
Death concept could be interpreted as the moment when a meeting ends and go out into the void of the night, feeling the warmth disappear, exposing yourself to a space without people; an empty street that you walked down until you got home. By the time you remembered who you talked with for a few hours, nostalgia made you smile or twist his mouth. And then nothing mattered anymore.

The enveloping and dense darkness was like a comfy bed where he rested so light and so calm that nothing could disturb the moment, the cold that penetrated his body initially dissolved and only left a moist trail at room temperature. Everything was dark, he still had his eyes closed, wondering if opening them would make a difference, if he would see any trace of light. His eyelids trembled, the idea that he couldn't even see his hands was terrifying, and yet the reality was different. A delicate veil of light covered him, like a protective barrier that gave him vision of himself.