Chapter Two

We saw an empty seat at the back and quietly slid right in with me sitting in between Zina and Tiana and Zack sitting at the edge. Suddenly the once noisy hall became airy silent as a man of thirty dressed in an expensive black suit and shinny shoes walked right in with a folder and a briefcase on his left hands as he readjusted his glasses with his right hand walking towards the podium where he kept his folder,he then looked at the hall scanning the faces of his students,his black eyes connected with mine and I quickly looked away.

"Good morning all." His loud voice boomed in on the quiet hall.

"Good morning Sir." came our chorus reply.

"Today we will do both theory and practical,so after this lecture you all moved to the lab." He said as he flip through his notes.

There were some murmurs among the students.

"Why did i come to his class today." I muttered with my head down.

"Oh come on ,it isn't that bad." Replied Zina.

"You're just saying it cause you're smart." Admonish Tiana.

"And so are you all." Replied Zina looking between us.

"But you're smarter." I replied getting a nod from Tiana. "And he hates me." I continued nodding my head towards Mr Gabriel who sent a smirk my way, before facing the class.

"And he has every reason to." Said Zina.

"You should be on my side." I said with a pout on my face.

"No,and that look won't work for me." She replied folding her hands


"Call me what you want , but that's just the truth." she said looking away from me.

"Whatever." I said looking away as well.

"So as i was saying" Yelled Mr Gabriel grabbing our attention. " Based on what we previously talked about,the human body which we all know has the heart,liver, kidney and lungs which are very vital to our health...."

" I have said it before,Mr Gabriel does not know how to lecture." Came a loud voice cutting his sentence as some student laugh loudly while other snicker trying to hold in there laugh,i guess Mr Gabriel heard it cause he then tripped over himself landing with a thud as more laughter filled the hall.

"Quiet." He yelled as he got up from the ground wiping the speck of dirt from his suit as the laughter's grew louder.

"Quiet." Yelled Zina as she stood up from her seat looking round the hall.

"Ohhhh Zina loves Mr Gabriel." Singsong a blond girl as she laugh along with her group.

"Say that one more time Linda." Snarled Zina as she moves towards her.

"What? Don't think i haven't heard you fighting your friends because of him. " Linda jeered not minding that Mr Gabriel was still around.

"And so?" Asked Zina as she grabbed her hair tugging it harshly. "You think because you're rich you're something,well sorry to burst your bubbles but you are nothing." Yelled Zina.

"Calm down Zina." I mutter trying to move her away.

"Back off." she yelled as she shoved me away from her,I tumbled and was about falling down when strong arms wrapped around me.

"Thanks." I said looking back at the guy who helped me,he was quite tall with a strong build and strong physic and most definitely handsome with those sexy misty eyes.

"You're welcome."He replied with a smile. "Name is Lucas." He replied bringing his hand for a shake.

"Carmen." I said shaking his hand

"Miss Hernandez." Mr Gabriel called.

My head shot up in shock "Yes. " I replied as I glance around the hall.

"Back to your seat." He yelled. " If you have not forgotten lecture is still going on."

"What lecture?your class is a mess." I mumbled as I walked over to my seat, though earning a glare from both Mr Gabriel and Zina who was still standing with her hands dragging Linda's hair.

"You should be telling that to Zina and not Carly." Sneered Linda at Mr Gabriel as she tried to free herself from Zina's grasp earning a nod and 'yeahs' from other student.

"Guess they must really be dating." Yelled a guy with a scoff.

"Lecturer my foot." Sneered a girl who wrapped her arms around the guy.

"Okay that's it guys ,lectures over." Mr Gabriel said angrily as he hurriedly grabbed his folder and briefcase leaving the hall as more student joined in mocking him,Zina seeing the scene angrily push Linda walking away as well.

"What was that?" I asked looking at Zina as she brushed past through me.

"Zina being Zina." Replied Tiana." Hey are you okay" asked Tiana worriedly.

"Yeah thanks to Lucas." I replied as my eyes scanned the hall for him.

"He must have left" stated Tiana when she saw me looking around.

"Who wouldn't in this situation? " I asked ." I think it's also time we left as well."

"Yeah you're right i need to go home and offload." Tiana said as she grabbed her bag.

"Zack you coming?" I asked looking at Zack who had on a shock look on his face.

"Hm yeah oh okay." mumbled Zack.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah i am fine just surprised is all." He replied with a smile as we made our way outside the hall and towards Everton Prestige College gate where my dad was already waiting for me in his SUV.

"See you guys." I waved as I ran to where my dad was parked.

"Bye." They yelled back with a wave.

"Hello pumpkin how was school." Mr Hernandez asked as his daughter got closer.

"Its was okay." I replied with a shrug. "But you didn't have to come pick me up,am eighteen Dad." I mumbled looking at him with a pout on my face.

" If you like be twenty,i would still come pick you up,you will always be my Pumpkin." My dad replied as he started the car zooming off.

Today was the happiest day as we gathered round the majestic glittery hall as Mrs Akira made an announcement concerning the resignation of Mr Gabriel as cries of happiness resounded round the hall

"I know some of you are happy,but Mr Ferdinand over here will be taking over." She continued as she looked at the man next to her.after much introduction we were finally dismissed.