Chapter One Three Years Ago

Three years ago.

"Hurry up Carly you are gonna be late." Yelled a voice from downstairs.

"Coming mum." I yelled back as I hurriedly wore my shoes ,I quickly grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs to my mum who was already waiting at the door with her hands on her hips and a frown on her face.

"What have you been doing since?" She asked folding her hands on her bosom.

"Dressing mum." I replied grabbing some pancakes on the table with my mum giving me the side eyes.

"Hurry up, you're always liked this every morning"she yelled her frown more deeper.

"Stop rushing me." I replied chewing the pancakes and gulping down the juice that i also got from the table.

"What is going on here? "asked a man dressed in a white button up shirt and a black jean trouser .

"Daddd." I yelled happily running to him.

"Hello pumpkin." he replied with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his blue eyes as he hugged me tightly.

"I have missed you." I said hugging him.

"You just saw me last night,and you're still missing me?" He asked with a playful smirk on his face.

"You know you are the best dad in the world." I replied looking at him.

"Why won't he be the best dad when he pampers you." Retorted mum.

"Dad.... mum is at it again." I yelled disentangling from the hug.

"Don't mind your mother." He replied looking at his wife with a grin on his face.

" Sometimes i asked myself if i am the wife or she is the wife." Muttered mum pointing at me.

"Oh come on my darling. " Replied dad walking over to his wife"you're my Mrs Hernandez,my lovely wife" replied Mr Hernandez drawing his wife closer.

"Oh Mr Hernandez." Swooned Mrs Hernandez tightly hugging her husband.

"Puked." I replied rolling my eyes. "When you're through with your love meet me outside." I yelled running out of the house and shutting the door behind me when I heard kissing noises.

I hurried over to the passenger seat of a neat BMW shutting the door behind me I then plugged in my earpiece listening to 'Hurricane' by Scorpion on my pad.

Here I am

Rock you like a hurricane

I yelled singing along to the music blasting in on my ear piece as I waited for my Dad.

The car door suddenly swung open revealing my Dad as he hopped into the driver's seat.

"Seatbelt Pumpkin." He said motioning towards me.

I quickly drag the seatbelt sideways pinning it,then relaxed back into my seat with my eyes closed as I listened to my music. After making sure that I had carefully worn my seatbelt,he then ignited the car driving off.

"Pumpkin....we are here." Dad whispered with a gentle tap on my shoulder.

I slowly opened my eyes to see my Dad looking at me.

"We are here." He said more clearly than the last.I unlocked my ipad pressing pause on my music list.

"Bye Dad." I said pecking him on his cheek, grabbed my bag and quickly got down from the car running towards my friends who were already waiting for me at the school gate.

Am sure you're all wondering the name of my school and who I am? well my name is Carmen Sophi Hernandez or Carly for short the youngest daughter to Mr and Mrs Hernandez I have a senior sister named Charlotte Gracie Hernandez and a younger brother called Fernando Carter Hernandez we are the Hernandez Family the third richest family in the world, my dad owns the Hernandez inc a company currently run by both my Dad and Charlotte which was why she was never at home , Charlotte was a work freak ,and my six year old brother Fernando or Fredi for short goes to the most prestigious grade school ever made, according to my dad "to prepare him take over the Hernandez inc" said my dad with a proud smirk on his face when I asked him "why?".

And me? I go to the most popularly sorted out high school "Everton Prestige College" right here in New york a school for the children of rich men ,some of who makes high end expensive cars or owns the highest skyscraper building.

I ran towards my friends which consist of two girls namely Zina and Tiana ,and a boy named Zack. Zina was around my height which was five feet two with long dark hair and grey eyes and was putting on a knee length blue jean skirt and a plain black top with her designer bag loosely hanging on her shoulder,Tiana looks match with her attitude ,she wore a tight fiery gown reaching just above her knees though she was the tallest of us girls with a height of five foot six, her Ginger hair tie in a bun she stood there with her hands on her waist as she popped a gum, i smiled at her then turn toward Zack who stood at the height of six foot one with his crop blonde hair and brown like doe eyes,Zack was the definition of cute.

"Let me guess... You woke up late." Remarked Zack with a playful smirk on his face.

"I wouldn't be surprised." Chipped Tiana popping her bubble gum.

" That's our Carly." Said Zina as she flipped her hair.

"Guyyyyyyss." I mutter with a pout on my face. "Not you too."

"Mrs Hernandez must have given her the earful." Said Zina to Tiana.

"You bet you ass she did." Answered Tiana as she laughed.

"Language." I yelled slapping Tiana on her back.

"Ouch." She yelled with a painful expression on her face as she rubbed her back.

"Oh stop that,it wasn't that painful." I muttered.

"It wasn't even painful,it was as if a soft fluffy pillow tapped me." She replied with a grin on her face as the rest laughed.

"Oh don't embarrass our cute sensitive Carly." Said Tiana trying to hold her laughter.

"Stop that you two." Reprimanded Zack ." Fon't mind them." He said looking at me.

"Thank you." I replied smiling at him. " That's why you're my best friend."

"Ohhhhhh." said both Tiana and Zina in a singsong voice.

"Lets go guys or we are gonna be late for class. " Replied Zack already walking into the school building.

"Who is the lecturer?" Asked Zina.

" Mr Gabriel." Replied Tiana in a sad voice.

"Noooo why him." I yelled wiping a fake tears from my eyes.

"Come on ,you wouldn't want Mr Gabriel to make an example of you, would you." Asked Zina as she dragged me into the hall.

"No." I replied as I increase my pace.