, he was the voice in his head.