As soon as the judge gave the next hearing date, I was happy to get time to collect something else that would prove Jack's innocence. Just then as the judge went out our eyes met each other. The look of hate we passed was something that we both have thought of. Just then Darvis came towards me.
DARVIS: I won't let you win. This time you pass next time it will surely be the end.
ME: Don't think that you are the only person who knows how to fight the case. Don't have so much over confidence in yourself. And don't believe your dearest friend Arnold so much. That you can't see what is the truth and what is the wrong thing. Better you get that, and say your friend a hello from me.
DARVIS: You have to loose, cause he is a criminal he is...
ME: (interrupts) He is not a criminal and note he is declared to be guilty. So better watch your mouth and go. We will see who wins later, it's better if you go.
Just then faced towards Jack. "I couldn't do anything much but I will surely collect evidences" I said. "It's okay, what you did in this much time was something that no one would have expected" Jake said.
I just felt good cause these lines made me satisfied that I did good and my try was something which can be praised. I said that I will meet him today after getting some works done. Just then the cops put handcuffs on his hand and took him and Tia tapped me on my shoulder and stayed there with me till the time he didn't went out of the court room.
As he went out I planned out where we need to go for collecting the evidence. I said Tia for going to Jake's friend house and collect the surveillance footage and to take a oder from the cop so they don't interrupt un between and get his friends phone number who have been there. So we can call them to get their statements. Within that time I will get to Jack's house to find any proof and then I have to go for surveillance footage and call records of Jake from which I can find where was he during the time of the incident, okay.
Do that and then call me. But firstly inform Wayne.
We went in different ways where I found a cop who assisted me during the investigation in Jake's house and gave the gloves for both hands and shoes. I tried to find any other thing that could have been used for killing Jake, cause if a person stab a person he or she should have screamed or try to save her own. Then why did Kate didn't do anything to save herself. This can only happen when someone tries to kill themselves basically I mean suicide. But then why should she kill herself? Why does she have any issue or was she going through depression. I was clicking pictures for further analysis that I can do once I reach office. While clicking pictures I saw that Bob was calling and the notification popped up. I couldn't receive the call then, cause that will be a disturbance.
I went to Kate's room to find something that it can proof that it is a suicide. If she was getting treated so may be i can get a prescription or any prescribed medicine. While searching I got a medicine box with one medicine that struck my eyes was the SSRI which when I googled I get to know it was an antidepressant. This anti depressant needs doctors prescription, so I couldn't get any prescription nor there was any trace of any medicine intake in the atoupsy. Then, if I need to know that from where she buyed cause they should be having the prescription copy. As I took the medicine and put it in the evidence bag and while closing I searched for the invoice of this, but i couldn't get it. While moving out I saw a dustbin, it was clean. It became difficult task for me to get the place from which it was brought.
I didn't had that much time cause I needed to meet Jack and it was already noon. After coming out I went to the car and rang Bob cause he was calling continuously and it was already 7 missed calls. That was something that will put anyone in tention so was I.
I called him he just busted out on me. It was like two cats quarreling and we were doing that. When he stopped I also busted out but not quarreling but I said him to get the call records of Jack. As I finished he said that I won't need it after I see something. I was very happy that I got something good that will prove his innocence and just it will be the next hearing and then finish of this case.
I was so happy. When he asked me where was I? I was talking to him while driving. Of course it was on speaker and taking the traffic rules carefully. He said me to stop the car and get to on a side of a road and calmly go through it. He sended me the file and I had myself to the side of the road. He hung up the call.
I started reading it. Where I got something seeing that my heartbeat fell. I didn't think about it.
BOB P. O. V.
While going through the case of Jake and was collecting the information about him. As my lady boss instructed. Bella, she always be the boss, and the nicest person. But she is not like those boss who are grumpy and always playing tricks to take the peace away from the person working under him. She really loves everyone and tries to be good with everyone, no matter what but one drawback that she has is anger, ya but she never gets angry on anything that serious except one that is lie. She never liked, and her anger when she hears a lie will make anyone me too terrified. Once I also got targeted of her anger but I will say it some other day.
Now this the case, I was finding sone things about Jake Donfort. When I got a file, but it was highly protected, but I was able to breach through it. While going through it, I seriously got tensed of the outcome now. As I said that she become angry on lie and a lie that was going to come to her, once I send it to her. But I don't have any other choice other than to give it to her because it may be lead to a wrong decision, may be Jake have killed her. If he gets out, if he have done this crime then I would be responsible.
I called Bella , but she didn't take te call. And it was the 8 th time when I was going to call her. When I got a call from her. Obviously I was angry cause she was not picking up the call and if she was busy also she should have pinged me. Cause the situation of Arnold makes me worried mote for her, cause she like my little sister, my friend, my family. I started quarreling with her, once I was done with all my ebullition, she spoke up she was saying me to take put Jake's phone record when I was thinking that once she knows the this she won't ask for phone record only.
I sent her the information, now the thing was to wait what she says or what she does. After seeing this.